A/N: Hey! thanks for all the wonderful reviews!!! I love you all!! x3 I was really suprised at how quick I was able to update, but unfortunately, I probably won't be able to update quite this quickly in the future. but I will try! XP


Yuki awoke to a scream, coming from the hallway.

he jumped to his feet and flung his door open.

"Miss Honda! What's-" he stopped as he saw the scene around him.

It looked like something from a Hollywood horror.

The carpet was stained with blood, and the walls were covered in smudged and bloody hand prints.

The trail went into the bathroom, and into Kyo's room.

The bathroom was the worst. The blood was in the sink, and mirror, and in the emergency first aid kit. Then there was

"Kyo!" Yuki yelled, with out thinking. He flung open Kyo's door, to see a beaten and bloody Kyo, lying on his bed.

Kyo groggily looked up at them, but winced in doing so. He had been pretty dizzy last night from loosing so much blood.

"Oh, thank Kami you're all right." Yuki said worriedly.

"You, uh, you had miss Honda Worried sick." He covered, before remembering Tohru. He left Kyo's room to comfort Tohru, who was still staring at the bloody mess covering the hallway.

In almost an hour's time, Kyo got up and steadily moved to get something to eat.

He stumbled to his door, and slid it open slowly, surprised at what he saw.

Yuki was scrubbing at the walls with a soapy brush.

"hey, uh…" Kyo started, unsure of what to really say. It was obvious that Yuki had been worried for him, but with the mess he left coming in last night, hell, Kyo would have been worried if it were Yuki, too.

"yeah?" Yuki stopped his scrubbing, but didn't look at the cat.

"…never mind." Kyo struggled to stay level as he climbed down the stairs.

"shit…" he whispered, as he almost tripped.

"need a hand?" Yuki asked, before he processed what he had said.

"from you?" Kyo asked, surprised that there was no hate in his voice this time.

"…yeah." Yuki replied, setting his brush down, but not moving.

"Yeah. Thanks." Kyo mumbled. Yuki smiled, and took his rival's arm to lead him down the stairs.

Once in the kitchen, Kyo tore his arm away from Yuki, feeling a little weak for excepting his offer in the first place.

Kyo limped over to the refrigerator and pulled out the carton of milk, and drinking straight from it.

He glared at Yuki.

"Why are you still here?"

"What happened?" Yuki asked, getting straight to the point.

"…do you care?" Kyo asked, trying to stay strong.

"just tell me what he did." Yuki said, with a little more force.

"like I'd ever tell you anything." It was true that the bet was off, and Kyo didn't have to hate Yuki anymore… but… he couldn't help it. Blaming Yuki for everything had always kept him alive in the past. It's what drove him to wake up in the morning, and live another day of his life. He couldn't just stop.

"right." Yuki replied, and headed up the stairs. He stopped.

"you going to be alright coming back up stairs?" Yuki threw over his shoulder.

"Damn it! I'm not cripple! Stop the damn pity thing already!" Kyo shot at the rat.

"Like it or not, you're hurt. You're going to need help." Yuki glared back at the cat, almost shaking from anger. It was silent for a few seconds, which stretched on for what seemed like forever.

"I'm going out." Kyo said, trying not to limp as he started towards the door.

"fine." Yuki relied venomously. He… he had thought for a minute… that maybe… maybe whatever happened to Kyo might have let them become closer. But that was stupid. Kyo would never change. The cat would always hate the rat. And the rat was expected to hate the cat as well.

So… why did Yuki feel this way towards Kyo?

A/N: So how was it? I hope I'm not rushing things too much... I DO need ideas. ...please help feed the bunnies... AND PLEASE REVIEW!! x3