
A small smile flittered across James' face as he entered the living room of the Potter Mansion. The smell of pine wafted under his nose, and he saw the majestic Christmas tree in the corner of the room. The Potter's were having a small Christmas this year; and a more homely feel was definitely felt in the house. No grand parties or an extravagant decor for them- in fact, the star hovering above the Christmas tree was made by his own hands. Granted, it did take him three hours.

This was the sort of Christmas James appreciated these days. When he was younger he loved going to parties and being the 'belle' of the ball (although of course a much more masculine belle). Now he was twenty four, he was at the point in his life where he wanted to be settled. He had everything he wanted: and the fact it was Christmas in a couple of days was just the icing on the cake.

The large family portrait that hung above the mantelpiece and dominated the room was what initially made James smile. It no longer held the painting of his cheeky thirteen year old self. The shoulders had broadened, his height had towered, his jaw strengthened, and the chubby cheeks had vanished. He was a man now. A man with a woman. The portrait version of Lily had a twinkle in her eye as she aimed a wide smile in his direction before turning to portrait James and kissing him firmly on the lips. Portrait James smiled warmly at his portrait partner – he only had eyes for her.

"I like that portrait more than the other," said a feminine voice from the doorway.

Lily was leaning against the doorframe with a gorgeous smile to match her portrait counterpart. She was wearing a pair of dark pink and black checked thin cotton pyjama bottoms and a dark pink camisole with a thin, black silky dressing gown loosely tied around her hips.

"Because there's an extra addition of you?"

"Am I really that self centred?" asked Lily, in mock flabbergast. She walked towards him, standing beside him to look at the portrait. The portrait version of his parents waved at the pair of them.

"Of course not," replied James. "Is it because I just look so irresistibly sexy on this one?"

"Well I know I'm not self centred but I can't really dismiss that fact about you," joked Lily.

"Okay so if it's not my irresistible sexiness, then what is it?" chuckled James, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Your version of yourself in the old portrait used to wolf whistle me every time I came into the lounge on my own," admitted Lily, a faint blush arising in her cheeks.

"I can imagine," grinned James. "I think I'm much more mature in the new portrait though."

"And I like that a lot more," said Lily, looking at the portrait to James and back again.

"You don't mind that we're spending our first Christmas as a married couple with my family, do you?"

"I love that we're spending it with the people that mean the most to us," smiled Lily. "I wouldn't want it any other way. As long as you're by my side I don't care who else is there."

"Ahhh so you don't mind if my new girlfriend comes for Christmas dinner then?" asked James with a cheeky grin. He ducked as Lily playfully tried to slap the side of his head. "I'll take that as a no then."

"I don't think she'd get along with my boyfriend, you see," grinned Lily.

"Oh so I'm not man enough for you then," chuckled James. "And here I thought that I was the only man for you."

"You are the only man for me," said Lily softly. "You always have been."

"Hey, you two!" exclaimed Sirius, standing in the doorway with Rory. "We all know you're all loved up but we'd really appreciate it if you'd come to the kitchen for breakfast. We're having Christmas Eve waffles but you're mum won't give us any until you're there."

"And we're really hungry," laughed Rory. It was weird to see how well the two of them fitted together. With their shiny black hair and clear, light eyes they were practically identical. He looked at Lily and she shared a smile with him, knowing she was thinking the same thing. Merlin, they were even equally obsessed with food.

"Don't worry, we'll be there in a minute," said James with a nod of his head.

"We promise," smiled Lily.

"You best be," warned Sirius. "Otherwise I'm coming back here to eat you."

With a pretend menacing laugh and a well positioned hand on Rory's lower back, Sirius left James and Lily on their own again.

"Weren't we just saying how happy we was to be having Christmas with him?" chuckled James sarcastically. "If he's not sufficiently occupied then he whines like a little baby."

"Just think; next Christmas we'll have one of our very own," said Lily warmly, placing her hand on her flat stomach.

"Are you sure this one's real?" asked James, with a mischievous grin. "Cause I can never be too careful with these things."

Lily grabbed one of his hands and pressed it against her stomach and looked up to him with what he could only describe as tender love and adoration in her eyes.

"I know it's still flat, but our child is growing in there," smiled Lily, leaning up to press her lips to his. "We made that happen out of our love."

"I know," said James gently, resting his forehead against hers with his hand still on her tummy. "I just want you to know that you and this baby are the two most important things in my life. We are living in a dangerous times but I swear to you I will do everything in my power to protect you and our child."

"Please don't talk like that, James," urged Lily. "Our family will be fine, I know that."

"I want more than anything for that to be true," smiled James. "Because I love you."

"I love you too, you're my forever."

James smiled. He knew he'd found his forever too.

A/N: Wow, I can't believe this story is really over. I'd just like to thank everybody who stuck to reading this story and to thank anyone who ever will read this. It was my first story, my first baby really, so it feels very strange to never again be writing on it. I'll miss it! I hope people have enjoyed reading it and will hopefully review and check out my other stories too.

Lots of Love,

LadyLush xxx