Me: Here it is! The long-awaited chapter 3!

Delta: Yeah, in every sense of the word.

Me: You know what, I'm getting tried of your smart-ass attitude Delta!

Delta: I'm not being a smart-ass. I'm just stating the facts.

Me: Delta, I think you forget the fact that I'm not only the author, but I'm your creator as well!

Delta: I know. Your point?

Me: You underestimate me. You haven't realized yet just exactly how much pain and torture I can put you through.

Delta: (sarcastically) Oh and what are you going do, have me killed off?

Me: No something worse than that…

Delta: What's worse than being killed- Wait, you wouldn't dare…

Me: Oh I would. Keep testing me and I will. It's as simple as a flick of the wrist…

Delta: (bows) Ok! I'll do anything you want. Just don't put me in a yaoi pairing please!

Me: Well first, don't bring anything up about me not updating for the last 7 months got it?

Delta: Gotcha.

Me: And do the disclaimer for this chapter and we're good.

Delta: Right. The author does not own Sega, Sonic Team, or any of their characters and creations. Also, Kal0 belongs to the author Kal0-and-Summer.

Kal0: (walks in with a sandwich) Anybody call me?

Me: No. Delta was just doing the disclaimer.

Kal0: Ooh next chapter is starting! I can't wait for this one!

Me: Yea, I bet you two are really interested in this chapter huh?

Delta and Kal0: (blushes)

A/N: Oh and I hope I didn't offend any yaoi fans or authors out there. I don't hate any of you guys. Just having a little fun. Enjoy the chapter!
Delta started to doze in and out of sleep despite it still being early in the day. His little "session" with Kal0 exhausted him mentally and physically. However, as much as Delta wanted to believe making out with Kal0 was wrong, truthfully, he actually liked it. Her sexy warm body on top of his, her succulent lips touching his, the passion and rush of excitement…

Maybe he liked it a little too much.

Delta realized this and made a vow to himself.

"I have to keep myself from any kind of sexual contact with her. I usually have better self-control but for some reason, I can't resist her. But if I got this excited just by making out with her, then I don't know what would happen the next time. I can't risk it again. Kal0 almost got me all the way and we nearly got caught in the process." Delta thought, nodding with approval.

"Right, I just have to watch myself. Besides, it's going to be too many people here anyway even if I did want to have sex with her. Yeah too many people…" He thought, ending with a yawn. He then stretched out along the couch and went to sleep, with his last thought being that he loved Kal0 as a friend and nothing more.

Yeah, if he wants to convince himself to believe that.

Kal0 walked down the steps to the living room when she saw Delta laid out on the couch. "Delta...?" Kal0 called out, unsure if he was really asleep. However, he didn't move. She then walked up to him and started to stare at him and poke him to see if he would wake up, like a little kid poking a dead bug with a stick. Delta didn't budge an inch.

"Wow, he must be really out. Why is he so tired? I guess from all the cleaning he did." Kal0 said, oblivious to effect she had on him.

"Oh well." Then a smile came across her face. "I wonder how he'll react to this…"

She leaned over to where Delta's head was resting and gently kissed him on the lips. Delta felt it yet he didn't wake up. In his mind, he was dreaming that a beautiful angel was kissing him. He brought this "angel" closer to him for a passionate kiss, failing to realize that in reality, he grabbed Kal0 by the waist and pulled her on top of him. Although Kal0 was surprised and rather startled by this sudden yet unconscious affection by Delta, she had no objections to lying on top of him. (She was quite the happy camper actually.) After several seconds of blissful kissing later, Delta decided to wake up and see who his beautiful angel is in real life. He slowly opened his eyes and his "angel" was none other than…

Kal0 the fox.

Delta jumped back like he seen a ghost, that is, he would've had Kal0 not been lying on top of him.

"Kal0, what are you doing on top of me?!" Delta asked.

"I don't know, you ask me." Kal0 said, slowly running a finger down Delta's naked chest.

"What the---That's what the hell I just did!" Delta exclaimed, clearly frustrated.

"Calm down. There's no need to be so loud about it." Kal0 said rather calmly.

Before Delta opened his mouth to argue, he thought about it for a second. He was being kind of loud. Delta took a deep breath and started over.

"Ok. Kal0, what are you doing lying on top of me?" Delta asked again, but more calmly this time.

"The question should be, what were you doing?" Kal0 said playfully, pointing her finger at him.

"Oh, here she goes again with this shit." Delta thought angrily. "I'm serious Kal0!" Delta urged.

"And I'm serious too." Kal0 coolly replied, sitting up.

Delta cringed slightly when Kal0 sat up, as she sat right back on his crotch and was now straddling his hips but it soon felt pretty good to him. He wasn't sure if Kal0 was doing this on purpose or not, but she still had her effect on him nonetheless as a certain body part in his lower region began to get a little "excited."

"What are you talking about?" Delta asked curiously.

Kal0 looked at him with a slightly surprised look on her face. "You must've of been really in dreamland huh?" Kal0 said. Delta glared at her.

"Alright. I'll give you the recap. All I did was give you a little, itty bitty kiss and the next thing I know, you're pulling me on top of you and so here we are." Kal0 stated matter-of-factly.

Despite the slightly annoying tone in her voice when she said that, Delta looked amazed at this bit information. "So you were the one that kissed me?" He asked, completely clueless to what happened.

"Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! Tell him what he's won today Johnny!" Kal0 teased. Delta threw her a "very funny, not!" look.

"The only reason I said that is because I had a dream that a beautiful angel was kissing me. I just didn't realize you were actually kissing me." Delta explained

However, Kal0 didn't hear that last part as she got caught up in the "beautiful angel" comment.

"Delta, do you really believe that I'm a beautiful angel?" Kal0 asked with a hint of emotion in her voice.

Delta noticed Kal0 wasn't playing this time by the emotion on her face and in her voice. However, he didn't want to hurt or offend her by flat out saying no because in his heart, he kind of believed she was a beautiful angel. At the same time, he knew if he said yes without wording it right, then this situation could go down a road he vowed not to go down again, at least not now anyway. However, Delta saw no safe way out of this, no matter how he answered. So he decided to throw caution to the wind and say this the best way he can, hoping for the best…

"Well, I don't know about the angel part, but I definitely think without a doubt you're beautiful. Matter of fact, I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Delta said with a soft smile on his face, secretly hoping this conversation would end right here, right now.

Unfortunately for Delta, this was much better than what Kal0 expected to hear.

Upon hearing what Delta said, Kal0 slowly closed her eyes and a single tear dropped from her eye. "That was beautiful what he said. Nobody ever said something that sweet to me. Delta must really love me to say something like that, even though he tries to resist me. Well, that clinches it. He's all mine now, no matter what he or anybody says about it." Kal0 thought.

However, Delta saw the tear drop from Kal0's eye and was afraid he had said something wrong.

How far from the truth he was.

He managed to push himself up until his face was inches away from Kal0's. "Hey Kal0, are you ok?" Delta asked with concern in his voice.

Kal0 didn't answer right away but inwardly smiled after hearing the concern in his voice, giving her more incentive to take him right now. She then slowly opened her bright blue eyes.

"You sure do know the words to a woman's heart Delta." Kal0 said with a seductive look on her face.

"Huh-" Delta asked, but he didn't even get to finish that phrase as Kal0 pushed him back down on the couch rather forcefully and she put her arms on both sides him so he wouldn't move.

"Kal0 what are you-" Delta began before getting silenced by Kal0's finger.

"Delta, what you said to me, it was most beautiful thing anybody said to me. " Kal0 said lowering her head to Delta's.

"Well, I really mean that from the bottom of my heart and I'm glad you feel that way about what I said." Delta managed to say after Kal0 took her finger off of his mouth.

"But that doesn't-" He tried to add before Kal0 silenced him once again with her finger.

"I know you mean that from the bottom of your heart and that's what I love about you. You've been so nice and sweet to me and now, I'm going give you something for your kindness…" Kal0 said, a devilish smile coming across her features.

Delta already knew where this was going to go and he had to get out of this position immediately.

"Well Kal0, I'm really glad you feel that way about me, honestly. But you really don't have to give me anything-" Delta interjected, before getting cut off by Kal0's finger again, something that was really starting to piss him off.

Kal0 just smiled. "No Delta. There's something you're not understanding about this." Kal0 said firmly. She brought her mouth to Delta's left ear and began to whisper seductively,

"Delta, you're not going anywhere. Me and you, we're going to finish what we started earlier, right here, right now."

Needless to say, Delta's mind went on red alert. He knew she wasn't kidding around this and he had to get out of this now.

"Kal0 no, we can't do that now. Not here and not now. Vanilla and Cream could be coming downstairs any minute now. What if they see us?" Delta urged, but if fell on deaf ears. Kal0's mind was set.

"I don't care. If anything, Cream could learn a little something. You're all mine now…" Kal0 said defiantly, looking at Delta and licking her lips.

"Wait, Kal0 no-" Delta began to plea, but was quieted by a fierce kiss from Kal0. Once again, that intoxicating effect of Kal0's kiss began to kick in. It was like a drug to Delta. His thoughts of resisting her began fade and pure passion started to take over. He soon returned the kiss and started to slowly run his hands all over Kal0's body.

"Good, he's all mine now." Kal0 thought when she felt him return the kiss. She then began to kiss Delta's neck passionately and Delta grunted in satisfaction. Kal0 slowly trailed her tongue down Delta's chest and planted butterfly kisses on his stomach. Delta jolted when she felt Kal0's tongue on his navel and felt her mouth getting closer to his pants. Just as he thought she was getting ready to go down into his pants, Kal0 quickly brought her tongue back up Delta's stomach and chest and began to kiss him again.

Any lingering thoughts in Delta's mind of resisting Kal0 flew out the window with her little kissing exhibition. Delta sat up while Kal0 was still kissing him, her legs now wrapped around him. Delta broke the kiss and quickly took off Kal0's tight purple shirt, revealing her round breasts in a purple bra and tossed the shirt somewhere.

"Looks like somebody ready to get down to business huh?" Kal0 said, a little surprised Delta took off her shirt and tossed it in such a hasty fashion.

"Shut up." Delta growled and crashed his lips into Kal0's. He then pushed Kal0 down so they were on the opposite end of the couch and was on top and Kal0 was on the bottom. The two kissed continued intensely, the tongues battling as if they were at war with each other.

Kal0 had been wishing for this day, this moment for a long time. Now that dream had come to fruition and because of it, she started to get really hot and aroused. She got even more excited by the fact that Delta had become so aggressive with her after putting up so much resistance earlier. Kal0 never expected herself to be on the bottom but she enjoyed it even more then being in control. Delta's body and emotions gave off an aura of intensity yet his hands had a certain finesse to them and felt gentle all over Kal0's body. That's what stimulated her so much about being on the bottom, Delta felt strong yet so soothing.

Kal0 ran her hands through Delta's quills and began to kiss even more vigorously. Delta soon broke the kiss and started to kiss Kal0's neck with an ardor that would make Romeo and Juliet jealous. Kal0 let out a moan of pleasure and felt Delta's hands run down her back once again. Almost immediately, she heard a little pop and let out a small yelp as she knew exactly what it was.

"When in the hell did he pop my bra off? I didn't even feel his hands messing with my bra. Man, for a guy with metal arms, he sure is good with his hands." Kal0 thought, amazed at the speed Delta took her bra off without her even knowing. Her bra was still covering her breasts but it was now reduced to just a piece of loose cloth barely covering her chest.

Delta looked at Kal0 with a confident smirk on his face after she yelped, knowing he shocked her a bit with what he just did. "Hmm… I thought you were ready to get down to business Kal0?" He said mockingly.

"Humph. You just caught me off guard, that's all. Don't get ahead of yourself." She huffed.

"Oh, is that so?" Delta asked.

"Yea, that was just child's play. But now that I know you're really serious, I'll show you a little something that'll have you screaming my name before long." Kal0 said confidently.

"Well, then show me what you got baby." Delta whispered alluringly in her ear, causing Kal0's body temperature to jump a few degrees.

"Gladly." Kal0 whispered back before pulling Delta back into a passionate kiss, intent on fulfilling her carnal desires with him.

Cliffhanger! Well, sort of. And I know it seems like it, but the story is far from over, just to let you know. I kinda have the next chapter in my head but I want to spice it up a little so I want to hear you guys opinions. In what direction do you want to see the next chapter? Give me some ideas and I'll see what I can do. Peace!