Never Too Late

Zero wanted to smack his head against the brick wall that separated the Moon Dorm from the rest of the campus. Not just once or twice, but repeatedly.

It was March 14, which meant it was White Day. He had forgotten to get something for Yuuki since she had baked him those cookies for Valentine's Day. And he didn't even have the time to go out and by or make something for her.

He really needed to invest in a calendar.

Yuuki was probably waiting for him to present her with a great gift when had nothing. As if on cue, he felt a hard punch to his side. Looking down, he saw Yuuki scowling at him.

"Where were you last night?" she demanded. "I had to fend for myself against the Day Class girls. Again!"

"That hurt," he said offhandedly.

The girl's scowl deepened. "I don't care. Where were you?"

"I had some business to take care of," Zero said, walking towards the Sun Dorms.

"What kind of business?"

"The kind that doesn't concern you."

"I got mauled by those girls last night, Zero," she snapped, showing the bruises and scratches on her pale, thin arms. "A little help would have been nice!"

"Yuuki –" he began.

"Better yet," Yuuki said, cutting him off. "An explanation would be wonderful."

Zero sighed and turned around.

"I was with Sensei."

As if no White Day gift wasn't enough to make him miserable, he would now have to explain why he had been with Yagari Touga.

"Why were you with a Hunter?" she asked slowly. "I thought you proved you were loyal to them?"

"It's because I am a Hunter. It's my job. Sensei wanted help, so he asked me. It's not like the Chairman didn't say I couldn't go."

Tears filled her eyes as she began to speak. "I don't know why you don't tell me things. I get so worried about you."

"That's the exact reason why I don't tell you. You have more important things to worry about than my safety."

Yuuki's red-rimmed, glassy eyes flashed angrily as she fisted her hands on her hips.

"That's great!" she exclaimed sarcastically. "Don't worry about you. You're such a jerk."

She turned away.

"Hey!" he shot back heatedly. "It's not my job to inform you of my whereabouts. Nor is it my obligation!"

The dark-haired girl whirled to face him. "As a matter of fact, you do," she spat, stabbing a sharp finger into his chest. "You gave me Bloody Rose. No one be myself is allowed to take your life. So don't tell me it's not you're obligation! I'll be damned if it isn't!"

"Geez, I can't win with you," the silver-haired boy sputtered, throwing up his hands in frustration. "You can't have it both ways."

Yuuki let out an unlady-like snort and crossed her arms.


"So what?" asked the dusk-eyed boy, snappishly.

"Where were you?"

Zero heaved a sigh. This girl was so damn frustrating.

"There was a hob. Sensei wanted me to do it, so I said yes. Happy?"

His friend smacked him in the arm.

"If that was it, why have you avoided me for the last few days?"

Zero muttered something under his breath, causing the other guardian to glare.

"Because I knew you'd act like this!" He ran a hand through his messy silver locks. "God, it's impossible to win with you. I tell you where I go, you get pissed. I don't, you get pissed. Just drop it."

Yuuki stopped in her tracks, her pretty red mouth slightly agape. A guilty feeling crept into the Hunter's stomach as her brown eyes welled with tears once more.

"Fine," she said, turning away. "I won't bother you anymore."

Zero's features softened and he signed heavily.

"Yuuki, wait." The girl turned, eyes red and glassy. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean that. I'm frustrated because I forgot it's White's Day and I don't have anything for you."

Wiping her eyes, Yuuki gave the young man a small smile.

"You being happy is all I want," she said softly. "I don't need anything more than that."

Zero returned her smile with a tentative one of his own. Reaching for her hand, he pulled the guardian into a hug. She hugged him back fiercely and looked up. His twilight eyes met her deep chocolate brown one for a brief moment. Meeting halfway, their lips touched lightly at first, and then became more urgent.

The two broke away, panting slightly.

"Is that a good enough answer for you?" Zero asked, a smug grin on his face.

Yuuki laughed and threaded her fingers through his.


Zero smiled to himself. The girls\'s acceptance proved it was never to late to ask for forgiveness.