"What?" he question, looking rather bemused.

"I said. Fight. Me." I could feel the anger and rage bubbling up inside
my stomach, part of me was desperate to ram the blade down his throat and
watch his blood and guts stain the carpet, yet I couldn't stop shaking. Even
with one glance, this man could shatter my being and reduce me to this.

"Darren, what on earth do you think you're doing?" he smirked, his scar
elongating slightly as his mouth contorted. He remained seated, not at all
fazed by the fact that I was pointing a lethal weapon into his face.

I could do nothing but glare, staring daggers into the depths of his ocean
green eyes, lost for words. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the
sword quivering in my hand; I was petrified, how on earth was I going to use

"Drop it" He smiled, not breaking eye contact. Larten had noticed the
movement, informing me what to do as always, notifying me on the best course
of action.


"Drop it, Darren" he commanded again, but I wasn't paying attention.

Something inside of me clicked, everything had suddenly fallen smoothly into
place, or rather been catastrophically dumped on top of me.

I Darren Shan, a vampire prince no less, stood in front of my beloved mentor
dressed in a maids outfit, wielding a deadly blade.

And for what.

Because Larten wouldn't sleep with me?

I was pathetic. Useless. And once again I felt completely and utterly
worthless. I was nothing less than a silly little whore. What on earth was I
doing? Did I actually believe that I had the strength to harm him, the man who
was my everything, whom without I would be completely lost. The man who I

Contemplating life without Larten hurt, even if it was only for a fraction of
second. He was my life, the reason for my existence. My savior.


I saw his perfectly sculptured lips move, his gorgeous face contort with
confusion. But I heard nothing. I was in knowledge of the tears streaming down
my face. But I was numb to all feeling.

I didn't want to be here, in this situation, I was lost, unwanted, and alone.

I watched as the sword slipped out of my grasp and feel to the floor as if I
was watching a film, everything in slow motion. I stared at it as it clattered
to the floor, overcome by morbid fascination.

But movement to the side of me broke my dazed state.

Larten had moved, he was no longer seated but slowly making his way towards
me, his hand outstretched.
I watched as his lips moved again, but I was deaf to all sound.

I was more concerned about his hand, why on earth would he want to touch me
and dirty himself?

I stumbled backwards, as to avoid his touch, shaking my head.

Quickly turning away from him, I made a dash to the bathroom. I didn't want
him to see me. I could hide my self inside there, lock everything away.
Snatching the handle, I turned it harshly and shut myself in the tiny room and
snapping the lock across the door.

Feeling a state of calm wash over me, I slumped against the back of the door,
staring at the combined bath and shower, my relief was short lived.


His voice flowed into my ears, sounded distressed.

"Darren, open the door."

I shook my head again, as if he could see me.

"Darren. Open the door."

I tried to block his incessant demands, attempting to attain calm once again.

But it was impossible, he wouldn't stop talking. He sounded more and more
angry each time he spoke my name.

I hadn't meant to make him angry. However, my thoughts took an abrupt turn
and I smiled, feeling just a little smug. At least he was suffering to.
Served him right. It was all his fault anyway. He was the one who challenged
me. It was his problem, not mine. I, I repeated to myself, am perfectly
content sitting in the bathroom.

"Darren! Get out here now!" he snarled again "If you don't get out
here right now, I'll knock the fucking door down"

My poor mentor was no longer in control, my sire had lost it. His face was
probably as red as his face. I smirked at my nasty thoughts. My back jerked
slightly as he continued to pound on the door.

"You have three seconds to get out of there"

More demands. "One"
My grin grew, I could tell he was severely pissed.

"Two." I giggled, the number sounded slightly more strained than the one before it


"FUCK OFF!" I screamed, finally snapping, sobbing into my knees.

There were going to be complaints in the morning. Actually, I was rather
surprised that no one had come to ask us to leave, especially due to all
the noise we were making. Or maybe someone had come; I had no sense of how
long I had spent in the cramped washroom.

All was numb again. But only for a second

"Go away!" I yelled hoarsely, as the door was ripped of its hinges.

In an instant he was in the room, invading my so called sanctuary. Everything
was so fast and chaotic

"No!" I screeched, my voice breaking as he made to grab me, I tried
frantically to scramble away from him.

I was too slow, "Come here." he snarled, grasping my ankle, pulling me
towards him and into his arms.

I lashed out against his touch and embrace but he still held me, fiercely
clutching me to his chest.

"You idiot" he growled, as he soothed me, his hand tangling itself in my

as you can see, this isnt my usual writing style.

why? because i didnt write it.

why? because i had the biggest case of writer's block i had ever had.

sooo, i let my dear friend LucianaSkyle take over and write this chapter so all praise should go to her. i hope she will continue to write chapters for this story because i still have no idea where this story is going. xD;

Give LucianaSkyle a nice PM and tell her how much you liked this chapter. 8D