Forbidden Lovers

One More Time

Slender fingers dug into the bright orange skin of his selected fruit. Nubby nails scraped and clawed until a brighter orange, and more softer and delicious substance was revealed. Ripping the fruit in half, he licked his fingers of the juice that began to slide down, leaving a sticky trial in its wake. He moaned slightly at the taste sitting on his tongue as he peeled off a slice and tossed it into his mouth without a care. A hum could be heard, almost a purr, as he chewed slowly, relishing the taste of the fruit. He sighed when the small slice slid down his throat and his taste buds forced him to peel off another slice and repeat this process.

As he chewed, juice beginning to slip from the right corner of his mouth, he stood up with the rest of his fruit in hand and decided to sit on the back porch. Sliding the door, making sure not to drop his craving, he winced at the difference of light there was from inside the house. The house was fairly dark; the only light peeping through the shades of the windows.

Outside was another story. The sun pushed its sunlight through the thin film of clouds. The light that did make its way through the clouds was reflected off of the beautiful white snow that was littered on the ground in a beautiful picturesque scene. The snow that had fallen the night before was pristine in every sense of the word. It was simply lovely—snow resting on the leaves of the tree, snow covering the ground, leaving an even coat over the green grass. The snowfall was now weaning from yesterday and made the air appeared to be filled with crystals as the light touched the falling snow.

The young man sighed at the scene before him, a sigh that let out no emotion at all, just an empty sigh. He sat down on the cold surface below him and continued to the orange fruit he cradled in his pale hands. A breeze came and encased the teenager in intense coldness. His body shivered—he hadn't even thought to put on a coat before he walked outside. Lifting his shoulders in a shrug, he decided to sit outside anyway and let the wind toss his lustrous gray hair around as he watched the snow fall.

Popping another orange slice into his mouth, the young Rat began to think of his current state in the Sohma family. He was banished and abandoned by all of them it being the third year of his exile. He had become accustomed to it after the second year, but it still hurt to be ignored by a person that has to live with you. It was like being a ghost—they knew he existed, but they seen right through him. A sigh escaped his lips and realizing that he had finished his fruit without noticing it, he stood up with a quick stretch and entered the house.

With a scratch of his head, he shuffled his bare feet through the house until he made it to Kyo's room. Yuki had been sleeping in Kyo's room since the funeral, feeling a link to him whenever he was in there. Although he had been sleeping in there, he hadn't had a dream of him since their last time. It crushed Yuki. He wanted to see Kyo so badly, even if it was just a luminous white figure.

He yawned and flopped on the bed, spreading himself out like a star.


A heavy wind created a loud whirring sound that could be heard from inside the house.

"Oh no," he said as he rose up from the bed quickly as if he had been woken from a bad dream. "His candle might've gone out."

Without hesitation, he rushed into his room to put on his coat. He put on a pair of shoes and darted down the stairs. He looked into a cabinet in the kitchen for a box of matches. After find them, he put them in his coat pocket and left the house without a word.

Yuki ran with all his might, stumbling over rocks and fallen branches and dodging white rabbits that camouflaged too well with the white landscape. Midway through his journey, he paused, his lungs feeling as though they would collapse. He breathed in heavily, trying to regain his breath. Wheezing lightly, he began walking towards his destination.

In a longer time than he had anticipated, Yuki made it to Kyo's gravesite. A soft smile appeared on his lips at the sight and he slowly walked towards it. He treaded lightly and cautiously until he was directly at the grave beneath the tree, making sure not to step on it. He wouldn't dare step on his beloved's grave.

Taking out the box of matches, he striked the match, creating a lovely warmth and heat. He cupped his hands around the flame and guided it to the red glass-encased candle. The flame that usually accompanied the wick had definitely been blown out by the strong wind. Lighting the candle, he shook his hand to let the flame from the match die.

Smiling, he said, "I can't let your flame die Kyo." He rubbed the snow-covered ground where his body was laid to rest. "I wouldn't know what I'd do." Yuki sighed and decided to take a seat beside the candle, a candle that Tohru and Yuki picked out a few months after the burial.

"I haven't talked to you in a while Kyo so I guess now would be a good time. Where should I even start," he asked himself before deciding to start the conversation off with family life.

"I guess I'll start with how things are going on with the family. Tohru left to go to college almost right after graduation. I told her to use her love for the caring and helping others to become a doctor. So she's going to pursue that. I'm really proud of her. She got a scholarship from a local college and is right on her way to doing something with her life. I haven't seen her since she left though. She has sent a few letters telling me about how life is going, but that's nothing compared to actually sitting down and talking with her."

The young Rat sighed again and pushed his gray locks back, only to have them fall delicately back in his face. "The family still hasn't tried to even start talking to me or even looking at me. There hasn't been even the slightest communication between them and me. It really hurts more than I thought it would. Even my own brother won't look at me."

"I visited his shop a while ago, just to check up on him. He was his usual self while he was in the backroom, talking loudly and laughing with Mine. It was only when he seen me standing in the waiting room that he started acting weird. He got really silent and walked around the area as if I wasn't there. I even spoke to him. I noticed him perk his head up a little, but he continued to ignore me. But before he walked back into the backroom, I heard him whisper a 'hi' and I seen him shed a tear."

Another sigh erupted from his throat as he crossed his legs. Yuki began to fiddle with his fingers, feeling his throat tighten just a little as he spoke to his dead lover.

"The only person from the family that will talk to me is Haru. He has been a lot of support throughout all of this. He has been talking to me and being with him really helps me get through this. There's…actually something going on between me and him," he confessed as he rolled his shoulders to relieve some tension.

"We…had sex a lot after the first time that I told you about. I know, you might still hate me for it, but I don't think I want to stop with it. The way it feels to be held again…" Yuki looked up at the snowy sky, shaking his head almost unnoticeably. The snow was still falling and a snowflake landed on the bridge of his nose, making him blink.

He sighed, looked back down, and continued where he left off. "…it feels amazing. I like being wrapped in another's embrace and feeling their breath against my neck. You made me that way. You and your….undenying love made it so hard for me to live without something like that in my life. From the time we kissed at this tree, you triggered this…neediness inside of me that I didn't know was there. You, Kyo, made me experience love and without my main source of love I had to find it somewhere else."

"Haru really has….fallen for me though. One night…after we had sex…" he looked down at his feet. His left his head up after twirling his finger around in the snow and exhaled. "…we were lying in my bed and he told me he loved me. I remember it too vividly. He was playing in my hair and I wrapped in his embrace. Haru inhaled and just said, 'I love you Yuki. Not the silly love game I used to always play with you. It's really love. I know you're still hurting over Kyo, but…I know that we could probably work this out."

Yuki gulped. "That was about two years ago. I didn't say anything to him. There was nothing I thought to say. I just kissed him and fell asleep. I don't know if I love him as much as he loves me. To be quite blunt, all I know is that the sex is good and I like the way I feel when he holds me. I don't think I get overly excited to see him or if I feel my stomach doing back flips and getting butterflies. I don't know how to describe our relationship. It's an enigma really."

A tear slipped from his eyes and he quickly raised his hand to wipe them away. "Let's talk about something else right now. I don't think I can take talking about this for much longer. Unlike Tohru, I didn't go to college because of my lack of funds. The family took away all of my college funds and even though I did get a scholarship to a university, I just couldn't bare to leave you. I got a job to save up to move out of the house. I'm trying to get a house far from here, but somewhere close enough to still meet you. I've been working at the little bookstore we went to for about a year now. I think in about another year, I should be able to move out of the house for good."

Yuki fell silent. He had just summed up all of his life and he couldn't think of anything else to say. Looking around with saddened eyes, Yuki began to form a snowball with the surrounding snow. He made sure to make it nice and smooth, carving off any lumps or bumps that would hinder its beauty. Once the snowball was just the way he wanted it, he threw as far as he could. It landed in the cold pond with a splash. He sighed and laid down on the freezing surface of Kyo's grave.

"Oh Kyo, I miss you so much. I don't know how I many times I can say it. I miss every little thing about you. I miss your eyes, your hair, your skin, your hands, your…your freaking everything." Within seconds, the Rat began to cry uncontrollably, releasing his tears into the snow. "Damn it Kyo. Why did we have to be a part of the zodiac? Why did we have to be sworn enemies? Everything would've went so smoothly if we were just two normal people! I hate being a rat if this is how I have to live."

"I know you're probably still mad at me and you maybe even hate me, but I don't care. I want to see you. I want to fucking see you damn it," he screamed as his voice squeaked and his face became littered with tears. "I want to see you," Yuki continued as he tried to calm himself down. "Let me see you just one more time." And he closed his eyes and allowed his tears to coax him to sleep.

When Yuki's eye's opened, he was encased in darkness. He was lying down like he was outside, but now he was lying down on almost nothing. He knew where he was. And he knew what was to come next. His heart raced with excitement and anticipation as he quickly stood up.

"Kyo! Kyo, I know you're there!"

Almost instantly, the glowing white ball appeared in front of him. A wide smile formed on Yuki's features as he seen the ball transform in front of his eyes. The ball had taken on human features, arms, legs, and a head. On the head, bright orange hair adorned it. Below the hair were auburn eyes and a smile.


At the saying of his name, Yuki darted to the body without a second guess. He ran to him and wrapped his arms around his neck in a tight embrace. Tears leaked out of his purple eyes and he hiccupped several times. Kyo enveloped the small body and due to this touch, Yuki hugged him tighter and closer and continued to cry.

"Why didn't you let me see you? I was hurting without you Kyo. Why haven't I seen you in so long?"

Without letting him go, Kyo responded, "I don't know. After you told me about you and Haru, I get really upset. I was pissed okay. I just couldn't imagine you moving on that fast. It wasn't even a month after my death when you told me that you two were having sex. That hurt like hell Yuki, more than you probably would know. After I got over it, I didn't know how to face you. I felt stupid. Here I was, fuming over how you two were laid up in each other's arms, but I wasn't really thinking about how much you were hurting without me. So I didn't want to see you."

"But for three years Kyo," he asked as he gently combed his fingers through his hair. He inhaled heavily and was taken aback by the almost foreign yet familiar scent he hadn't been able to smell for years.

"Please forgive me Yuki." Kyo held Yuki closer to him with a shaky exhale. "I'm sorry. I don't know why it took me so long, but it did and I'm sorry for it." He reared his head back to look into his living lover's watery eyes. "I'm still in love with you Yuki."

Right after that statement, they kissed passionately. Their lips meshed together perfectly, making the kiss even that more wonderful. Yuki's hand went deeper into his soft orange locks, pulling him closer to his lips. Kyo's hands began to roam around Yuki's back, one hand in the middle of his back and the other just above his rear.

A moan escaped Yuki's mouth and it instantly entered Kyo's awaiting mouth.

They both separated, panting for needed breath, and stared into each others' eyes with content smiles. Yuki trailed his finger down Kyo's cheek and the Cat closed his eyes to the touch.

"I love you too Kyo. I'll never stop."

Kyo smiled warmly and embraced his Rat once more. "You don't know how much I like hearing that Yuki."

"I like telling you." They stood together in amiable silence, not needing to say anything. Yuki's mind began to wander as he stayed in Kyo's warm embrace and a blush graced his cheeks. "Kyo?"


"Since you're so upset about me and Haru, how about we…" he trailed off, not really knowing how to form his thoughts into words.

Kyo pulled his head away from Yuki's neck and looked into his eyes with confusion written on his features. "What do you mean?"

He sighed. "You really are dense sometimes," he replied with a half smile. "What I mean is that can you and I have sex?"

Kyo smiled a sexual grin as he gripped Yuki's butt gently. He lowered his head to Yuki's ear, wrapping his tongue around the Rat's earlobe. A shiver traveled through his body at the sensation and a shaky moan came from his lips. After licking his ear, Kyo whispered into Yuki's ear, all the while kneading Yuki's butt in his strong hands.

"If you can restrain yourself from having sex with Haru for one month, then it's all yours."

Yuki pouted at the remark. "I'll make sure I won't. Don't worry about it."

"Oh really? You seem to not know how to control yourself at times," he answered with a sly grin.

Yuki laughed at his lover and responded. "I'll control myself this time, ok."

"Ok." With another passionate and sensual kiss, Kyo released Yuki. "I gotta go. See you tonight ok."

Yuki nodded as he stood and watched his orange haired Cat transform into a ball and disappear before his eyes.

Yuki groaned as he awakened by a moist feeling on his cheek. He opened his eyes and noticed Kyon Kyon licking his face, trying to get him to wake up. He yawned and suddenly realized how cold he was due to sleeping outside in the snow. Using most of his energy, he stood up, shivering and quivering, and walked home.

When he got home, he hastened up the stairs to get into his room and out of his wet damp clothes. He searched through his dresser drawers, finding a pair of warm navy blue pajama pants and a black t-shirt that Kyo always wore. Sliding on a pair of socks, he walked down the steps with Kyon Kyon by his side. He dragged himself into the kitchen where he prepared himself a hot cup of tea to further warm his body.

Once it was done, he went back upstairs but decided to go into Kyo's room instead of his own. He sat on the bed and crossed his legs with a sigh of relief. Wrapping himself in the plaid covers, he inhaled the faint scent of deceased lover and released another sigh. As he began to drink his hot tea, Kyon Kyon jumped onto his lap and licked his chin several times before curling up into a black ball on his lap. Yuki reached his hand out and petted the small being, coaxing purrs from it. Yuki smiled softly and reclined into the soft pillows that his darling lover used to lay on every night.

Maybe…just maybe…I can move on. But I'll still be in love with you. There's no doubt about it…


Oh my god!!!! This is the end folks. This is the very last chappie of Forbidden Lovers. Wow, this was an amazing journey and I'm glad you guys tagged along and rode this out with me. I really loved writing this story with this being my first Fruits Basket fanfic. I'm so freaking sad that I won't ever update this story again. *tears* Thank you all so very much. Thank you thank you thank you. I can't say thank you enough for reviewing and adding this story your favorite and even adding me as your favorite author because of this story. If I can lessen my workload of stories to update, I will definitely try and begin a new Fruits Basket fanfic. More than likely, it'll be a Kyo/Yuki story or it might be a Kyo/Tohru story with a slight "twist". Who knows at this point. Once again, thank you all for reading and reviewing!!! Bye you guys!!!

All of Fruits Basket people: Bye!!!!