Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender or any related characters. This was written out of enjoyment of the series, and no profit is being made.

Ships: Toph/Aang romance
Warnings: None.


Toph has always amazed Aang.

The first time he sees her, she is this mysterious vision – white dress, green shawl, black hair, silver laughter.

Next, there is a fierce earth girl, who commands the very floor to shift because she is just as rigid, just as stable as it is.

And then, she is the seemingly fragile Miss Bei Fong, who takes him into the garden she can't see and talks. She is a girl with a wish to be free. The simplistic love of adventure they share amazes him, for he realizes they are not so different after all.

But what amazes him most is that when she goes to kiss him for the first time and misses, she lets him grab her wrists and whisper, "Let me help." And then he kisses her and he wonders who is more amazed.

(Does it really matter?)

AN. Uh, nothing much to say. This is the first real drabble I've written. All the others insist on becoming oneshots, and I get dragged into it.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Thanks for reading, and tell me what you think!