Ok, so this idea popped into my head while I was listening to my Titanic soundtrack, and I thought it was a really cool idea for a fic. This is just the trailer, and I really hope you guys enjoy it!!!! I also put a video trailer on youtube, so just go to my profile for the link. There are also trailers to my other stories there too, so check them out as well! I also made a movie poster for this fic, and the link is also on my profile. Ok, I'm gonna stop my babbling and, Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own High School Musical or Titanic.

Title Here

Bold is Voiceover

Italics are character voices

Regular is just actions

Shows Pictures of Titanic

She Was Called The Ship of Dreams

A life changing opportunity for all who came aboard

Shows Sharpay and Ryan singing on a stage

Shows Troy in an expensive suite holding Gabriella's hand

The Lounge Singers

"Can you believe it Ryan, we get to sing on the grandest ship in the world." Sharpay said excitedly.

The Business Men

And Their Wives

"Gabi, I got us first class tickets for Titanic!"

"You mean the grandest, most luxurious ship in the world?"


In only 5 Days

The Ship of Dreams Would Become Their Worst Nightmare

Shows Flashes of Ryan, Sharpay, Troy and Gabriella

A New Love Will Be Discovered

Shows Troy and Sharpay talking after dinner in the first class lounge

Some Might Call It Scandalous

Shows Troy and Sharpay on the decks of Titanic at sundown

But it's what felt right…

Sacrifices will be made

Shows people scrambling on the decks of the ship as it's sinking

Lives will be lost…

Shows people drowning as the dome breaks in on the Grand Staircase

Sparks Will Fly…

Shows Troy and Sharpay kissing passionately

The Ship of Dreams

Coming Soon to Fanfiction

I hoped that you guys liked it. PLEASE REVIEW!!!!! I'm really excited about this story idea, and I hope you guys will enjoy it too!!!!!! I know you are probably saying "what about the other stories," but i plan to work on those as well. Don't Worry!!!! Love you guys!!!!

