"Gabby…I've been waiting to ask you this for a while…um, but uh…" Troy mumbled as he tried to clear his throat.

Gabby looked up at him, a little surprised. "Troy?"

"Um…" he says, as he gets down on one knee. "Will you…marry me?" Troy holds out a small little box with a beautiful ring inside.

Gabby smiles brightly and grabs Troy's hand. "Yes, Troy." She beams. "I'd love to."

Troy gets up and holds her in his arms tightly and smiles. "Finally," he said. "I know we're still in college and all but…I really love you and I want to be with you."

"I want to be with you, Troy." Gabby smiles. "You're the only one." She said, and then she kisses him softly.

About a year after they're married. They are still in college, their final year.

Gabby shudders as she looks down at the test. Her eyes well up in tears full of subdominant feelings. She hears the door open and she quickly wipes her tears and comes out of the bathroom. She sees Troy sitting nervously on the couch, rocking back and forth.

"Troy? What's wrong?" she said, as she sits next to him and puts her arm around his back.

He rests his head on his hand. "My dad's putting so much pressure on me to make it on the NBA and he says…it's because of you."

Gabriella looks at a little hurt and pulls her arm away. "W-What?"

Troy looks at Gabriella sadly with his watery eyes. "I'm really sorry…there's just so much more out there for me---and you. I don't want to waste your time with something…people don't believe in."

"I believe in us. Don't you?" Gabby cries, as tears run down her cheeks.

Troy shifts his eyes away from her. "I love you, so much, Gabs. I do. I'm just…"

Gabby pulls her knees to her chest and sobs into her sweats. "I-I don't…"

"College is ending…you've got an internship at hand already…I love you, I do. I think…"

Gabby got off the couch and stands on the doorway of her and Troy's room. "I-I should…get packing…"

Two years later.

"Gabby," Clara, Gabriella's mother cried from the kitchen. "Telephone,"

"Okay, Mom. Hold on a second," she said as she looked toward her two children, Christian and Natalie. She wiped their messy faces as they sat on their stools.

"More rice!" Natalie cried, throwing her little arms in the air as her brown curls jumped.

Gabby smiled. "No more, Nattie."

"No mo peas!" Christian said with a frown.

Gabriella laughed. "Okay, no more peas, Chris." She said, as she pulled them out of the chair. "Fifteen minutes before bedtime," Gabby called after them as they ran towards the TV. Gabby walked into the kitchen as Clara washed the dishes. "Hello?" Gabby said to the phone. "Oh, hey Mr. Garrets, I'm fine, thank you…" she said. "Yes…Okay, thank you so much. I'll see you Tuesday."

"What was that?" Clara asked as she turned off the faucet.

"Oh, it's my boss Mr. Garrets, he said I'd be reporting a special for a player from the Phoenix Suns." Gabby said, as she washed a few dishes with her mom.

"Wait, isn't that team for…Arizona?" Clara asked.

Gabby nodded. "But since it's off season, one of the players is from New Mexico we're doing a report."

"Oh, okay." Clara said.

Gabby held Chris' and Natalie's hand as she entered the basketball arena. She walked on the sidelines, holding their tiny little hands until she could find someone she knew. She watched the players, curiously observing them, one seemed to be familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Ms. Montez?" Mr. Garrets said. "Nice to see you and the children."

Gabby put on a smile. "Sorry, Mr. Garrets, I'm just used to working the afternoon shift."

Mr. Garrets stood up tall and shook his head. "No, no, it's quite alright."

"You tall." Natalie said, pointing her finger at him.

Gabby shushed her daughter as she put her fingers over her mouth.

Gabriella smiled as she led the children to the dressing rooms in the back. Gabby sat and the chair and had her make-up done. Once she was finished, Natalie and Chris were finished coloring a random magazine.

"Can you watch them, Morgan?" Gabby asked one of the production managers.

Morgan pushed her blonde hair back. "Yeah. You're wanted in five,"

"Thanks." Gabriella said, as she looked at her watch. "Bye, Chris. Bye, Nattie."

Gabby hurried into the arena as a camera man handed her a microphone. As the player she was about to interview began talking with Mr. Garrets, Gabriella got into position.

As soon as the player turned around and walked her way, she suddenly realized who the familiar face was. The soft brown hair, the glittery eyes, the soft smile. How could she forget?

"Gabby…?" Troy asked, in his Phoenix Suns sweats.

"Troy…" Gabby said with a little sound of surprise in her voice.

Troy smiled, which made Gabby's heart melt. "It's good to see you." He said, awkwardly.

"Uh," Gabby smiled. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too." She said flatly.

"I'm guessing you're the reporter I'm doing the interview with…" he said, holding his neck, just like he used to do in High School and College.

Gabby nodded. "Y-Yeah."

It was awkward silence as they stared into each other eyes, a little questioningly.

"In five…four…" The camera man cried, and he held up his hands for the rest of the numbers.