Hooray! My first Tsubasa fanfic. It's something that's been stewing in my imagination since I first got into this series and I think it's...well...not creative, necessarily, but fun. I enjoy making up worlds and people...but mostly the powers in different worlds (and dear Kuro-puu's nicknames)! As a note, "kouta" technically translates to "ballad" in Japanese. However, I took the words "kokoro", which means "heart", and "uta", which means "song", to create the meaning "the Song of One's Heart."

This bit of fanfiction takes place just after Chapitre 69 of the manga, so if you haven't read that far, uh...go read it or don't read this. or something. I think. Anyway, the gang has arrived in a new world where magic and music create a very interesting combination. Not to mention a conceited King with his equally conceited son, a missing Prince and a creature banished to a tower for five hundred years. And what's this? I dare to make a pairing so bizarre as a KuroxOCxFai threesome? Blasphemy! But delicious blasphemy, you must admit. Add in a side of SyaoSaku and Mokona just being Mokona and I think you've got something...mildly interesting.

So please read and review! I would appreciate it very much.

The Silent Sentinel

Memory I: In the Land of Lullabies

"Do you sense anything, Mokona?" Syaoran asked, frowning slightly.

"Hmm...Mokona does, but it's really faint. And...Mokona senses two somethings!" Mokona said, waving his arms around.

"T-Two?" Syaoran said, looking confused.

"Ooooooooooooh, two feathers? This is very good! Ne, Syaoran-kun?" Fai said, leaning over excitedly.

"How fortunate that there are two feathers in one world. How do you suppose it happened?" Sakura asked, petting Mokona fondly.

"Dunno. Don't care. Let's just find them and get out of here...this place is creepy," Kurogane said gruffly.

Wherever they were, they didn't yet know, but all around them were faint whispers of music and smiling faces. It was a land of strong and ancient magic, that was something any of them could sense. It was woven into the music. Just listening to it made you feel content, peaceful and at ease. It was...soothing. Fai considered all this and tilted his head to the side, a finger tapping his chin contemplatively.

"I think it's rather nice, Kuro-puu," Fai said with a bright smile.

"Very nice, Kuro-puu!" Mokona added.

"Of course you would think that, baka!" Kurogane grumbled. "And don't call me that!"

"Kuro-puu is mad!" Fai and Mokona chorused.

"I'll kill you!" Kurogane roared.


The ninja chased the mage and the small white creature in circles around the square, drawing stares from all manner of people in their vending stalls. Syaoran laughed nervously as Sakura cheered Fai and Mokona on. The young boy looked up at the sky. It was a mix of orange and purple hues, a few stars already twinkling in the distance. They wouldn't get anything accomplished tonight...but that presented the matter of someplace to stay for the night. He winced when a loud crash interrupted his thoughts. He looked to see Kurogane laying under countless numbers of a strange pink fruit, Fai perched on the roof of a nearby stall, not even bothering to suppress his mirth.

"K-Kurogane-san..." Syaoran sighed.

Sakura was already helping the owner, a young girl just a little older than them, pick up the fruit. Scratching his head, Syaoran wandered over as well.

"I'm very sorry, miss, um...I would pay for it, but, we're foreigners, you see, and...well, we're a little short on funds. But we'd be happy too work to pay of for the damages to your, um..."

He paused to look at one of the strange pink fruits in his hand. It had a spiky, hard outer shell with a red leaf at the stem. It looked like nothing he'd seen before and couldn't even begin to put a name to it. He looked back to the girl.

"...fruit," he finished lamely.

"That's quite alright. There's no harm, they've got hard shells here, see?" the girl said, tapping it against her stand. "My name is Hana, who are you?"

"My name is Sakura," Sakura began in a friendly manner. "This is Syaoran-kun, Fai-san, Kurogane-san, and Mokona."

Fai and Kurogane, who had by now begun to help as well, acknowledged their names and each gave a response...granted, Kurogane's was less than enthusiastic. Hana giggled in a good natured manner, her green eyes mirthful. She brushed her long, fiery red hair to the side, straightening up.

"You said you were travellers...you mustn't have a place to stay. My home is plenty big enough if you would like to stay," Hana said.

"Really? Oh, but we couldn't impose," Fai said with a big smile.

"Not at all. Since my brothers left for war, it is far too large and empty for me alone. It will be nice to have company," Hana replied.

"Thank you very much, Hana-san," Sakura said, smiling in that innocent way that only she could.

After helping her close shop for the evening, the five followed Hana through the town to her home. It was spacious, just as she'd said, and clean at that. To Sakura's delight, there was even a small garden in the back yard. After settling in, Fai politely coaxed Hana into letting him prepare dinner that night, as he felt it rude otherwise. Hana, Syaoran, Sakura and Mokona sat in the dining room waiting while Fai cooked and Kurogane wandered off to the back yard, mumbling something about how he hated when the mage cooked sweet things.

"And you are looking for Sakura-chan's feathers...which are pieces of her heart...her memories?" Hana asked, emerald eyes curious.

"Yes. We've come here because Mokona sensed one...two, rather," Syaoran explained.

"Mokona is good at finding the feathers. When he senses one close by, his eyes go "Menkyo!", like that!" Mokona said excitedly.

"Mokona is very good at finding them," Sakura cooed, squeezing the white creature close.

"I hope you find them. I'll help where I can, if you like," Hana offered.

"Oh, no, that's too kind of you. Just allowing us to stay is already too much," Syaoran said, holding his hands up modestly.

"Well...just tell me if I can do something. It gets fairly boring around here," Hana said with a sigh, leaning on one elbow.

"What is the name of this country, by the way?" Sakura asked, petting Mokona.

"This is the country of Melodia. You'll find the name rather appropriate, considering all the music," Hana said.

"About that...why all the music? I mean, it's very enjoyable, but I don't think I've ever heard so much," Syaoran commented.

"Well, in our land, music is a form of magic. Each person can create magic by singing or playing an instrument, and although each person may sing or play many songs, they each have one song that is specific only to them...their Kouta. The Song of their Heart," Hana explained.

"They must sound lovely," Sakura said warmly.

"Yes, depending on the person. Kouta reflects who a person is, what kind of heart they have. If the person is cruel, the Kouta is sharp and off-tune, where-as a person who is kind will have a Kouta that is soft and melodious," Hana said. "Every Kouta has different capabilities. It all depends on the person."

"Does Mokona have a Kouta?" Mokona asked.

"You all do," Hana said with a smile. "You just have to find it."

"Mokona will find it and sing it for everyone!" Mokona replied, ears wiggling happily.

"Dinner's ready!" Fai called, poking his head through the kitchen door briefly.

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"Uwah, Fai-san is such an excellent cook!" Hana marvelled, after they'd finished.

"If only everyone thought so," Fai lamented, throwing a mock-pout in Kurogane's direction.

The ninja snorted. "I ate it, didn't I?"

"You make it sound like it was gross," Syaoran said, nibbling idly on a slice of fruit.

"It was. I don't know how you people manage to force down something so obscenely sweet," Kurogane replied.

"Waaah, Kuro-tan is so mean!" Fai cried.

"Kuro-meany made Fai-mommy cry!" Mokona teased, hopping up and down in Sakura's lap.

Hana laughed at their antics, watching as Kurogane seized Mokona and began to stretch the creature's cheeks ruthlessly, Sakura attempting to reclaim Mokona. Such a strange bunch! But they were all very nice, and it was good to have that kind of noise back in her home. It had been, what now...three? Four years since her brothers had been away? The war was lasting such a long while. Although she continued to receive letters, she wondered if they would ever be coming home.

He musings were interupted by the sight of Fai, staring blankly out the open window. His sapphire blue eyes seemed glassy and out of focus, his playful demeanor having vanished. Looking to Sakura, she noticed the same thing.

"Is everything alright?" Hana asked.

Fai blinked several times, looking back to the group. He grinned widely, scratching the back of his head.

"Sorry! It's just that music," Fai said, pointing out the window.

Hana, Syaoran, Kurogane and Mokona all looked out the window, listening intently. All the music of the people had ceased, and a solitary flute's notes drifted over the entire village. Mokona's ears perked up slightly.

"It's such lonely music," Sakura commented, looking upset.

"I'd imagine it would sound very lonely," Hana replied.

"Why is it that there's only one song now when there were so many songs before?" Syaoran asked, wondering if it had anything to do with the country's history.

"Er, it's a really long story, so..." Hana said, sweat-dropping slightly.

"Mokona wants a bed time story!" Mokona hooted, curling up in Fai's lap.

"Well, alright, but it's not much of a bed time story," Hana said. "That music is coming from that tower at the far end of town, nearest the King's castle."

The group looked out the window in the direction she'd indicated. Indeed, next to the castle there was a dilapidated, spiraling tower, reaching higher than anything else in the town. It looked time worn, far older than the rest of the town.

"Many years ago, when the gods still visited and interacted with the people here, a strange egg was found. It was said that the shell was made of the earth of many worlds and the being inside contained great and strange power. The egg was nurtured and eventually hatched, producing what looked like a human, but in spirit was truly a monster. For almost twenty-years, the being was welcome in both heaven and earth, and it grew to become a great mage and warrior," Hana explained.

"Then what happened?" Mokona asked eagerly, wriggling slightly in Fai's arms.

"Well, the being showed it's true nature and committed an unspeakable sin. As punishment, a powerful curse was placed upon the being and it was locked in the top of that tower, doomed to spend an eternity there. And so for five hundred years, the flute has played, a lonely and foreboding tune," Hana finished.

"No one can survive for five hundred years," Kurogane commented.

"But it's true. If you venture up the tower you can hear the shuffling of the being in there," Hana replied.

"Why has no one tried to release it?" Sakura asked sadly.

"It's not something that should be released, though, people have tried. There is very powerful magic surrounding the tower. No one will get in and no one will get out. The source of this power was given to our King by the gods and has been passed down to each new King for the past five hundred years," Hana said.

"Do you think it could be...?" Syaoran ventured.

"I know time passes differently in different worlds, but come on...five hundred years, kid?" Kuogane retorted.

"It's possible. We'll never know until we try," Fai said before looking back out the window. "However...I would like to see this tower and the being inside of it."

"Eh? Whatever for, Fai-san?" Hana asked, astounded.

"Because no one should be that lonely," Fai replied with a smile.

Sakura watched Fai closely as they continued their conversation. The mage was yet again hiding something. What that was, she didn't know, but it made her sad to know he was keeping it to himself. It was something personal, something that touched close to his heart. She realised then how very little they knew about the mage. Although the most boisterous of their group, he was also the most secretive. The princess wondered just what it was he was hiding, and why he chose to hide it...

As the night grew later, they were given rooms to sleep in and turned in for the night. Sakura fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, curled up with Mokona, who snored lightly as she clutched him close. However, half-way through the night she awoke, needing a glass of water. Careful not to disturb Mokona, she padded silently down the hallway, headed towards the kitchen. After retrieving her glass of water, she began back towards her room, but stopped suddenly when she noticed Fai sitting in the room they'd been in earlier.

He sat on the floor in a puddle of moonlight, once again gazing out the window. His eyes were glassy once more only now, he swayed slightly from side to side, humming softly. Concerned, Sakura walked over quietly, taking a seat next to him. The mage didn't even seem to notice her. She reached out, gently tugging on his sleeve.

"Fai-san?" she asked worriedly.

The mage blinked before looking to her with sleepy blue eyes. He smiled slightly.

"Ah, Sakura-chan, shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked.

"Yes, but so should you. Why are you up? You've been acting strangely ever since you heard that song," Sakura said, hugging him from the side.

He was acting so strangely...it worried her. Fai was strange to begin with, but this seemed unnatural. Fai grinned widely. He loved that aspect, or rather, every aspect of her. It was nice to be worried about, sometimes. Even if the matter was of something small. Scooting slightly closer to her, he scooped her up so that she was seated in his lap and hugged her close, his chin resting on the top of her head.

"Sakura-chan is very worried about everyone, ne?" he asked.

"Yes...you're all searching for my feathers even though you have no reason to...and I've not helped out at all. But...you didn't answer my question, Fai-san," Sakura pressed.

"Ano...Sakura-chan is so determined!" Fai laughed. "That song just has a lot of magical properties. It's really easy for me to tune into it and get a little lost. But...may I ask you a question?"


"Syaoran-kun says you hear lonely voices, even in things that aren't living, like that tornado we ran into. Do you feel anything like that with this song?"

The princess fell quiet for a long while. Fai wondered if perhaps she'd fallen asleep when she sniffled slightly, startling him. He tilted his head to the side.


"It is a very lonely song...there are words. I think you can hear them, too. And I think that is because...that person is lonely like Fai-san," Sakura said, wiping at her eyes.

Fai laughed, squeezing her slightly.

"I'm not lonely, silly! I've got Sakura-chan, Syaoran-kun, Moko-chan and Kuro-pii with me," he said.

"But that's just it," Sakura said, turning around so she faced him. "You wouldn't ever admit it because you're more comfortable hiding behind this."

She pointed to his mouth. He stared at her, befuddled.

"...my face?" he asked with a wide smile.

"No, your smile," Sakura said, placing her hands on either side of his face. "Fai-san smiles, even when he hurts inside. And that hurts me, because I know you don't want to. But more than that, I don't want Fai-san to be lonely."

He looked to her, to her bright emerald eyes brimming with tears, and folded inside. To make her so upset, shame on him! Syaoran-kun would be so angry with him. He didn't want their princess to cry, especially not over him. Reaching out, he wiped her tears away and smiled.

"Maybe the person trapped in the tower in the loneliest of all, though," he said. "I don't feel anything bad coming from there, do you?"

Sakura shook her head.

"Good! Then tomorrow we can see if one of your feathers is up there and maybe try and release that person. For now..." Fai said, quickly picking her up and standing. "...we both need to go to bed. Before Kuro-daddy wakes up and gets mad."

Sakura giggled softly as he carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in. Kissing her lightly on the forehead, he smiled and closed the door behind him as he left. Walking back to his own room, he paused slightly in the hallway. He would have to try harder...to cover things up. To cover himself up. Because if he didn't, well...he very well might fall apart. And that wouldn't be good for the children, now, would it?

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"Goodmorning, Fai-san!" Sakura called, hurrying into the kitchen to help him with breakfast.

"Goodmorning, Sakura-chan! Did our princess sleep well?" he asked, bright as always.

"Mm!" she sayed, nodding ecstatically.

"Good. Why don't you go sit with Syaoran-kun and Hana-chan, I'm almost done here," Fai said.

"Eh? But I always help you with breakfast," Sakura retorts.

"Hai, hai...but you were up late last night, and there's not much left to do. Besides, Syaoran is talking about places to search for your feathers," Fai informs her.

"Well...alright. But tomorrow morning for sure! I'll be helping!" Sakura said resolutely, disappearing into the next room.

"Sakura-chan is so cute, ne Kuro-ruu?" Fai asks.

The ninja, who had been lurking in the corner of the kitchen, grunts a response; neither a yes or a no. But Fai knows. Sakura-chan, whether anyone cared to admit it, had become precious to all of them. Perhaps Sakura-chan reminded him of Tomoyo-hime? Well, either way, he knew Kuro-ban had set himself on protecting, not only the princess, but "the kid", "the stupid magician" and "the white manjuu" as well.

"Kuro-rin, could you help me carry these?" Fai asked, gesturing to a few trays.

"...we don't have to eat that, do we?" Kurogane asked warily.

"Of course, Kuro-lo, that's why I made it," Fai says with a grin.

"Why always sweet things so early in the morning?" Kurogane grumbles, helping to carry the trays anyway.

After they finished breakfast (which Hana marvelled over again, causing Fai to feign bashfulness), they began discussing the best place to search for the feathers. It was decided that the tower would be the first place to look. However, when Syaoran mentioned going to the King's castle, Hana objected to it strongly. The group looked to her questioningly as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. She'd lent Sakura some of her clothes from when she was younger, and had lent Syaoran, Kurogane and Fai clothes that belonged to her brothers. It was a strange sort of style; something of a cross between the style of Clow Country and Jade Country.

"It's just that...the King is..." Hana mumbled.

"The King is...?" Kurogane prodded.

"...he's not very well tempered. He won't allow you to set foot in the castle," Hana said.

"Well that's very rude! Why is that, I wonder?" Fai asked.

"The King...is a very selfish one. He doesn't care at all for the people of Melodia. The only hope we had of a fair rule was the King's son, Kotosuke...but he disappeared many years ago, after the Queen's death. Now Prince Kotosuke's twin brother, Jotosuke, is in line for the throne. The King is dying, but Prince Jotosuke...is just like him," Hana said sadly.

"I see...then it won't be easy to get into that castle," Syaoran said gravely.

"You...you're still going to try?" Hana asked incredulously.

"Of course. We have to. I made a promise that I would get all of Sakura-hime's feathers back. All of them. So I can't just overlook the fact that one of them is very likely withing that castle," Syaoran said firmly, amber eyes aflame with passion.

"...I see. You lot...you're really into the dangerous things, aren't you?" Hana asked.

"Yup! But don't worry...Kuro-pii will protect us," Fai said with a grin.

"Kuro-pii is so strong!" Mokona added.

"Hn. Damn straight I am," Kurogane replied. A vein popped on his forehead. "And stop calling me those stupid names!"

"Well, I see there's no persuading you," Hana sighed. "I will take you, then, to the tower. I only pray you know what you're getting yourselves into..."

In the next chapter: The seal is broken! The creature is released, but is it friend or foe? And what of Sakura's feather? Will the group survive their encounter with the strange creature? Will they gain entry to the castle? Will I quit the cheesy preview dialogue? Never! You can't make me!

I mean...Find out next time! Or don't! See if I care! -laugh- But reviews are appreciated. Constructive criticism is highly appreciated. Flame if you must, but remember, I donate flames to local boy scouts to make smores over. Yummeh. See you next chapter (I hope)!