I covered my mouth just in case it was an intruder or something, but when I heard the voice I let out a sigh of relief. The voice belonged to Kira.

"Ella? Are you in here?" Even though there was only one shower on, Kira was still a bit oblivious.

"Ya, in here Kira!" I poked my head out of the door, "What's up?"

"Oh, well Ms. Okami said you were in here, so I just came to check on you."

"That's so nice of you, now if you'll let me get back to my shower." I closed the door and started cleaning myself again before I was interrupted.

"Ok then. If you don't want to see Darren…" I could tell Kira was teasing me in that tone of hers.

I quickly poked my head out of the door again, "Darren? You saw him?"

"Ya, I saw Evra and Mr. Crepsley too. They were just checking in."

"Hmm..they came here awfully late, are you sure it was them?" I asked in curiosity.


"Hmm..let me finish showering. Can you wait for me outside?"

"Sure, no problem." Kira then walked out of the showers and into the night.

I sighed and went back to my shower for the third time.


After a couple of minutes, I had finished my shower and put on fresh new clothes. I stepped out of the shower while holding my dirty clothes in my arms. I left the shower house and looked around to see if Kira was around and found her leaning on a tree.

"I thought you got eaten by a bear or something." Kira said sarcastically.

"A bear? I'm sure you could have come up with something better then that." I laughed.

"Oh, hush up. By the way, what did you think about that Edward guy earlier? He was such a cutie."

"Then you go for him. I have Darren, remember?" I reminded her.

"Oh ya, how can I forget my best friend dating my brother's best friend?" Kira said sarcastically.

"Uh huh. There was something strange about Elizabeth and Edward though, I don't know what though…" I thought back to when we met those two. Even though us wolves can see very clearly at night, but since I wasn't paying any attention to where I was walking, I bumped into a tree and fell backwards.

"Omgosh, Ella, are you alright?" Kira offered me her hand.

"Why didn't you tell me there was a tree there??!!" I slapped Kira's hand away.

"Hey, not every supernatural creature can have supernatural senses like you, you know."

"Ya, ya." I rubbed my head as I gathered my things that I dropped. When I was gathering my things, I saw a pair of feet and as I looked up, it was Edward.

"Are you alright?" He asked.


"Here, let me help you up." He offered his hand to me and I took it.

"Thanks. What are you doing out here so late?"

"Just wandering around, what about you two?" He seemed to realize Kira was there as well.

"I just finished showering and Kira was waiting for me." I explained.

"Oh, I see. Well, I'll see you guys later. Be careful." Edward turned his back to us with his hands jammed into his pockets and walked away.

I quickly went to Kira's side as we started walking back to our tent.

"You decided to take his hand and not mine? Ok, I see how it is." Kira then forgot her anger towards me and let out a small shriek. She can get so easily distracted sometimes, "Can you believe what just happened??"

"Yes, I can believe it, Kira."

"Hey, where are you going? Darren's tent is that way." Kira pointed her finger in the other direction.

"Oh, well, I'm tired, I'll look for him in the morning." I kept walking towards our tent.

"Ok, if you insist." Kira walked alongside me.

After a few minutes, we reached our tent to find Ms. Okami laying in her bed with Crescent by her side.

"Oh there you girls are." Ms. Okami sat up.

"Yup, here we are." I stuffed my dirty clothes in my knapsack, being sure to separate them from the fresh clothes.

"You do know Darren is here, right Ella?" Ms. Okami asked me.

"Am I the only one that didn't know he was here? But yes, I know he's here. I'm tired though, I'll see him tomorrow morning." I kicked off my shoes and laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Oh ok, if you insist." Ms. Okami turned off the lights and laid back on her bed. "Goodnight girls."

"Goodnight, Ms. Okami." Kira and I said in unison.

Kira and I said our goodnights to each other as I drifted off to sleep.


I could hear the birds chirping outside as I opened my eyes. I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes and looked at the two other beds. Of course, Ms. Okami wasn't in it, she usually woke up before either Kira or I did and Kira was asleep as always. I got up and walked outside the tent, still in my pajamas, and saw that the sun was barely up. I checked my watch and it was barely 5 AM, I stretched and then I saw Edward and Elizabeth walking together.

"Hey Elizabeth, Edward!" I yelled out to them, hoping they would hear me.

They both turned their heads at the same time. Elizabeth smiled and waved as they both came over. "Hey Ella, what are you doing up so early?"

I yawned, "Ms. Okami says we have to leave early, as always. We are a bit behind after all. What about you two?"

"Couldn't sleep." Elizabeth answered simply. "By the way, Edward told me he bumped into you and Kira last night. Did you guys make it back to the tent ok?"

"Oh ya, we made it back fine. I just bumped into a tree and that's when we bumped into Edward."

"Ouch, you ok?'

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Oh and thanks again for helping me out last night, Edward"

"No problem." Edward answered.

"So, where's Kira?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh, she's still sleeping as always." I said.

"Oh, I see. Well send Kira our regards, we better be heading off now. Bye Ella! We hope to see you around!" Elizabeth started walking off.

"Bye, Ella." Edward said as he followed behind his sister.

I then felt a presence behind me and turned around as I had a feeling it was Kira, "Hey sleepyhead."

Kira was still in her pajamas as she rubbed her eyes, "Hey, was that Edward and Elizabeth I heard?"

"Your hearing isn't so bad, after all. Ya, it was."

"Then thank goodness I came out later then I was supposed to. I wouldn't want them to see me like this." Kira walked back in the tent as she went to her side of the bed and started to rummage in her backpack.

"Hello? I was in my pajamas when I saw them and they didn't say anything." I went to my bedside and started to get some fresh clothes, but I didn't feel like taking a shower since I did last night, so I just started changing into new clothes. Don't worry, us wolves don't smell that bad without a shower for a day.

"They could have been thinking it." Kira pointed to her brain.

"Oh, shut up!" I threw my pillow at her and it hit her head. I giggled.

"Hey!" Kira threw the pillow back at me, but I managed to catch it. Wolves also have pretty good reflex skills. "I'm going to go take a shower now, want to come with?"

"Sure." I followed behind Kira, to the shower hall.

"This competition is getting pretty intense, huh?" Kira decided to bring this up.

"I know, right? I mean we've lost a couple of people already. I'm afraid to find out what's going to happen next." I shivered at the thought.

"I know what you mean, those vampires were pretty scary. Hey, isn't Darren a half vampire?" Kira asked.

"Ya, he is, but he doesn't drink human blood, well hardly anyways." I remembered Darren telling me this.

"Ah, I see. You wait out here. I won't take long." Kira walked inside the shower hall as I leaned on the rough wall of the shower hall. I closed my eyes and sighed.


After a few minutes, I heard the door open and opened my eyes. It was Kira in new clothes. "Ah, that felt good. Come on, we should go now before Ms. Okami gets mad." Kira and I started walking back to our tent.

I almost forgot about Darren for a second, "Hey do you think Darren and Evra are still here?"

"They should be. Want to go check?" Kira asked.

"Sure. Better late then never." I followed Kira towards Darren's tent.

"Hmm..don't you think it's weird that we haven't had obstacles lately?" I brought up.

"Now that you mention it, that is a very good point. The last one we had were those vampires and that was about a week ago. Oh, we're here. Tent 1901"

I quickly went inside to find out that they already left, "Aww, man. They already left."

"How do you know?" Kira poked her head inside.

"Well, there are no belongings here and the beds are made and it looks like no one has stepped in here yet. Are you sure this is the right tent?" I asked Kira.

"Yes, I'm sure, Ella." Before we could say anymore, Ms. Okami's voice broke into our conversation.

"Oh, there you girls are. We're just about to leave. Come back to the tent and gather your things. I'll be waiting." Ms. Okami then left.

"Oh great, we're about to leave and I haven't seen Darren yet." I walked out of tent 1901 and headed back to our tent.

"Don't worry. They're fine and I'm sure we'll see them again soon." Kira ran to catch up to me.

"I hope so."


Kira and I gathered our things as quickly as we can. I finished before Kira and sat on the bed to wait for Kira to finish.

"Ok, done. Let's do this." I got up off my bed and walked out of the tent with Kira by my side.

"Ok, we're ready, Ms. Okami. Where to next?"

Ms. Okami looked at the map, "Let's see…if we take the shortcut, we should end up in a town that's around 3 hours away."

"3 hours? Doesn't sound like a shortcut to me." Kira complained.

"Hey, don't complain, it's not as bad as getting here." I pointed out.

"True, it did take us around 5 to get here. Ok, well what are we waiting for? Let's go." Kira started walking and Ms. Okami and I followed behind her.


3 hours later…

"Are we there yet?" Kira complained.

"Yes, we are, Kira. Look." Ms. Okami pointed out the town in front of us.

"Yay! Finally, some food. I've been starving." Kira ran into the town while looking around like a little kid looking for her favorite toy.

"Food? What happened to the food in your bag?" I asked suspiciously.

"Um..well…Look! A restaurant!" Kira ran towards the restaurant.

"Uh huh." I laughed and followed Kira into the restaurant.

When I reached the restaurant, I saw one of these soldier looking guys that got spilled a liquid type of drink on him, I sniffed the air. It smelled like tea.

"Hey, watch it!" The soldier pushed the waiter over as the waiter kept bowing his head and apologizing to the soldier.

"Hey! It wasn't his fault!" Kira stepped up to the soldier.

"Oh ya? Then who's fault was it?"

"It was mine and I didn't mean to bump into him."

"Well then, I think you owe me an apology, little girl."

"Little girl? Oh you really shouldn't have said that. Esmeralda!" I knew what Kira, well mostly Esmeralda, was capable of. Kira's dragon, Esmeralda, was part of her Cirque Du Freak act. Esmeralda crawled up onto Kira's shoulder and Kira nodded to the dragon. The dragon then breathed fire at the soldier and when the fire cleared, his eyebrows were gone.

Kira laughed, "That's what I'll do about it."

I couldn't help but laugh a little too, but then my laugh stopped once I saw the soldier grab Kira by her wrist.

"Hey, let me go!"

I hurried over to Kira and grabbed her other wrist, trying to pull her away from the soldier. "Let her go!"

"Another one of you punks? Oh ya? Make me." There were a few more soldiers that stepped up from behind him.

"No problem." My eyes turned black as my wolf instincts started to tap in. My wolf ears and tail came out and so did my fangs. I jumped on the soldier that grabbed Kira and slashed at his cheek. It left a bleeding scar.

"Why you little…" He punched me and I skidded across the floor.

Just then Ms. Okami and Crescent ran into the restaurant. "Ella!" She ran to my side as Crescent growled at the soldiers. "Are you o.k.?"

"Y-ya..I'm fine." I slowly stood up with the aid of Ms. Okami.

"What happened?" Ms. Okami was checking me for bruises just like my mother used to do when I fell or something.

"I'll explain later, we have to save Kira!"

"AHH! Help me, Ella, Ms. Okami!!" Kira screamed as she was being taken away by the soldier.

"Stop squirming, you brat!" The soldier with the scar yelled at her.

"Well, I wouldn't be squirming if you would let me go!" Kira always had a witty comeback, even in situations like these.

The soldier knocked her out and carried her to the horse.

I took a step forward and the soldiers took a step forward towards Ms. Okami, Crescent and I.

We were surrounded by them and we couldn't do anything except watch as my best friend got taken away.

Author's note: Hey guys/gals. I didn't realize it took me almost 4 months to get the next chapter in. I apologize about that, but the long wait is over. I'm not sure what to title this chapter, so I'll just leave it Untitled..heh. I hope you guys/gals enjoy this chapter and let's hope my writer's block goes away..heh. :]

P.S. Oh and when I do this ---------------- It means that a new scene has started since this thing won't let me double double space between each paragraph