Disclaimer: Please see chapter 1

A/N: thank-you to all of those who reviewed, it means a great deal to me that you are still reading and are sparing the time to tell me what you think, if I haven't got back to you yet I will be doing so over the weekend.

I'm sorry for the delay in posting but I have just spent almost a month in Barcelona and I didn't feel like finding a computer when I could bask in history, architecture and the sun.

This chapter brings us up to just before this story began.

The End or Not the End?

By Morgana-Alex

I was brought out of my introspection when a poorly aimed stupefy flew past my right shoulder, to find out why, I needed to surivive and so I resumed my duties and cast yet another spell in defence.

Chapter 6

After that the battle became a blur to me, I honestly cannot tell you what happened apart from that almost an hour later it came to an abrupt halt, when all the remaining death eaters simply disappeared. I surveyed the village before me, death and destruction, pain and suffering had been left in the wake of the dark lord and all I wanted to do was run, in that moment I cared for nothing other than to see Hermione.

I didn't stay to assist in the clear up or to help the wounded or to collect the dead; I was in no state to be of any practical use. Instead I transformed in to my Animagus form and raced for the castle.

I ached all over as I neared the doors, but I didn't slow down the oak doors open quickly to allow me entrance and I continued my run up to the infirmary.

End Flashback

I stood to mop Hermione's brow, taking the towel from the basin beside her bed I tried not to let any water fall to the floor. My feelings of helplessness and grief threatening to overwhelm me I put the cloth back and sat down to continue my vigil, I must have been exhausted and fallen asleep as a while later I was awoken by a hand on my shoulder.

"Minerva I'm sorry to have to wake you but you're needed, we cannot find Albus and some of the ghosts are reporting a disturbance on the 3rd floor." I knew that Remus would not have troubled me unless it was a dire emergency, but I did not expect to see death eaters in my school.


I found Hermione and Remus in the infirmary, with Poppy bent over the prone form of my love shaking her head and crying. I fought the urge to run to the bedside, Poppy didn't need me breaking my leg and it would harm no one if I arrived a few seconds later.

I forced myself to walk calmly the 20 paces and with each step it became harder and harder, I wanted to hold Hermione in my arms not watch as spell after spell waved over her.

"Minerva." To his credit Remus did not show the slightest hint of curiosity about the battle, his eyes held only concern.

"Remus, I…I…thank-you." He knew what for and I didn't know what else to say or even if I wanted to say anything more. My words brought the sobbing mediwitch out of her vigil.

My old friend stared at me as if I were a ghost, her eyes didn't really see me but I needed to know.

"Poppy how is Hermione?" I feared her answer even more than I feared not hearing it.

"Minerva, perhaps you should sit down." My friend paused giving me the time if I needed it to sit, I did not move.

"Or not. Hermione was hit by a draining spell, one that is draining her of energy faster than her body can create it; she has 2 days maybe 3 at the very best." I chose to ignore the last part of her sentence, I didn't need to know how long she had, I needed to know exactly what could be done to stop its progression.

"How do we treat her Poppy?" I know my voice held more hope that I felt but I had to hold on to that last shred of hope if I were to be able to continue.

My friend looked at me as if I were a child who didn't understand the situation and was unwilling to accept what had happened to someone they love. She moved towards me so that she was inches from my face and held my arms.

"There is nothing I can do Minerva, there is no cure for this, even if I knew the spell cast upon her, no one has ever survived this kind of attack." I refused to believe her words, nothing is impossible, nothing.

"Do not give up Poppy, I will find the spell cast and we will find a cure. Please look after Hermione for me, I have someone to question." I turned on my heal and made to leave but Remus caught my arm.

"Do not kill him Minerva; he is no good to us dead." His words could not hide his contempt for the man he knew I was setting out to find, I nodded my head letting him know that I would not kill, while my eyes told him that I would not let him off lightly.

I must have looked like a woman possessed as I stalked from the infirmary, as people students and professors alike moved out of my way with unexpected haste. I knew that Albus would be in his office so I headed there, as I gave the griffin the password and it moved aside I held my wand before me prepared to do what ever was necessary to get the information I needed.

End Chapter

A/N: Thank-you for reading please please please review, it is feedback that keeps me writing. I'll do my best to update soon. Lol MA