Chapter 4


The two of them walked to the Montez's place, chatting along the way.

"What's gonna happen to Uncle Ken?" Isabella suddenly asked as Troy did a small pause.
"Nothing. I'm gonna be the driver and pretend nothing happened." Troy said silently while his daughter just gawked at him in surprise.

End of Recap

"Dad what do you mean pretend nothing happened???!! I just found out the missing half of my life and I'm suppose to pretend it never happened?!" Isabella practically yelled.

"I really don't want to ruin everything for Ken. He really looks like a good father figure for you and Trevor." Troy continued, not once looking at Isabella's eyes.

"I don't need a father figure because I have a father!! And that's you!" Isabella exclaimed, angry at his dad's attitude at the moment.

"Did you know that whenever I see mom with Ken, I always dreamed that my real father will suddenly appear so I don't need to see the hurt in my mom's eyes. She loves you dad. I can tell. That's why I was so confused that mom still refused Uncle Ken. She's still in love with you! Don't you love her?!" Isabella questioned.

"I would die for your mom Isabella!" Troy answered.

"But you're nowhere near doing that risk dad! If you would die for mom, then why not risk the truth to get her back!" Isabella scolded her dad.

"I don't know Isabella." Troy concluded.


"Mom what am I gonna do the next time I see Troy a.k.a. my dad? I said such rude stuff to him!" Trevor told his mother.

"You'll be fine. Troy will forgive you." Gabriella reassured her son.

"Does Bella know?" Trevor asked.

"I don't think so. Where is she anyway?" Gabriella suddenly wondered. Before any of them could make a move, the front door opened and Isabella appeared and right after her was Troy, staring at his feet.

"Where have you guys been?" Gabriella asked, rushing over to them. Trevor on the other hand didn't look up to see Troy's eyes. He too, was staring at his feet. Isabella was quiet the whole time and Gabriella was just watching the other three as they kept quiet and bow their heads.

"Isabella can I talk to you for a second?" Gabriella asked but she didn't wait for an answer for she dragged Isabella out of the room already.


"So…" Troy started lamely as he stuffed his hands in his pocket.

"I'm sorry." Trevor got to the point.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to say all those things to you. It just slipped. I'm sorry." Trevor apologised desperately.

"Its alright little buddy." Troy smiled.

The next thing that Trevor did caught Troy completely off guard. Trevor ran to Troy and wrapped his arms around him and cried.

"I'm sorry… Dad." He mumbled as Troy's eyes widened.

"Wh-- What did you say?" Troy managed to get out.

"I didn't mean to say those things to you. Please forgive me dad." Trevor said as he tightened his grip on Troy.

"I forgive you. But, how did you find out?" Troy asked as they sat on the couch.

"I went in my mom's room and I saw a photo album on her bed so I looked through it. Then I saw pictures of you and I figured out that you're my father." Trevor confessed.

"Why didn't you want to tell us dad? Why do me and Isabella have to go through the pain of not knowing anything about our dad? Let alone know how he really looked like." Trevor stated.

"I don't want you to have a father that lived almost half his life in jail." Troy admitted.

"Its better than having none at all." Trevor exclaimed.

"You wanted to have a father right. You do have one, Ken." Troy said stubbornly.

"Uncle Ken is not my father!" Trevor stood up, couldn't believe how his was acting.

"What do you want me to do then?? Just come back and forget everything?! I didn't even have the face to tell you that I'm your father! You guys are happy with Ken now and I have no complains!" Troy said as he stood up as well.

"What the hell am I suppose to do Trevor?" Troy asked softly.

Before Trevor could reply, the doorbell rang. Isabella who was actually listening to sighed and walked to the front door.

"Oh hi Uncle Ken." Isabella tried to sound cheerful.

"Hey Isabella. Where's everyone?" Ken asked, showing the biggest grin Isabella had ever seen.

"In the lounge room." Isabella said as they both walked to the room.

"Hi Ken!" Gabriella greeted.

"Hello everyone." Ken said giving Gabriella a kiss on the cheek.

For a few minutes, everyone just talked as if nothing happened. They really didn't want to tell Ken about Troy just yet.

"I'll cut to the chase now Gabi." Ken suddenly said as he stood up nervously and kneeled right in front of Gabriella.

"Oh my gosh!" Gabriella explained in shock. Her eyes quickly darted to Troy who's eyes were full of pain,regret and sorrow. The twin's on the other hand had their mouths hanging open.

"Gabriella, will you do me the honour of becoming your husband?" Ken asked nervously but still had a smile on his face.

Troy couldn't take it anymore. He never wanted to see another guy propose to the woman he loved the most right in front of him.

"I need to go." Troy quickly stood up and ran outside.

"Dad!" The twins called out but Troy was already out the door.


"What's going on?" Ken asked in complete confusion.

"Why did you guys call him dad?" Ken asked as he stood up.

"Ken I have a confession to make." Gabriella started.

"Alex is Troy Bolton. My dad, Uncle Ken." Trevor explained for his mother.

"What?! Why didn't you say anything?!" Ken exclaimed in shock.

"We're sorry Uncle Ken. Its not mom's fault." Isabella defended.

"Is that why you don't want to marry me? Because you're still in love with Troy?" Ken asked softly. All Gabriella did was nod in response. She felt so guilty.

"I must admit that came a real shock to me." Ken admitted, falling back on the couch.

"What are we gonna do now?" Gabriella asked no one in particular.

"You guys have a family member to chase. Run." Ken smiled sadly.

"Thank you so much Uncle Ken!" The twins smiled and wrapped their arms around Ken before dashing to the door and running after their father.

"Ken I'm really sorry." Gabriella said.

"I still love you Gabriella but you're meant to be with Troy." Ken smiled as he kissed her on the cheek on last time.


"Why is this happening to me? Why does my life have to fall apart right in front of my eyes?!" Troy thought angrily as he sped up to East High. He really didn't know where he was going but his feet was taking him there. It was already dark and the next thing he knew, he was at the rooftop at East High. His and Gabriella's secret spot.

"Why can't I just go back to high school?" Troy mumbled.

"Because you have a family now." A voice said from behind him.

"Gabriella?" Troy said as he turned around, seeing the love of his life standing there with a smile.

"Hey." Gabriella mumbled and walked over to Troy.

"How'd you know I'm here?" Troy questioned.

"The twins followed you and saw you come here. They told me to talk to you that's why they didn't barge in or anything." Gabriella giggled.

"Sorry about walking out before." Troy said softly.

"Its fine Troy. I would've done the same thing with an extra punch if I were you." Gabriella giggled as Troy chuckled a little.

"Well, umm.. Ken proposed right and umm.. You I just want to at least know.. Umm.." Troy stuttered.

"If I said yes?" Gabriella said softly.

"Umm.. Did you?" Troy asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. Gabriella didn't say anything for a while and just leaned on the railing beside Troy.

"Well, I still have my man out there. I'm just waiting for him to come back and take me back and our two adorable twins." Gabriella smiled and grabbed Troy's hand.

"I should talk to your man and tell him your message." Troy smiled as he tightened his grip on Gabriella and pulled her onto him, wrapping his arms tightly around him.

"Come back home Troy." Gabriella whispered as Troy nodded.

"I will." Troy whispered back as they stared at each other's eyes. They both leaned in and finally, their lips met. After a few seconds, they pulled apart but stayed in each other's eyes.

"I thought girls want to be free. I thought you're really gonna go. Turns out its not true." Troy said as Gabriella giggled softly.

I am telling you

I'm not going

You're the best man I'll ever know

There's no way I can ever go

No, no, there's no way

No, no, no, no way I'm living without you

I'm not living without you

I don't wanna be free

I'm staying

I'm staying

Gabriella sang softly as Troy smiled.

"Dreamgirls huh?" Troy suddenly asked.

"You've seen it?" Gabriella laughed as Troy just blushed in embarrassment.

"I still remember high school. I never had the chance to dance with you in the homecoming so I took you out here and asked you to dance." Troy chuckled at the memory.

"Yeah I was a little bummed that we didn't get to dance." Gabriella giggled.

"People always stopped us from dancing huh? I remember on the new years eve when we first met, I was gonna ask you to dance but the guy came up and started talking to us. I was so angry that time." Troy said.

"Ask you something. What did you think of me when you saw me on that stage?" Gabriella suddenly questioned.

"That's easy." Troy started as he tightened his grip on Gabriella's waist while Gabriella just wrapped his arms around his neck. Troy started humming and they started swaying to the melody Troy was singing.

When I first saw you
I said "O My"
That's my dream, that's my dream
O, I needed a dream when it all seemed to go bad
Then I find you
And I have had the most beautiful dreams any man's ever had

Gabriella giggled for she recognised the song. It was the song from Dreamgirls. She smiled widely and started singing.

When I first saw you
I said "O My"
That's my dream, that's my dream
I needed a dream to make me strong
You were the only reason I had to go on

You were my dream
All the things that I'll never knew
You were my dream
Who could believe they would ever come true
And who would believe
The world would believe
In my dreams too

Before you appeared
My life was only a game
And day in
And day out
Were the same Oh

Now dreams

The dreams

Coming true

Coming true

Like a star

Like a star

See it shine

A dream
That is yours
That is yours
That is mine
That is mine
You were my dream
Now I've got dreams of my own
All the things I could never be
Dreams you've never known
You won't take my dream from me

When I first saw you Oh
I said "O My"
I said "O My"

That's my dream

They finished the song in a perfect harmony. They suddenly heard clapping so they turned to their sides and saw the twin smiling widely.

"That was amazing!!!" Isabella exclaimed.

"Oh thanks guys." Troy smiled as the twin ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh I don't get a hug?!" Gabriella feigned hurt.

"You're such a whinger mom!!" Trevor stated but still threw his other arm around his mother. They all did a family hug with huge smiles on their faces.

"I love you mom and dad!" Isabella and Trevor said exactly the same time, making them all burst into laughter.

"We love you too!" Troy and Gabriella said in unison.

"So are you coming home dad?" Isabella questioned.

"I am home." Troy answered as Gabriella smiled.

Troy, Gabriella, Trevor and Isabella were walking back home. Troy and Gabriella were holding hands as they walked through the footpath.

"We're one big happy family again!" Isabella said happily as she stared at the dark sky full of stars.

"That is so cheesy Bella." Trevor laughed, staring at the full moon above them.

"Whatever." Isabella said.

"I'm so glad you're back Troy!" Gabriella said as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm glad I'm back too." Troy answered, kissing Gabriella's head.

"By the way, someone got promoted today!" Isabella said as the adults stared at her in confusion.

"Our new driver is promoted. He's gonna be the man of the house now!" Trevor stated as Troy laughed.

"Who said he's gonna be the man of the house??" Gabriella said, raising her eyebrow at her husband and kids.

"We did!" Trevor and Isabella exclaimed and gave each other high fives.

"I have some crazy kids. They probably got that from their father!" Gabriella shouted and quickly got out of Troy's grip and ran.

"Oh you did not just say that Mrs Bolton!" Troy exclaimed with a smile as he started chasing Gabriella. He finally caught up with her and started tickling her.

"I give up Troy! Stop!" Gabriella begged.

"Sorry, no can do! I'm having too much fun! Nothing can stop me now --" Troy stated but before he could continue his sentence, Gabriella's lips cut him off.

"Except that." Troy finished as Gabriella giggled.

"You know Trevor, I just figured out something today." Isabella said to her twin.

"What?" Trevor asked.

"That we have the craziest parents ever!!" Isabella exclaimed.

"You got that right!" Trevor laughed and the next thing they knew, they've been tackled to the ground.

The whole family was lying on the grass and just staring at the sky.

"Life became perfect after someone came back." Gabriella said softly.

"And who might that be?" Troy asked with a huge smile.

"Our new driver!"


That's the end of it! I told you this is only a short story. I hope you like this last chapter! I'm sorry I didn't update for long! I had exams so I needed to study. The songs in this chapter are 'I am telling you I'm not going' and 'When I first saw you' by Jamie Foxx and Beyonce. The songs are from 'Dreamgirls'. Please review.