"In recent news… a trailer in Amber Oaks Park was burnt to the ground last evening between the hours of three and four a.m. Authorities that arrived on the scene said the fire was most likely an accident and unfortunately has claimed the lives of Jenny and Paul Stevens. The third body has not yet been identified. More updates will come as the story unfolds… John?"

The man shuffled his papers, nodding to his blonde anchor with another, grimacing smile.

"On a related story, a woman by the name of Maria Gabriel and her young son Laddie have both gone missing…"

The television was snapped off with a nudge of that toe, causing a rush of silence to enter the room that Billy seemed to take no notice of. His face was still buried deep within the crook of her neck, giving hickies and other bruises while hips ground tightly against her own.

Apparently he didn't remember the name of the kid that had kicked his ass in seventh grade.

And for some reason, Lindsey couldn't forget.

After a few moments, a hard sigh came against her neck as the kisses and suckles stopped. The brawny boy leaned up and let those eyes meet her own with a sense of disgust.

"Are you even into it?"

Lip curled slightly as she tensed beneath him. "Didn't you hear the news? Some people just got burnt up in their trailer."

Tongue sucked the top of his teeth as he leaned back, throwing arms behind his head and watching her with an amused expression. "Sucks to be them."

No, he definitely didn't remember Paul. And even if he had, he probably would have cheered at the idea of the kid being burnt to a crisp inside his own home. That day at school, his face had been ground into the sidewalk and a rib had been broken in the struggle. She could remember the teachers pulling the boys apart and tears pouring like a faucet from Billy's eyes.

Stomach seemed to turn as she reached back for the knob on the television, turning it on and changing the channels until she found MTV.

Billy sighed again, slouching some and repeating the same, annoying habit of smacking those lips as he sucked his teeth and let a low whistle fall to a half-naked woman who was strutting up on stage. Eyes began to blur with anger, disgust and tears.

Thankfully, the doorbell saved Billy from seeing them and moving quickly from the couch, hands grabbed for her parent's checkbook as bare feet mad their way towards the door. Pizza. Also Billy's idea even though she wasn't at all hungry.

The door opened and instead of a pimply-faced boy wearing a stripped shirt and red cap upon his head, baring an arm-full of hot cheese and pepperoni, Lindsey stood shocked to find…


Though, not as she or anyone would remember him. Instead of a six-foot nothing, standing in ragged jeans, a dirty tank top and with that same filth along his body and in his hair, the kid had grown into his clothing and into a face that both melted her heart and tore it wide open with a single stare.

He seemed almost older in a way she couldn't quite describe. Maybe it was the graze of blonde stubble upon his face or those eyes that continued to twist and turn her heart, causing deep tremors to rise along her spine.

But it couldn't be Paul!

"You… they said on the news that you were…" she stuttered, trying to find the word.

"Dead?" he finished for her.

She could barely manage a nod as feet began to step backwards, unconsciously allowing the man inside.

His grin made her want to run and throw herself at his feet. "They're right."

Breath was caught somewhere in her throat. She wanted to scream, to call out for Billy or turn and try to escape. But more than ever, she wished she had never gone into the boys bathroom that day and allowed Paul to give her that single kiss.

Back tensed as it pressed against the wall, feeling a cold sweat break out over her body as that lupine smile lit his face once again.

"So how about that date?"

The darkness swarmed around her before she managed to reply.



Hey, I just want to thank everyone who posted reviews and comments on this story. Your thoughts were really helpful and encouraging and I really enjoyed reading them.

Keep an eye out for my next story.