I know you guys probably hate me for not updating for such a long time now, but not to worry I'm going to update all my stories starting with this story. And hopefully you guys will also read my other stories. Please review.


Yup. He's right our dear innocent little mikan has turn into a slut.

Almost every night Natsume wouldn't be able to sleep

He goes to missions more often so that it would keep his mind of mikan.

Why you ask mikan grew up as a slut well its pretty simple

Its all Natsume's fault

End of Flashback

So before I continue with the story let me just give you guys some notes.

Natsume and Mikan live right next to each other since they are both top stars.

They also both have balconies that are also connected to each other.

Mkian only makes out with the guys and does not sleep with them.

Yes, Persona is misunderstood and he's a good guy he just hides it from everyone else.

And thank you so much to everyone who reviewed. I didn't think i would get that much reviews from just the first chapter. Thanks so much!

If you have anymore questions or comments feel free to inform me.

Natsume's POV

I gave up that night. I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight so I might as well go for a walk.

Obviously I went to the Sakura tree.

Looked up at the stars and just wished that someday things would be okay.

Okay meaning Mikan being her old lovable self.

Those stars……

They just remind me of her……

Mikan's POV

I heard someone on the balcony outside.

It's probably Natsume.

I hope its isn't one of those missions again.

I swear someday he could get hurt.

Or even worse.

I really shouldn't think about these things.

Why do I even care anyway?

Maybe it's because you do?

Face it Mikan, you still love him.

Yeah I know…. But he doesn't Love me.

I just can't let anyone know that I still love him.

Especially my classmates and friends not to mention my fan boys.

What do we have here? Mikan letting her pride get the better of her?? Natsume has thought you well.

Oh shut up!

Stupid conscience.

I looked outside the balcony wondering where Natsume really had being going off to.

Thank God he was only going to the Sakura tree.

I went back inside lying down in my bed.

I still can't believe that some of these boys really took me seriously.

Like the Kai this morning.


"oh sorry hyuuga san we didn't know you were there" Kai said while looking at Natsume with a smirk on his face.

"Hyuuga?! Why the hell are you doing staring at us? Your starting to freak me out! Would you just give us some privacy here! Just get lost loser!" I said with a straight face even if it did hurt me on the inside I learned to control it.

"oh sorry polka-dots… wait… why the hell am I saying sorry?! If you want some privacy get a room, slut! Its not my fault that I had to run into you guys at the hallway!" He said with an angry tone in his voice

"whatever, lets just get out of here that perverted freak just wont stop." I said while walking away with kai.

Kai went up beside me and held my waist.

I cringed a bit since i knew that Natsume was still watching.

When we went up to his room, he suddenly shut the door and started kissing me.

I was so shocked I couldn't move.

I pushed him away trying to stop him.

But i couldn't he was just too strong.

I started to panic.

"Kai! Kai!" Please Stop!" I pleaded.

"Shut up and let me fuck you!"

I used my alice and tried to calm him down.

"Kai, you know I don't want to sleep with anyone. I thought you understood."

"I'm sorry Mikan its just that I thought you wanted me too."

"It's alright. But for now lets just stay friends okay?"

"you're breaking up with me?"

"I'm sorry kai but yeah I am."

"It's alright I had my chance and i blew it."

I was about to leave when suddenly

"before you go, tell me. Why do you act so harsh to hyuuga san but when he's not around and we make fun of him you get mad?"


"It's alright you don't have to answer that. Goodbye mikan." He said with a kiss on my cheek.

End of Flashback.

I'm sorry it's short. I promise to continue as soon as possible! But for now I'm going to update my other stories. Please review! I hope you liked it!