XD! Helloooooo people!! I can't believe that I actually typed this fanfic. I am lazy if you didn't figure out yet. I'm a person who sits in front of a computer all day doing nothing at all. I'm bored out of my mind! –Sigh- Hope you enjoy this chapter as well as the other ones!

Warning: Lemon between two guys. Don't read it if you don't want to.

( )-( )
( -'.'-
( " )-( " )


Two Years Later…

It was been two years since Sasuke left.

Naruto was sad for the first few weeks, but got over it knowing the fact that he will come back.

Moving out of Tsunade's house, Naruto moved into the dorm in his school.

Naruto was now in his dorm, with the roommate of Kiba.

All of his friends were in the same college, which really surprised them.

"Funny." Naruto said, catching the dog lover's attention.


"We all been friends for a long time, yet we never talked about which college we'll be going to. It's amazing how we all got into the same college."

Kiba smirked. "You got that right."

Naruto laughed and looked at the clock.

"Hey, we should be going to class now. Let's go!" Naruto said as he dragged Kiba out of the room.

Kiba struggled when Naruto dragged him through the hall, but paid no attention to him. What he did notice was people were staring at him. More like staring at what's he dragging.

Naruto turned around and saw a red-faced Kiba only in boxers. "Whoa. Did you forget to put your pants on?" Naruto said with a smirk.

"I tried to tell you moron! But you wouldn't let go," Kiba yelled and ran all the way back to his room. He came back a few minutes later and whacked Naruto on the head, hard.

Kiba walked away after hearing a satisfying "Ow." Naruto followed before him rubbing his head.

Before they go to their first period class, they will always meet up with their other friends in their secret spot. Sakura trees surround the place. There was flowers of every color and had a small, but clear and shining lake more up north. It was amazing that no one found this spot since it was so beautiful.

Nothing changed in the past two years. Sure, they all got more mature, but their friendship stayed the same. If not, they got closer. Some of them got together on their first years of college.

Ino was with Shikamaru. No surprise in that, since they looked like a married couple when they argued. Sakura ended up with Lee. Everyone was a bit surprised. They thought that Lee would end up with Tenten, but Lee just said that they were only good friends.

"YO!" Naruto greeted as he walked up to his friends.

He was greeted back with some hi's and hey's.

"Anything new Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"Um, let me think," Naruto put up a thinking face.

"Hey, if you think too much, your brain might pop," Ino said with a smirk.

"Shut up. Oh yeah. Itachi called me. He said we should go to his place today," Naruto said.

"What for?"

"Wants to talk us something or whatever."

Hinata looked at her watch and said, "We should be going now." Over the past two years, Hinata stopped stuttering.

Everyone said their goodbyes and headed to their classes.

At Itachi's House After School

All of them went to Itachi's house after school. They went to the front door and Naruto was about ring the doorbell when Itachi opened the door for them. The group of friends looked at Itachi strangely.

Kiba opened his mouth to say something. Then Itachi spoke. "I saw you from my window." Kiba closed his mouth.

Everyone went in and sat on the couches, everyone being familiar with this place.

Itachi sat down on the main seat and looked at everyone.

"And, what do you want? It better be important," Gaara said in a monotone voice.

"Are you going to give us food!?" Chouji said excitedly, jumping up from his seat, with happiness in his eyes.

Everyone just gave Chouji a blank look. "Okay, I'll shut up now." And he sat down.

"Anyways, what I'm going to tell you is important," Itachi said with seriousness in his voice.

"Hurry up and say it! You're wasting our time!" Ino raised her voice a little.

Itachi looked at her and she silenced. He focused on the rest of the group and said,

"Sasuke's coming back."

Little gasps were heard as eyes widen and mouths dropped. Shock went through everyone.

Then everyone turned their heads to Naruto, who had his eyes wide and mouth threatening to break off. His eyes were a mixture of surprise and happiness.

Silence filled the room, but Itachi broke the ice.

"Well, I'm leaving for a meeting now. You can stay here and talk about it." With that, he rose from his seat and went out the door, but not before giving Naruto a little glance.

"Well, the 'bastard' is finally back isn't he Naruto?" Neji asked

Naruto gave out a beautiful and happy smile and said, "Yeah, he kept his promise."

Everyone else smiled as well. Who couldn't when Naruto gave out such a smile like that?

Naruto let out a laugh and scratched the back of his head with a silly grin on his face. "I feel so happy right now, but I can't seem to show it."

They all laughed and talked about Sasuke when Shino said, "Hey, why not get some revenge?"

Now that caught everyone's attention, forgetting the fact Shino actually talked.

Then Gaara said in his monotone voice, "I think that's a good idea, since Sasuke hurt Naruto a lot when he left."

As soon as the word left his mouth, everyone got an evil gleam in their eyes

"Revenge huh?" Naruto said with a smirk and a hint of evilness in his voice.

He turned his head around to face everyone else. "Anyone has any ideas?"

They all whispered amongst themselves when a hand rose. "I have one."

Everybody looked at the speaker. It was Shikamaru.

"Tell us!" Naruto said with a smile on his face. This was Shikamaru, and he always has good ideas. Everyone else stared at Shikamaru as he spoke.

"Okay, it's like this. Naruto you have to…" Shikamaru started. He said the rest as they all got amusement in their eyes.

Three Days Later…

It was today.

Today Sasuke is finally going to come back.

Itachi called Naruto the other day. He said that he forgot to say something. He said that Sasuke was also going to be in the same college as the rest of the group.

As for Naruto and his friends, they were working on the revenge.

Well, not really. The revenge didn't need a lot of work.

Now then, let's talk about Naruto now.

Naruto, Kiba, Gaara, Ino, and Hinata went to their first period class, which was math.

They walked in and saw Iruka-sensei at the front of the room.

Umino Iruka transferred into this college in the near end of last year. His previous school got bankrupt and could no longer pay the teachers. All the teachers in that school had to find another job. Luckily, Naruto found out that there were empty spaces for teachers in his college and asked Iruka-sensei to get the job here.

"Ah. Good, you're finally here," Iruka-sensei said when he saw them come in. "Go to your seats." They did as he said.

"Now then, since everyone is here now, I have an announcement to make. We're going to have a new student."

Whispers were heard as girls talked about if the new kid is going to a sexy guy. And the guys wished it was a hot girl.

Naruto started to have butterflies in his stomach. Of course he knew it was Sasuke.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Oh good, the student is here. Come in."

Silence filled the air as everyone in the room had their eyes on the door. The door opened and in came a tall raven man. His midnight hair swayed as he walked to where Iruka-sensei was. He turned to face the class. His cold onyx eyes looked around the room.

The whole class was gapping at the raven. Girls shrieked in pure joy. They had heart-shaped eyes when others had hearts coming out of them. A few guys had heart-shaped eyes too. But the majority of the guys groaned on how the new kid looked. They had a lesser chance of being popular now. But they have to admit the raven was a beauty.

"Quiet down class! This is Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke-kun, please introduce yourself," Iruka-sensei said with a smile.

"Hn. I'm Uchiha Sasuke. It's not nice to meet you," Sasuke said coldly with his deep silky voice.

Iruka-sensei looked at Sasuke and rolled his eyes. 'He never changes.'

"Okay. Go sit next to the boy with blue hair," Iruka-sensei ordered.

Sasuke started to walk to the seat next to the blue haired guy while his eyes were fixed on Naruto. A small smile formed on his face, but no one saw it unless they had sharp eyes, which Naruto and his friends had.

The blue haired guy was in the back and Naruto was near the middle. Sasuke stopped in front of the azure eyed blonde and looked down at Naruto. Their eyes meet.

Naruto eyes were filled with happiness and chirped, "Sasuke!"

Sasuke smirked and said, "Hey usuratonkachi."

"Hey! Take that –," Naruto started, but was cut off by Iruka-sensei.

"Naruto! Have the reunion later! Class is in session!"

Naruto looked up to Sasuke with a sheepish grin. "Talk to you in lunch!"

Sasuke gave a little nod and walked to his seat. 'Iruka is as strict as ever.'

The day went by slowly for Naruto. He was eager to go to lunch and have a chat with Sasuke. He waited two damn long years!

Everything went by normally, except for the fact that a fan club had already formed for Sasuke. Kakashi-sensei was late for class with a lame excuse of being late, Lee and his shouting on how youth was wonderful, Sakura and Ino's daily argue.

Time finally pasted and now it was lunch. Naruto and the group went to their normal table. He saw Sasuke come in the cafeteria and was remained something. He was supposed to have his revenge! Naruto mentally smacked himself on the head as he thought about the plan.


"Okay, it's like this. Naruto you have to pretend to be in a relationship with someone" Shikamaru said.

"WHAT!?" Naruto screamed, bursting everyone's ear drums.

"Ouch! Idiot! He said to pretend, not real!" Sakura yelled at Naruto while rubbing her ears.

"I know he said pretend! And even though it is pretend, I will not do that! I am loyal to Sasuke!" Naruto yelled back

"I agree with Naruto-kun! We should not do such unyouthful things! I will be a waste of your youthfulness!" Lee said jumping up from his seat.

"Quiet Lee. It's not your revenge. And Naruto, do you want your revenge or not? I think that idea's pretty nice," Kiba said, looking at Naruto.

"… I do, but…"

"No buts Naruto. Shikamaru, please do continue," Neji said.

"As I was saying, you should pretend to be in a relationship with someone. Make Sasuke jealous. Then just say it was a lie in the end," Shikamaru continued.

The idea of seeing Sasuke jealous perked Naruto up. He never did see him jealous before.

"Okay, but who am I suppose to go out with? I'm not going out with a stranger," Naruto questioned.

"Hm. I didn't think of that. Well, it's okay. We'll talk about it now. Who's not going out with somebody?" Shikamaru asked.

"Let's see. Shino, Neji, Gaara, Tenten, Chouji… and that's it," Sakura stated.

"The possible choices would be Neji nii-san and Gaara. Shino-kun and Chouji-kun is not really Naruto's type. And even though Naruto is bi, Naruto prefers guys more than girls, so Tenten is out," Hinata pointed out.

Everyone stared at her when her face got all red. "Oh! Shino-kun! Chouji-kun. I didn't mean to offend you! It's just … Um …Ah…" Hinata said, trying to find the right words.

"Don't worry about it," Shino and Chouji said.

"Well, anyways, as Hinata said, Neji and Gaara would be one of the better choices. Now, which one?" Shikamaru said.

"Neji! Since he's hotter!" Neji smirked.

"No! Gaara's much cooler!" Gaara scowled.

Everybody (the girls) started small arguments, but stopped when Naruto spoke up. "Hey guys, I think Gaara will be the better choice, Hey, don't take it the wrong way Neji!" Naruto said and raise his hands in defense when Neji gave him a look. "Gaara is my childhood friend and knows more about me. Not that you don't know anything about me Neji."

"Well, I guess Gaara's a better choice…" Everyone else agreed on Gaara.

Gaara did a small smile in triumph to himself.

The friends talked about the plan when Chouji suddenly said,

"Don't you think that's a bit too much?" Chouji feeling a bit pity for Sasuke.

"Of course not. He deserves it and it's not like it's real." Kiba said disagreeing with Chouji.

"-Sigh- How troublesome," Shikamaru whispered to himself as his eyes wandered to the window looking at the clouds. "It's not your choice to decide. It's Naruto's revenge. He decides whether or not he's gonna do it. And by the look on his face," Shikamaru turned to Naruto. "It looks like he wants to."

Everyone turned to Naruto and he was grinning from ear to ear now that he heard the whole plan and thought it was nice.

"Noo! Naruto-kun! I told you not to do such unyouthful things!" Lee exclaimed while tears streamed down his face.

End of Flashback

Sasuke spotted Naruto and started to walk over to his table.

Naruto looked at Gaara as he looked back. Then, Gaara pulled Naruto down by his waist so Naruto was half sitting on Gaara's lap. He bends down and looked at Sasuke with the corner of his eyes to make sure Sasuke was watching. Gaara did a small smirk after he saw Sasuke looking shocked and a bit hurt. The red-head bended more down until his lips met Naruto's.

'So this is how it feels like when kissing Naruto,' I thought.

When I was picked to be the fake lover for Naruto's revenge I felt happy. Even if it was pretend.

I know it's wrong to think of your best friend like this, but I really love Naruto. After all, he did save me from misery. I thought back when we were only first graders. This is the one thing I can forget.

I was just a transfer kid. The kids in my class were all afraid of me. Even the teacher was a bit scared.

At home, my sister, Temari, and brother, Kankuro, never got along. We would always get into small fights and arguments. Sometimes we just ignore each other like his/her existent wasn't there.

But after I met Naruto everything changed. When I just transferred, kids in the class avoided me, but Naruto just came up to me and introduced me with that cheerful voice of his. He was my first friend.

After he came to my house one day, he lighten the whole place up (no, not like Lee with his blinding smiles).My siblings and I got along after that.

He was someone that was important to me.

Because of him, I got all these friends I have today.

Because of him, I am what I am today.

And because of that, I loved him.

Geez. When did I get that sappy?

'Thank you Gaara! I really owe one to him now. I didn't know what to do after I remembered the plan. No wonder everyone calls me stupid,' Naruto thought, relieved.

He turned so that it looks like he was kissing Gaara back. All his friends tried to bite back gapping at them. If they did, it would ruin the whole plan.

Gaara stopped and pulled back from Naruto. Naruto made a quick glance at Sasuke. There were jealousy, hurt, and shock on his face.

Being an Uchiha he is, Sasuke quickly hid his emotions, replacing it with a cold face.

"Hn. When did you guys start going out?" Sasuke said trying to not make his voice crack.

Naruto scratched the back of his head and said, "Um, it's been like two months already."

"I see… Naruto I need to talk to you." Before Naruto even responded, Sasuke pulled Naruto out of his seat and started to drag him out the cafeteria.

"Hey! Hey Teme! I could walk by myself!" Naruto yelled, struggling a bit.

Sasuke didn't respond and continued to walk to his dorm. He reached it and opened the door. 'Thank God for a single's room.' Sasuke walked into the room and locked the door. Then he slammed Naruto onto the wall pinning him.

"Ow! Teme! What are –," Naruto never got the chance to finish his sentence as Sasuke pressed his lips against Naruto's, kissing Naruto forcefully.

Naruto was surprised at first, but then he kissed Sasuke back with the same force. He tried to suppress a moan as Sasuke swiped his tongue across Naruto's lips.

Opening his mouth, Naruto let Sasuke's tongue into his mouth. His tongue roamed all over Naruto's mouth. He licked Naruto's gums and teeth. Sasuke touched Naruto's tongue and this time, Naruto couldn't hold back the moan.

Naruto let out a loud moan against Sasuke's mouth. He could feel Sasuke smirking right now. Sasuke pulled back due to lack of air and looked at Naruto.

Naruto eye's was half-lidded with lust and love. His cheeks were flushed while he was panting. After letting Naruto catch his breathe, Sasuke swooped down taking Naruto's lips again. He pushed Naruto down onto his bed never leaving Naruto's mouth.

Lemon Begins

'When did we get to the bed?' Naruto thought as he kissed Sasuke. And boy, did it feel good.

Naruto kissed some people before, but not even one was like how Sasuke was kissing him.

Sasuke left Naruto's mouth earning a groan from him, but gasped when a tongue ran down his neck, sucking and biting on the sun-kissed skin. Naruto threw his head back in pleasure, exposing more skin.

The raven started to undress Naruto from his college uniform. He took off the shirt and threw it besides the bed. Sasuke sat up a bit and admired the blonde.

A half-naked guy with bright golden hair with stunning azure eyes. Cheeks flushed and toned chest with a six-pack.

'Beautiful…' thought Sasuke.

Naruto squirmed under Sasuke's lustful stare. A smirk formed on Sasuke face as he went down and took Naruto's right nipple between his teeth. Naruto took in a sharp breathe followed by a moan.

He arched his back as Sasuke fiddled with his nub, flicking it with his tongue and biting it, and played with the other nub, squeezing it.

Then Sasuke took the left nipple while the right one was occupied by his hand. After playing with Naruto's nipples, Sasuke went downer and saw a bulge in his pants. He kissed the bulge making Naruto gasp.

"Sa-sasuke!" Naruto moaned out, bucking forward.

"Impatient are we?" Sasuke whispered huskily into Naruto's ear causing Naruto to shiver,

Sasuke unbuttoned Naruto's pants extra slow making Naruto almost whine. Almost. He hooked his finger on Naruto's pants and boxers, dragging it down making sure that it rubs onto Naruto's erection.

Naruto grunted as Sasuke continued to torture him. He raised his hips so it'll be easier to take off his pants. When Sasuke finally did take them off, he was under Sasuke's lustful watch again.

He felt a bit embarrassed as eyes roamed on his naked body.

The raven started to do butterfly kisses on Naruto's stomach, moving downwards until he was face to face with Naruto's member. Sasuke blew on it softly.

Naruto gasped and felt his member twitch. Sasuke then put the groin in his mouth. The blonde moaned loudly and bucked up suddenly making Sasuke almost choke, but didn't. He began deep-throating Naruto, sucking and nibbling it. Naruto was about to come, but then, Sasuke removed his mouth from Naruto's member.

"Why -pant- did … you -pant- stop?" Naruto said in a low voice.

"Beg," Sasuke said smirking.

"Nev-" Naruto started to say, but Sasuke blew on Naruto's erection. "Ahhh…"

"Say it," Sasuke said, blowing on it again, enjoying torturing Naruto.

"Please!" Naruto plead, really want to come now.

Sasuke lean down and put Naruto's member in his mouth sucking on it hard.

"Sasuke!" Naruto cried as his came into Sasuke's mouth. Cum started to leek out from the corner of his mouth, but licked it away before it touched his chin. Sasuke started to strip himself and threw his clothes onto the floor.

Naruto was a bit shocked when he saw Sasuke's member as it stood proudly. Then Sasuke put three fingers in Naruto's mouth. Naruto started sucking and licking the three digits. When Sasuke thought it was slick enough, he pulled out his fingers and put it in front of Naruto's hole.

He tensed when he felt a finger go inside of him. It was uncomfortable. "Relax," Sasuke said, adding another finger. Naruto started to wriggle around and had balls of tears in his eyes. Sasuke added the third finger. Naruto's tears went down on his face as Sasuke pushed his fingers deeper into him.

"Ahhh… Mmm," Naruto moaned out. Sasuke smirked. He found Naruto's prostate.

The raven kept jabbing Naruto's prostate while stretching him out while Naruto let out loud moans. Thinking Naruto was stretched enough, Sasuke took his fingers out.

Naruto whimpered at the loss of contact, but stopped when he felt something big going into him slowly. It was painful. Naruto's cried a bit.

The Sasuke thrust himself into Naruto. The blonde yelled out in pain. Sasuke started to pump Naruto's member trying to make Naruto forget about the pain.

After a few moments, Naruto said, "Move teme." Which Sasuke gladly did.

Sasuke took out his member half way out and thrust himself back in Naruto. He did a few more thrusts, pumping Naruto's member at the same time, hitting Naruto's prostate every time. Naruto moaned as pleasure washed him away. Naruto came first.

"SASUKE!" Naruto yelled out coming into Sasuke's hand and on both of their stomachs.

With one last thrust, Sasuke came too. "NARUTO!" He came inside Naruto and he dropped on top of Naruto.

End of Lemon

Deep breathing was heard. Then Naruto spoke up. "Hey Sasuke."

"Yeah?" "About me and Gaara dating." Sasuke felt pain in his chest. He forgot they were dating.

"It was my revenge. Your jealous face looked weird." The pain in Sasuke's chest lifted and said in relief, "So you guys aren't dating?"

"Yup. Ow! What was that for?!" Naruto said rubbing the spot Sasuke hit him on.

"For being an idiot." Sasuke looked at Naruto and smile. A genuine smile. Naruto smiled back and said, "I love you Sasuke."

"I love you too Naruto." Sasuke said with love in his voice. He snuggled up against Naruto and they were about to fall asleep when the door slammed open.

BAM! Sasuke and Naruto jutted up and saw all of their friends outside. All of them were red-faced. But that wasn't what Naruto and Sasuke were concentrating on.

What they were concentrating on was Kiba who was in the room. With a video-camera in his hands. Kiba sucked in air and ….

"YOUTUBE!!!!!" Kiba screamed and dashed out the door. Naruto's and Sasuke jaw dropped and quickly put on their pants.

"KIBAAAAAAA!!!!! COME BACK HERE!!!" Naruto and Sasuke yelled out.

They dashed out the door chasing Kiba.

Their friends' eyes followed them until they can't see Naruto, Sasuke, and Kiba anymore.

They heard running and screaming as it shook the whole building. Everyone smiled.


Fruityuity: Oh god. Finished! Yayyy:DD. Sorry people for the delay in this chapter. I was too lazy to type. O.o. Anyways I have some ranting I want to do. One, in other stories, when they kiss, the authors write that the characters stopped kissing because of lacks of air. Can't they just breathe through their noses? Two, shit comes out of your ass, so shouldn't the seme's fingers smell like shit? Lol. That's it. Oh, and give me another genre for this fanfic. I don't like it just being romance cause I know it's not all romance.

iiTzSami: ... mumblemumblecoughcough She's weird pplz. You're weird Fruity.

Fruituity: Yeah, whatever. People, if I put up another fanfic, it'll be a miracle, seeing how lazy I am.

iiTzSami: Yea, see how lazy she is pplz! But I have no right to talk right fruity? Heck, look at me, I haven't updated my stories in months! writersblock! Blame the block! anywayzzzz... Putting my idiotic side aside... there wasn't many mistakes this chapter, but I wouldn't know because I didn't read the lemon! anti-lemon person!

Fruituity: Right closet pervert. Hope you enjoyed this fanfic!

iiTzSami: Hey! I'm no closet pervert!