Hi, i'm back i want to apologize for the time being of lateness. i kind of forgot about the story and didn't have ideas at the time. but i did anyways. also that i've been busy with school and all that. so i hope you enjoy the next chp 4. please read and review and tell me what you think. even if you didn't like it. i would like to know your feedback. thanx of those who had reviewed and waited. i appariacted. and also sry for the grammers i'm not that good but it's good. and getting there. so i hope you enjoy. thank you.

chp 4

By noon when Ulrich and Yumi got up, they heard foot steps coming. They didn't' know who it was but they woke up and saw it was Odd in the room. He wanted to scare them but it was too late. As for Yumi and Ulrich, Yumi told Ulrich that she would go and hangout with Aelita today and would be back later. He said ok and let her go. They both kissed and left for the rest of the day on there own.

"So Ulrich, how was it?" he asked him curious.

"How was what?" Ulrich asked Odd. Though he knew where this was going.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do, tell me. So how was it?"

"Alright fine… we did, alright and it was wonderful."

"Wow, finally you did it!"

"I know." he said happily about it.

"So dude what's next?"

"What do you mean?"

"You tell me. But I got to go anyways. I will talk to later."

"Ok." What does "you tell me?" Ulrich asked to himself after Odd left. I mean like, well I just got to find out. He said and sighed.


While that Yumi was with Aelita hanging out. they were talking about there boy friends and the other stuff.

"So Yumi, I can't belive you did." she told her again, but very happy about it.

" I know, I know. it felt good. I didn't want to stop but go tired and slept."

"Well your lucky you did it. me and Jeremy on the other hand didn't', not yet I guess."

"Aww don't worry Aelita you would do it. Some day when you're really ready and you know your ready you both would do it."

"I know, I do and sometimes I feel like I am ready to do anything with him."

"Well you might be ready but he might not. So I guess you take time and wait for him."

"I know and I will." she told Yumi smiling how happy she is with Jeremy.

" lets go hang out outside today and wait for the boys to show up." Yumi said.

"Sure lets go." As than they went outside to hangout at their favorite bench, sat there and talked and soon the boys came. As the boys came Ulrich sat next to Yumi and wrapped his arms around her. Jeremy and Aelita were standing and hugging each other. Odd on the other hand is left alone but didn't care. He already has someone on his mind, but not sure.

"So gangs." Jeremy said.

"Yea?" they all said.

"Lets go away for away."

"What do you mean?" they said at the same time.

"Like go away on vaction, duh?"

"Duh, we know that, but why?"

"Well it's been two weeks summer had begun and we haven't done anything really fun lately." Jeremy said.

"Well…" Ulrich piped in.

"You know Jeremy I mean usually your not the "fun" type, your more than serious/work type."

" I know, but I want to try something new."

"Seriously?" they all said with there eyes raised in a surprised way. Usually Jeremy's not up for these things he was always busy with the lap and how they defeated Zana and were finally done and how he was busy with school work. But now he's free and decided to do something fun for a chance.

"Well if you say so, I'm up for it." Ulrich said. Still have his arms wrapped around Yumi and kissed her on the cheek and as she blushed she held him tighter.

"Well…" Yumi said.

"I am I'm up for it too but like where would we go? What about the money issue? What about parent's approval? You know they might not accept it."

"Don't worry they will I know it. and the money I've been saving it for quite a whilst."

"Really?" they all said in a complete surprised about it even more. "Yea Jeremy said.

"My parents have been giving me money like every week or so. And I would save some and use some for our out going."

"wow." They all said.

"How much do you have." Odd asked him.

"Well for all of us…. We basically have enough which means. We have $700 he told them.

"NO WAY!" they all said so happy and cheering.

"Ya and we have enough to go anywhere we want for at least a week or two. "

"I can't believe this Jeremy, you're the best." Aelita said hugging him and kissing him like crazy.

"I know I am." He said and returned the kiss back.

"I'm so lucky I have you." she said to Jeremy.

"Why because of the money and the trip?" he joked around.

"Yea and much more." She joked back and laughed and kissed him again and hugged.

"Well guys when can we go?" Odd asked.

"Well we need parents approval if where going to go. And we are old enough to travel ourselves. I mean I know there's age to go. But my parents will make sure they can let us go where ever we want.

"Wow, I can't believe this." Yumi said hugging Ulrich tightly and so happy about it.

"Yea, we should call or go to our parents and ask them." Ulrich said in a worry. " I mean I want to go but I don't want parents saying no and worrying about it."

" I know Ulrich don't worry I've been kind of talking to my parents about it. since they know how close friends you guys are to me and that even though they haven't met you guys yet but they will be coming here around this week and meet you and talk with your parents about letting us go."

"Seriously?" they all said.

"Yup, seriously."

"Oh my god. I'm so happy." They said at the same time.

"We love you Jeremy you're the best."

"I know. "


Finally it's been three days and nothing from Jeremy's parents yet. But after one day Jeremy's parents called and told him that they would be coming the next day which is Friday to talk to the parents of his friends. they both said ok and getting ready to come.

Jeremy parents lives at least 2hours away from where he is. They moved him here because they knew it was a good school and that he would love it here and that the parents didn't have much time to take care of him and all that. Until now everything was fine and he can go back home anytime he feels like it. Usually sometimes during the summer he would go visit.

As than next day has came, the parents greeted Jeremy and hugged him and said there were happy to see there one and only son. They talked for a while and catched up on what they have missed. They loved his son and loved how he was doing well in school and that he has a girl friend that he wants them to meet.

Finally the parents met his girl friend and was happy and they liked her. Aelita was nice to them and talked with them for a while. Than Jeremy's parents went to talk to the gangs met them each and talked with there parents. There parents had approved and would be going away soon. Somewhere…..

here's chp 4 i hope you enjoyed it. you know what to do. sry for any grammers or pucntion problems. i will soon be fixing them on my spare time if i can have someone helping me with it. but other than that hope you enjoy. until next time. :)!