Hey guys! Lorna (lorna1974) and I (Kirstie) have decided to write a fic together. Its hopefully going to be a lot of fun. We're not going to give you too much of a summary... but this fic will include all OTH characters and include parts of the OTH world as we know it. Set in the future... there will hopefully be lots of drama and typical OTH moments. We'll be writing alternative chapters, and I'm going first. Enjoy. You may notice that there will be some differences between OTH and the fic, but all chapters will include summaries as we go – but if there is any confusion at any point – feel free to point it out.

Ooooh and guys - flashbacks are in italics.

Enjoy guys, please R & R.

An Apartment Building, Charlotte.

Haley looked intently at her wrist, as tears streamed down her pale, drawn face and landed in tiny splashes on her striped pyjama bottoms. She began to rub her wrist slightly, grazing the fingers of her left hand over the numbers that were tattooed on the wrist of her right. Haley closed her eyes tightly, as her tears began to flow even faster. It had been so long since she'd really looked at the black and blue coloured tattoo. And even longer since she'd thought about what it meant to her.

'Nathan! Are you crazy?' Haley squealed. 'I'm soaking!' And she wasn't joking. Drenched from head to toe, Nathan couldn't help but laugh at his gorgeous girl who was now at the linen closet, searching for a clean towel.

'Hales, look I'm sorry – I guess I took the water fight a bit far.' He smirked with the irresistible charm she'd fallen for in the first place.

As she began to wipe her face, with the cream towel she'd found in amongst the mess in his linen closet, Nathan pulled her close to him, moving his hands from the middle of her back, to rest on her hips.

'You know' he whispered, 'You could catch a chill in those wet clothes.' A cheeky smile swept across his face as she obligingly lifted her arms, to allow him to pull her wet sweater over her head to reveal a tightly fitting black camisole. Holding her hands, Nathan pulled her close and kissed her lovingly.

'You know something Haley Jam...' His voice stopped.

'What?' She asked. Noticing the colour was rapidly draining from his face. 'What?' She repeated. Nathan lifted her hand, to inspect a dark mark which had caught his eye.

'You got a tattoo?' He exclaimed as Haley began to pull her hand away from him.

'Yes' she answered, backing away from his touch. 'I…' Haley attempted to defend her actions, explain why she had done something so dramatic, so permanent. She continued 'Nathan, don't be mad. I, look, its just…'

'I love you.' Nathan had interrupted her.

She turned to look deep into his eyes. 'You do?' she exclaimed excitedly.

'Yup.' He answered 'and I'm guessing' he continued 'by that tattoo, you might love me too?'

Haley jumped into his arms. Too right she did.

'Hales?' A brunette's words shook Haley from her thoughts. 'Hales' she continued soothingly, as she sat down next to her best friend. 'It's your birthday honey. It's not a time to be sad.'

Haley fought through her tears to speak.

Haley: 'I know' She softly replied. 'It's just hard.'

Haley turned to look at her friend, forcing a smile in an attempt to reassure her.

'Brooke' Haley tightly squeezed her friends hand. 'I'm ok. Honestly. I guess I just need my little cry every now and then.' Haley took a deep breath. 'And although I know the spilt was necessary, it's still hard sometimes.'

Brooke smiled at her friend. Knowing just how much she'd been through.

Brooke and Haley had been best friends since the beginning of their senior year, thrown together by unfortunate circumstances; their friendship had become the only steady aspect of their lives. Almost five years on they remained close, having seen each other through marriage, separation, pregnancy, friendships lost and friendships found.

Brooke softly spoke, 'I know. It's just hard to see you like this. I mean... ' Her words trailed off.

Haley looked up from her lap to catch Brooke's eyes fixated on her wrist. Haley shifted uncomfortably and turned her arm over.

Brooke regained her thoughts. 'It's been forever since we've seen that' She commented.

Haley laughed, in an attempt to refute her friends comment. But it was true. She'd taken to hiding it, with a watch or a bracelet, hundreds of bangles or just a long sleeved sweater. Anything to cover it up, and forget the pain it caused her.

Brooke sensed the pain in her friend's heart. She knew Haley so well.

'Come on Tutor Girl.' She said in her usual bouncy tone. 'Take a shower. It's your birthday and we are going to have fun.'

Haley smiled and wiped the salty tears from her face. She bit her bottom lip and nodded. Brooke pulled her into a tight hug before leaving the bedroom, leaving Haley to get ready for the day ahead.

Haley sighed heavily. Getting to her feet she wiped her face, hoping to remove the traces of her tears. With a short sharp intake of breath, she walked to her wardrobe to begin picking her outfit for the day.

The blue dress? No. White jeans? Definitely not. Sweat pants? Yup, those seemed perfect.

'Haley James Sco...' The yelling was cut short. 'Haley!' It continued. Haley's eyes began to water again at the almost mention of her official surname. 'Tutor girl!' Brooke was now positively screaming.

'What?' Haley finally answered.

'No sweat pants!' Haley laughed. Brooke really did know her too well. Putting the sweat pants back, Haley began searching through her clothes.

Finally dressed, in a short frayed denim skirt and black vest, Haley stepped toward her dresser. She slid a thick red bracelet over her wrist. Hiding the painful secrets of her past.

R&R!! xx