Summary: I know this has been done a lot but this is slightly different. House and Cuddy have daughter that they have forgotten. When an orphaned girl comes to PPTH, will that spark a hidden love interest in both of them? How will they take it? How will the daughter take it? And can House figure out his daughter's current illness? Or is the daugther coming back into House's life affecting his skills? The daughter is about thirteen at the moment.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from House M.D. All I own is my characters and the bag of Skittles next to me.

Chapter One: The Troubles of Being A Nobody

Kara sat on the windowsill, watching the cars pass by the orphanage without a second thought. The orphanage wasn't in bad shape like the ones are TV usually show. No graffiti graced the brick walls and the windows were clear free of any smudges. The bright yellow door mat screamed welcome at the door and the door itself was painted a nice, calming azure color. The letters of the address were brand new and the hedges around the building were neatly trimmed. As well as the outside, the inside was clean despite the large number of kids living in the orphanage. The wooden floors were barely scarred with scuffs and the paint was still nice and crisp. Pictures of the children were hung around the orphanage neatly and the tables and fireplaces were dust free. The children's' beds were always neatly made and their personal effects were set aside in a trunk at the end of the beds.

Despite all the cleanliness and order in the orphanage, it was a dilapidated place to live. Ms. Charles always tried to keep a cheerful optimism going on for the little kids but to the older ones, they knew that there was all most no hope in getting adopted or their parents coming back for them. Kara was one of those older kids who had given up. Being an orphan basically meant you were a nonentity in the world. No one was bothered about you being deprived of a normal life, no one wanted you, no one even gave you a single care in the world. Ms. Charles always had errands to do and was hardly at Greenridge Orphanage. The little kids minded their manners as everyone was put to cleaning the orphanage day in and day out, keeping all the state's regulations in check.

But today was going to be a different day. Today was the day that all the kids were going to the clinic to be checked out. Some needed booster shots, other Hepatitis B, and others just needed to be checked up. Greenridge Orphanage hardly ever went anywhere unless the state said they had too. It cost so much to go places and it was such a hassle to keep all the kids in line and such. Kara let out a sigh, swiveling around and stepping back into the room. Her friend, Skyler, walked into the large room, kicking at a random trunk but instantaneously grabbing her foot as the brusque pain came from her big toe.

"I could have told you that was going to happen." Kara said, watching her with interest. Dissimilar to Kara, Skyler was the total opposite. Kara had long brown hair as where Skyler had short flaxen hair. Kara had piercing blue eyes and a death glare while Skyler had soft ocher eyes and never gave out any glares. Kara had olive skin while Skyler was as ashen as a piece of paper. And where Kara was always pessimistic, disagreeable, cynical, and malicious, Skyler would be amiable, susceptible, pleasant, and rueful.

"That's what I get for kicking something." She told her, frowning. It wasn't like her to be kicking something randomly.

"Why did you do it?" Kara asked, also frowning. She suddenly started coughing sadistically.

"Well, you always do it. You say it helps you think. I thought I could try it for once. Are you okay?" Skyler pointed out, shrugging. "Oh, Ms. Charles says we need to go now." She added, staring at her friend as she nodded.

Kara sighed. She loathed doctors. They usually acted so daft and asked the dumbest questions ever. "Didn't she say we were going to an actual hospital then a clinic?" Kara inquired instead, her face portraying one of abhorrence.

"Yeah, I think so. Actually, she said that it's a clinic in a hospital." Skyler answered, shrugging. Suddenly, the annoying shrill voice of Ms. Charles calling for them broke the monotonous silence of the orphanage. "Coming!" Skyler called back, looking at Kara. "You have to go. And you haven't been feeling well at all, remember? Are you sure you're fine? You look a bit...pale."

"Yeah, yeah, I know and I'm fine. That doesn't mean the bonehead will diagnose me or even notice." Kara told her, heading downstairs. Skyler rolled her eyes at her friend's lackadaisical behavior.

"At least we get out of here." She mumbled back, closing the door of the large bedroom.


Kara and Skyler sat quietly in the waiting room, watching all around them as numerous people passed them. Some were nurses, others were doctors, and yet some were other sick people waiting unwearyingly until it was their turn. Skyler held their slip, which had their names written on the paper, the time of the check-up, and the name of their doctor in pencil. Some of the younger orphans were standing at the door of the examine rooms, unsure if they should go in or not and remind their doctor that it was their turn.

Suddenly, two older girls stood in front of Kara and Skyler. "Hey, what doctor do you have?" The oldest, Nicole, asked, curling her long blonde hair around her ear.

Skyler and Kara both exchanged glances of aversion before glancing at their paper. "A Dr. Wilson. Why?" Skyler answered, squinting her eyes to try and read through their yellow slip.

"Can we trade?" She asked instead, not answering their own question.

Kara frowned, the sudden impulse to exchange seemed apprehensive. "Not until you tell us why and who you have." Kara stated blatantly, grabbing on to Skyler's wrists as she started to obey.

"We have this guy named Dr. House. We overheard him in his room and he seemed like a big jerk. So we were wondering if you wanted to have him instead. I mean, he might be a challenge for you, Kara, since we know you love people who talk back." Nicole elucidated, referring to the incident that had happened just a few days ago. A couple had come to the orphanage to adopt but Kara distressed them so much that they left without even seeing all the children. Kara had been severely punished but Kara didn't care.

They could seem something spark in Kara's blue eyes as a slow smirk graced her lips. "All right. Now, where's a pencil?" She said, putting both slips on the table next to them. She was the best at forging names and such. Nicole took one out of her purse, smiling at Kara, who took it and began to erase, her tongue slightly clenched between both sets of her teeth.

Kara finished just in the nick of time. "Appointment one fifteen to Dr. House's exam room, please." The nurse called vociferously, causing several of the orphans to glance down at their papers. Kara stood up, followed by Skyler.

"Here goes nothing." Kara muttered as they headed to the examine room. The other two kids virtually ran out of the room, looking as if they might cry. Kara coughed, clearing her throat afterwards. She pushed open the door, getting a good glimpse of the back side of the doctor. From what she could tell, he was wearing a black blazer and jeans. A cane sat upright against the counter. Skyler came in after her, looking at Kara. "You go first." Kara whispered, pointing to the bed. Skyler nodded and plopped herself on the bed, causing the doctor to turn.

He was frowning deeply, it reaching all the way to his forehead. Kara held out the slip to Dr. House. He stared at Skyler for a moment before turning his glare on Kara. His eyes were quite startling, almost reminding Kara of hers. She glared at him back. "You'll have to go to Dr. Wilson. I'm done." He finally said, grabbing his cane and starting to limp towards the door. He stopped when Kara didn't move.

"But we have an appointment with you." Kara told him, being to frown. Skyler slowly slipped off the bed, looking up at the doctor. He was exceedingly tall, maybe around the six foot area.

"Good for you." House snapped back, going around Kara and opening the door. Kara and Skyler exchanged glances. Kara headed after the doctor. No wonder she hated doctors so much. They were always so egotistical. Thinking of no one but themselves. Kara might have been a nobody, but she did have her rights and she knew that.

"We have to be checked out or we might be shipped off into other orphanages." Kara said callously. A nurse happened to over hear and began to head the opposite direction, evidently looking for someone.

"To bad I don't care." House told her behind his shoulder, glancing back to see the girl. She seemed somewhat familiar. Her attitude seemed almost like his.

"Kara, maybe we should just wait." Skyler said inaudibly, grabbing Kara's arm. Kara glanced at Skyler, seeing the nurse from before coming back with someone following. It was woman in a business suit with black hair and blue eyes. She seemed a bit livid.

"No. You're doing the check up whether you like it or not." Kara told him, ripping her arm from Skyler.

He scoffed at her statement. "That's funny." He mentioned to her, hearing the distinct sound of heels clicking the floor. His pace quickened. "And how exactly would you do that?" He added.

Kara grinned maliciously. "Like this!" She shouted, running after him and kicked. Her foot made perfect contact with Dr. House's cane. The cane flew out of House's hands and he fell forward, landing face first on the floor. The cane flew across the hallway and landed at the very end, near the elevators. Kara heard several gasps beside her. One of them for sure was Skyler's and the other was almost certainly Ms. Charles. She always seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The woman that was following the nurse unexpectedly ran up to Dr. House, reaching down. The nurse came on the other side and together they helped him up with a lot of complexity. A hand came around Kara and pulled her back right into Ms. Charles. "Kara!" She exclaimed in dismay. Tidbits of laughter rippled through the room as the other orphans began to apprehend what exactly just happened. "Just what exactly have you gotten yourself into this time." She said, now anxious. Kara just rolled her eyes. The man deserved what was coming. If no one stood up to him, he would keep acting like that self pompous ass. As they turned Dr. House around, he was glaring coldly at Kara as she was him. The lady, Dr. Cuddy as her name tag read, glanced down the hall. His cane was way down there. The nurse, as if reading Dr. Cuddy's mind, went to go fetch it. Dr. Cuddy stared at Kara and then House. Their current behavior seemed almost identical to each other. She frowned and looked up at the woman who came to Kara's rescue.

Alright, there it is. Is it Good? Bad? Should I continue or not? This is my first House story so please be nice! I love the three C's: Comment, Compliment, and Criticism. I'll update as soon as I can, but first that requires some reviews now, doesn't it?