Anna promptly entered the kitchen and smiled in a far too nice manner at Dean, who still had his head stuck through the window. She bent down and snickered, "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I tell you the truth?"

Dean countered with his very own sugary sweet smirk.

"Well Anna," he declared. "Looks like you're going to have to lay off the make out sessions with Sam in my car then!"

Anna glared at him before she tweaked his nose. Hard. Dean jerked up and away to escape the nose pulling, and, unfortunately for him, smashed the back of his head on the window frame.

"Damn it!" He yelled. Claire's eyes got big, and she rushed over to guide him away from the attacking window while Anna howled with laughter. She had fallen onto the floor and was nearly shaking.

"OH MY GOD! THAT was funny! You should have seen his face! I'm gonna pee my pants!"

Claire held onto Dean's shoulders as he was doubled over holding his head. She looked in at her sister and scolded the red head.

"C'mon Anna! Be nice!"

"I-hahaha-I'm sorry! That was just so funny!" Anna cried, still laughing. She leaned down on the window sill, observing the wounded hunter with amusement. Dean's nostrils flared and he whirled around to face her, pointing his index finger. His eyes were bulging.

"You! You are a littleā€¦" He tightened his lips, curled his hand into a fist, and stomped away. Claire slowly turned to stare at her sister in wonderment.

"Really, Anna? He just saved us from a demon!" She snapped. Anna frowned and stuck her chin into her palm.

"Apologize," Anna heard her sister growl in her head. Her eyes trailed from her annoyed sister to the irate man (who was still stomping away).

"I'm sorry Dean!" She called after him. He kept stomping. Claire folded her arms across her chest.

"No more rape jokes."

"Aw c'mon!" Anna pleaded. "He gets so annoyed! It's hilarious!"

She met Claire's authoritative glare and sighed.

"Fiiiiiine. You win."

"Thank you."

At that moment Bobby and Sam pulled up in one of Bobby's rusty, rundown automobiles (A/N: Why doe no one use that word anymore? It's so much fun!) Anna smiled at them as Claire waved.

"Is he all taken care of?" Anna inquired. Sam stepped up the porch steps, nodding; Bobby followed him holding a bag of groceries.

"Where's Dean? For Cris' sakes, tell me he didn't leave you two alone. I'm surprised my house is still standing," he grumbled. Claire smirked before she stealthily planted a kiss on his cheek. He sputtered with surprise and pleasure at the warm welcoming.

"Nice to see you too, Bobby or daddy or whatever I'm calling you now," she teased. Anna beckoned Sam down to her level. He leaned down, bemused-and then surprised-when she grabbed the collar of his shirt and gave him a kiss.

Bobby's foot then connected with the back of Sam's knee, sending Sam's big head into Anna's face.

"Hey! None of that!" Bobby barked. He then marched into the house muttering something about "frisky idjits."

"Ow!" The frisky idjits unanimously complained. Claire snickered.

"Serves you right," she jeered before following Bobby inside. Anna turned over her shoulder and glowered at her sister.

"Sorry," Sam sheepishly said. Anna waved it off with one hand while rubbing her sore head with the other. She tried to smile, but it looked more like the pained grimace it really was.

"Don't worry about it," she smiled/grimaced. She straightened up then and began to help Bobby unload groceries. Sam watched for her a moment before he pivoted around to look out at the dusty junkyard. He saw Dean skulking against the hood of the Impala. Sighing wearily, Sam went over to investigate why Dean was pouting like a thirteen year old girl.

It didn't take Sam very long to reach his brother; his gargantuan legs could cover an immense amount of ground very quickly. He stood in front of him and asked, "What's up, Dean?"

"Your girlfriend is evil," he told Sam, not bothering to keep the edge out of his voice. Sam raised his eyebrows in interest.

"Why?" He questioned. Dean looked up at him then; he was beginning to get a strange glint in his eyes and his lips curled up into a foxish grin.

"So you're not denying it huh? You into still-illegal girls, Sammy?" He inquired. Sam's expression went dead line, and he turned on his heel and headed back to the house taking large, quick strides so Dean had to trot to keep up.

"Little, illegal, red heads turn you on Sammy boy? Damn, you're getting kinky in your old age!" Dean hooted. Sam stopped abruptly to smack him in a gut.