My Back Up Plan

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Chapter one

Tenten admitted that she was nervous as she stared at the monster like building in front of her which was Konoha Academy. Tenten clutched her bag tightly as she nervously took a step towards the intimidating building.

Alright Tenten. You can do this. It's just a new school. Only a school. She reminded herself.

Tenten walked slowly towards the building and stared at its grand size.

It's huge! Unlike my old school before.

Tenten opened the door and took a deep breath.

Well here goes nothing she thought.

Tenten was pleasantly surprised so see the interior of the building inside. The walls were white with glass panelling. She noticed a couple of portraits hanging up and she even spotted the odd plant life. It was much different from her old school which had been a dump. That was back in Suna when she and her mother used to live there. That was, until she got expelled of course.

Walking up towards the reception table, Tenten introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Tenten Miyagi. I'm supposed to be starting school here today" she told the receptionist.

The receptionist typed her name down on her computer and gave a quick skim through her data files.

"Ah yes" then she clicked a button and Tenten heard a printing noise, "This will be your new time table" she told Tenten.

Tenten thanked the women and left.

She had Japanese studies first in room 4oD.

4oD? What kind of classes are called 4oD? Tenten thought in surprise as she tried to find the correct room. Besides she didn't want to be tardy on her first day.

Tenten took a left down the corridor and walked inside a large hallway. She noticed that some classes started with the number four and she simple assumed that 4oD would be somewhere here too.

Maybe I should ask someone for directions? Nah.

Tenten continued to walk down the hall whilst examining every classroom door but she couldn't find 4oD. She unwittingly reached the end of the hall which led towards a staircase. Tenten groaned. She didn't want to admit it but she was the tiniest bit lost.

Great which way do I go?

She wondered if she should so do an old rhyme such an 'innie meani mini moe' and see where that would lead her to.

Ah what the heck. It's not like I know my way around here anyways.

And you are not it.

It's up the stairs then Tenten thought as strolled towards the stairs. When she got up the stairs, Tenten realised that she was still lost.

Maybe I should really ask someone for directions she thought worriedly and by miraculous fate, she bumped into something hard.

She felt herself fall backwards and she quickly realised that she was going to fall. A strong arm caught her and she felt herself pushed into a strong but lean chest.

"Are you okay?" she heard the person ask.

Tenten peered up and saw a handsome man looking at her worriedly.

Wow he's hot! She couldn't help but think, I wonder if he's a teacher?

Tenten noticed that the man had long dark hair and pearl white eyes. She noticed his chiselled features and she had a mighty suspicion that he was well muscled from the way she was leaning into him. But what caught her eye was the fact that he looked young. Very young. In fact too young to be a teacher in her opinion.

Tenten pulled away from.

"I definitely thought I was going to fall there" she told him truthfully.

"Be glad that I caught you then" the man replied.

Tenten almost swooned.

Damn his voice is hot. Shit Tenten, stop acting all loved up because you saw some hot guy!

Tenten saw that the man was wearing a white shirt which was unbuttoned at the top along with black trousers and a black tie.

"Are you a teacher?" she asked.


Tenten saw him looking at her curiously.

Such a hot teacher. I wonder what he's doing here? Such a waste. He could have been a male model.

"Good. Then can you tell me where class 4oD is?" she asked him.

The man- no correct that. Tenten doubted that he was even in his late twenties- guy she should say, gave her a very surprised look.

Is it cause of my outburst? Tenten thought vaguely. She had always been painfully blunt with things.

"You're no where even near it" he told her amused.

Tenten looked aghast.

"So I walked all the way here for nothing?"

"Looks like it"

"Can you tell me the directions please?"

"It's in the second building. First of all walk down these stairs, then turn right. Follow the corridor and take the fifth right. Walk down and take the second door on your left. That should lead you outside. There are three buildings here and the building you want to go to is on the left again. Enter the building and follow the corridor. Go up the first flight of stairs and turn right. Follow the corridor again and stop by the nine classroom. That's were you want to be"

Tenten gave him a look of utter horror.

"Sir, do you honestly think I'll remember that?" she asked him in shock. She didn't even know this school had a second building!

The dark haired teacher sighed in defeat.

"I guess there's no avoiding" he said.

Tenten felt her eyebrow twitch. He sounded almost pissed off. And I didn't even do anything yet!

"I'll show you to your next class" he told her.

"Wow thanks. I'd probably get lost if you didn't appear"

"You were lost" the dark haired teacher informed her.

"Yeah well, you didn't have to say it. By the way, what's your name sir? Calling you Sir makes you sound old" Tenten replied with a playful hint of smugness.

The man in front of her froze and gave her a deathly glare.

"It's professor Hyuuga to you" he told her coldly.

Tenten smirked and followed him down the flight of stairs. She guessed that she must have pressed a nerve by calling him old. But whatever, it was fun to rile up teachers anyway and just because he was amazingly gorgeous didn't mean that he was no exception.

Ignoring Hyuuga sensei's earlier coldness, Tenten smiled happily towards him.

"I'm Tenten Miyagi. Pleasure to meet you" she introduced.


Tenten stood outside the classroom of 4oD. Hyuuga sensei had walked off without a word. All he did was point at the door and disappeared into the hallway.

Tenten gulped. She was slightly nervous about knocking and the fact that she was in her last year of school and moved here during the middle of second semester didn't ease her worries either. Most people by this time had formed friendship groups and it was always difficult for the new kid to fit in. It wasn't the fact that Tenten was scared that she wouldn't get any friends, it was the fact that she got bored when she had no one to speak to. Taking a deep breathe, Tenten knocked and opened the door.

Inside the room a bunch of thirty heads turned round to look at her. Tenten could hear murmurs buzzing around the class.

"Wow who's the hottie?"

"Is she new?"

"Why is her hair up in buns? Is that some sort of fashion statement? It looks pretty bad to me"

Tenten felt her eyebrow twitch. In fact she could have sworn it was the second time it happened today.

My hair does not look awful she thought defensively.

She walked towards who she presumed was the teacher. The man in front of her had spiky gray hair and a scarf covering the bottom part of his face.

"I presume you're the new student ne?" he asked her.

Tenten nodded.

"You're late" he told her. Tenten could have sworn that someone muttered 'and you're never?' but she ignored it.

"Sorry I got lost" she gave him her best smile.

Be fooled. Be fooled! Her mind chanted. The good thing about being a girl was that using your body correctly, you could get away with anything.

It seemed to work. Tenten suspected that he was smiling underneath his scarf.

"Why don't' you introduce yourself to the class?" he told her.

Tenten shrugged her shoulders.


Facing the entire class, Tenten noticed that there were several hot guys in the room especially a certain raven haired boy sitting beside a window. Tenten noticed that he wasn't paying any attention to her. She also noticed two very sluttish looking girls. Never being the one to judge on first appearances, Tenten gave them the benefit of the doubt. At least for now anyways.

"Hello I'm Tenten. I used to live in Suna but now I live her with my mum. I like martial arts and I won first place in a weapons tournament. Oh and I also like cooking" she told the class.

"Ma Tenten that was very good" Her teacher told her, "I'm Kakashi sensei. Now please take a seat beside Sasuke" he asked her.

"Who's Sasuke?" she asked bluntly.

She heard several gasps coming from girls and saw some guys sniggering. Then Tenten started to worry.

Oh god no, please don't tell me Sasuke is the loser in this school who is secretly a psychopath who wants to kill his brother! She thought desperately.

Tenten could have sworn that she was Kakashi sensei's eyes twinkle mischievously when he spoke, "the raven haired boy on the right beside the window is Sasuke. Go and sit beside him" he told her.

Tenten nodded and turned her heard round to find that the 'Sasuke' her sensei was talking about was the guy she had originally thought was good looking.

Wow. What amazing luck she thought to herself as she took her seat beside him.

"Hello I'm Tenten" Tenten introduced herself to Sasuke.

Said boy however ignored her.

"Insensitive jerk" Tenten whispered as she turned her attention on the black board. If Sasuke didn't want to speak to her, that was fine. It was his loss. After all, she didn't feel the need to impress him like some crazed fan girl. She just thought he was nice to stare at.

Twenty minutes into her first session and Tenten found herself bored out of her mind. Being the type to talk, she started poking Sasuke's shoulder with her pencil.

Sasuke turned around and glared at her.

"What do you want?" he hissed.

"I'm bored" she told him, "entertain me"

Sasuke stared at her with disbelief.

"No" he told her roughly before ignoring her.

Tenten sighed in defeat. At the moment, she was supposed to be reading a book called Make Out Tactics that was in Japanese and to be truthful, it was absolute crap.

Having nothing better to do, Tenten started to doodle on her table drawing stick men bodies with a shuriken stuck in their heads. Tenten laughed gleefully at her own creative artwork.

"Miss Miyagi, care to tell me why you're not paying in class?" Kakashi sensei asked her.

Tenten jumped at his voice as he brought her back into reality.

"Sorry" she mumbled, "it's just-

"It's just what?" Kakashi sensei asked.

"It's just I already know Japanese and why are we reading a book about sex? Is that even allowed in schools?" she told him truthfully. The one bad thing about living in Suna was that everyone spoke their mind and Tenten was no exception.

There were several gasps in the room and plenty of groans.

"Kakashi sensei, why are we reading porn exactly?" she heard a blonde haired boy say.

Kakashi ignored the blonde haired boy and spoke to Tenten happily, as if she had never accused him of anything.

"Ma Tenten, how do you know that there's sex in this book ne?" he asked her.

Tenten looked up at him.

"I read the last page" she said guiltily.


"Yeah" Tenten replied dryly. She had a bad habit at reading the last pages of books. After all, if she didn't like the ending, then what are the chances of her liking the beginning? Or the middle part for that matter?

"But that destroys the story" her sensei told her happily, "just don't give out any more spoilers" he warned.

"Hai" Tenten obeyed and slumped into her chair when she saw her sensei continue reading the book for his class.

"Pss Tenten!" she heard someone call out.

Turning her head round she saw that a pink haired girl was trying to get her attention.

"I'm Sakura" she told her, "now what are you doing sitting beside my boyfriend?" she demanded.

You're what? Boyfriend?

"Um, just sitting?" she replied unsurely. She could have sworn Sasuke beside her groaned in annoyance. That's weird. She thought.

Her line of thought was however interrupted when someone knocked the door. Apparently it was a teacher who urgently needed to speak to Kakashi sensei and Tenten watched him walk out of the door. Then everyone starting talking. And they were talking to her.

"Are you really from Suna?" the same blonde haired boy who asked their sensei why they were reading porn asked her.

Tenten nodded her head, unsure if she liked this newfound attention.

Couldn't they just leave me alone? She thought miserably. She had never been the social type really.

"Really?" the blonde asked her.






"Naruto stop it. I think you're pissing her off" she heard some one say. So Naruto's you're name huh? You have nice eyes she thought.

The sluttish looking blonde haired bombshell spoke next.

"So why did you move schools?" she asked her curiously, "I'm Ino by the way" she added in an afterthought.

Tenten looked guilty. She didn't really want to remember anything about her old school. And especially him.

"I uh, got expelled" she said meekly.

The whole room went silent. If she didn't have everyone's attention earlier on, she definitely had it now. Including Sasuke's.

"You're joking right?" she head someone ask her.

"Nope" she told them.

"Why did you get expelled?" Ino asked her.

"Long story" Tenten wasn't so sure if she wanted the entire class to know the exact reason why she was here.

"We have time" Ino egged on.

"Fine. As long as you don't blame me for scarring you for life"

She heard a couple of girls giggle then she spoke.

"I used to go to Suna Academy and to be truthful, that place was shit. Drugs everywhere. Weapons, gangster life in schools, you get the picture"

She waited for everyone to understand before she continued.

"Anyways you wouldn't dare go to that school without some form of protection; guns, knives etc"

"Wow that sounds like such a dangerous school" someone commented.

"It was" Tenten replied dryly, "Anyway some guy came up to me. And well, you know, tried to rape me" she said with a blush from embarrassment.

"Oh my god Tenten I'm so sorry!"

"Who was that guy? We'll beat him up for you?"

"Yeah!" the class cheered.

Tenten gave them a small smile.

"You don't need to" she told them, "I threw one of my shurikens at him and it hit his eye. He's blind now. And on top of that, he's in coma"

There was a deathly silence of disbelief in the room and Tenten was starting to feel uncomfortable. She was starting to wish that she told them nothing.

"Did you do it?" Naruto asked.

Tenten smirked at him.

"Like I said earlier on, I do know martial arts Naruto" she told him, "anyways, the teachers found out, cops got involved and I got expelled"

"What? But that's not fair! That wasn't your fault. If that guy didn't come up to you then none of this would have happened" somebody in the class said.

Tenten smiled sheepishly.

"It doesn't matter now" she told them quietly. But truthfully, she was glad that she was out of that place. Suna was no place for a girl and she knew that if she stayed there any longer, she would have definitely gone mad.

And at that precise moment Kakashi sensei walked in.

"I'm sorry class but an urgent meeting just came up"

"Sure!" someone yelled out.

"I have to go and discuss important matters with Iruka sensei" Kakashi sensei replied waving his hands towards his class, "class dismiss. Ja!"

Tenten walked aimlessly walked aimlessly down the corridor, not sure knowing where to go. After the class had been dismissed, several people offered her to come with them which she politely declined, saying that she just needed some time alone which was true.

Tenten needed some time alone to think. She couldn't believe that she had told the whole class about her incident in Suna.

You're such a fool Tenten. Why did you have to tell everyone about that?

Tenten was very personal about her life and she didn't know what had caused her to blurt out her secrets. She cringed in shame. She didn't want anyone to know about her almost rape- though she wouldn't really call it a rape cause she beat the guy into a pulp- but it was something that she wanted to keep privately to herself nonetheless. And now she just told the whole class. Tenten was no idiot. She knew that by tomorrow the whole entire school would know about her incident and it infuriated her.

Looks like it's instant popularity Tenten thought dryly, but for all the wrong reasons.

She knew that people would start looking at her differently tomorrow and it bothered her. She didn't want their sympathy or their fake kindness. It made her look like she was weak and she liked to believe that she was anything but weak. Tenten groaned. What was she supposed to do?

"Hey. Are you knew? I've never seen you around here?" someone said to her.

Tenten turned round and realised that she was alone in a hallway with two thuggish looking guys.

Great. I seem to have the worst luck ever.

"Yeah" Tenten replied dryly, "I just came today"

"Really? Do you want us to show you around? I'm Ted by the way and this is Dave"


"Oh come on, we'll help you"

"I said no" Tenten shouted moodily and stomped off the other direction from the two guys.

"Hey you can't just leave us like that"

"I think I just did" Tenten replied smugly.

Then she felt something hard grab hold of her arm and Tenten barely registered that she had been thrown onto the cold hard floor.

What the fuck? Her mind screamed at her. Warning signals were going off in her mind.

She saw the two guys grinning wickedly at her and for a sudden moment, Tenten felt the same fear when she was almost raped- though she kept repeating to herself that it had never even been close to rape but a simple guy irritating her.

"Ouch. Why did you do that for?" she complained.

Suddenly, two bodies hovered over her with lustful eyes.

"If you obey us, you won't get hurt" Ted said.

Tenten felt her body stiffen. She? Getting hurt? Puh lease.

She felt one of the guys grab hold of her am whilst the other aimed for her shirt.

"Let go of me" she told them angrily. She did not want to be blamed for the consequences.

"Wow you're feisty"

Then Tenten felt one of them grope her breast.

Oh my god. They did not just do that! Her mind went into overdrive with fury.

She roughly shoved both guys off her with amazing strength and sent a mind blowing punch to the nearest guy she could reach who so happened to be Ted. She heard him shout out in pain and saw him stumble backwards.

"You bitch!" he cried out.

"I can't believe you just felt me up!" Tenten fumed, this time turning her attention to the guy next to her and gave him one strong kick.

The guy landed on the floor and Tenten jumped on him, straddling his waist and connected her fist with his nose. She punched him hard.

"Do you have any idea how much I hate it when guys try to feel me up?" Tenten hissed, memories of Suna and horrible men rushing inside her mind like a tidal wave.

"You're mad" he hissed at her.

She threw another punch at him not caring whether she broke his nose or not. She was aware that the other guy was trying to pull her off his friend by yanking at her back. He succeeded and Tenten was lifted up into the air screaming. She didn't notice that she dropped her bag and the contents had spilled over.

"What's going on here?" an extremely cold voice demanded. Both guys and Tenten slowly turned round and saw Hyuuga sensei glaring at them.

Hyuuga Neji had been walking through the corridors when he heard a lot of screaming. He didn't expect to see that the young girl he bumped into earlier on today was being harassed by two notorious boys who was known in this school for abusing girls- though they teachers never had solid proof to condemn them. Except the weird part was, it was the other way round. It looked like the young girl was harassing them instead.

"Hyuuga sensei!" he heard her say.

Neji noted that one of guys was collapsed on the floor covered in blood whilst the other seemed to be yanking the girl off his friend. Neji noticed that the guy had bruises on his face as well.

Did that girl caused all that? He thought with mild disbelief.

"What's going on here?" he repeated again.

The guy holding onto Tenten dropped her in fear.

"I swear we didn't do it!" he told Neji, "that girl, she just went nuts! We didn't do anything!"

Tenten glared at him and before Neji could react, he saw her kick him again.

"You liar you!" she glared at him.

"Miyagi. That's enough" he told her sternly, "Sato. Gunma, report to the principle's office immediately" he commanded, " I know exactly what you did"

Both boys shivered in fear from him and nodded their heads.

"Hai" they replied but their voices were shaky.

Neji saw the girl –Tenten was it? - sigh out in relief.

"I hate those pricks" she declared, mostly to herself.

Neji ignored her. Then something caught his eye.

"Is that your bag?" he demanded looking at the bag on the floor.

"Yeah. Wh-

"Miyagi detention straight after school" he replied stoically.

Tenten gaped at him.

What? Wasn't she the victim here?

"Why?" she managed to mumble. Surely he was pulling her leg right? She only fought those guys in self defence. Honest!

"Miyagi, would you care to enlighten me as to why you have a set of shurikens and kunais in your bag?" he asked her coldly.

Tenten froze. She had forgotten about them. Looked liked old habits die hard.

Oh shit.

"Well I um…I carry them for safety" she said confidently

Neji raised an eyebrow at her.

"Detention" he repeated. Suddenly, he wasn't looking so gorgeous to Tenten anymore.

"But what did I do? It's not like I used them anyway" Tenten defended. She had just been attacked by two guys and now she was getting detention? She didn't see any logic in that.

"Miyagi" Neji snapped at her, "Do you know that bringing weapons to school is forbidden? Just be glad that I'm not sending you to the principle's office as well"

Tenten glared at him and suddenly, she didn't like him as much.

Detention on the first day of school?

That is so uncool she thought.

A/N: Owww I feel as if my fingers are about to fall off. –Sulks-

I know it isn't really smart to make a new story when I have two on going already but I couldn't help it!! This story kept calling out to be written!

And just to clear up everything, this IS a teacher x student relationship so you have been warned! My friend earlier on asked me why on earth I would like to write a story like this and to be truthful; I thought it would be exciting. I mean surely some taboos are intriguing don't you think?

Anyhoo, I hope I haven't offended anyone with this story being student x teacher relationship. If you like it, please tell me! I don't want to get attacked by flamers –cries-

Reviews would be nice -hint-