Innocent Smile

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans.

Chapter 10

- Angel In The Rain -

The white washed down walls of the hospital wing shined dully onto the white beds and the big window overlooking the ocean filled with rain and lightening as a storm passed over. The only sound was that of a heart monitor still beating and light breathing. She blened in with the white sheets that covered her ghostly pale body. This was the room that held her. This was the room that everyone was in…everyone except Robin.

He couldn't take it anymore. Thw white walls, the wide window, seeing her in a state like that. It killed him inside just to steal a glance at her. How could someone so strong and beautiful end up half dead on a hospital bed? The moment haunted Robin, that moment when Slade slide the knife into her. It made him angry. He clenched his fist together and pounded the wall in fury, tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

You can't break down now Robin. You have to be strong for the team….for her.

I can't.

You can.

No I can't.

You must.

It wasn't an option anymore, he had to be strong. When he turned around he knocked into Red X.


"Sorry…hey wait a minute!"

Red X turned to face Robin.

"What are you doing out here?"

Red X shrugged.

"Looking for you."

Robin's face was taken over by a puzzled look.

"You aren't snooping around for anything on how to destroy us."

Red X chuckled.

"I'm not that bad of a guy, besides I'm here for one reason only. It's to make sure that she's okay and I'm not leaving until I know she's okay."

Robin smiled.

"Well then your welcome to stay."

For once the two enemies met an understanding. They both cared for her deeply and that was enough to put aside their petty differences and work together.

"So you wanted to find me."

"Yeah the little green guy was looking for you."

Robin nodded and walked towards the hospital wing and stopped when Beast Boy approached him. A tired expression caked his face.

"How bad is she?"

"Um well Raven did all she could to heal her, but she didn't do much because Star was really hurt and Raven used up all her energy."

Robin nodded, relieved that she was still alive.

"So Beast Boy where you heading?"

"To get Raven so tea."

Robin nodded again and Beast Boy stepped around him running towards the kitchen. Robin stopped in front of the swinging doors and took in a deep breath.

"Well here I go."


Beast Boy hurridly boiled some water frantically looking for Raven's tea.

"Looking for something?"

Beast Boy screamed and jumped turning into a chicken and hit the ceiling. He then just rememeber that chikens couldn't fly and he fell to the ground. He quickly transformed back into himself and rubbed his head from where he hit it. He looked up to hear Red X snicker.

"Dude! So uncool!"

Red X held out his hand to pull Beast Boy up.


BB looked at the hand for a moment.

"Come on kid I won't bite."

BB's lips formed into a small smile and took the hand that was out stretched before him.


"No problem and again I ask looking for something?"

Beast Boy went back to searching for the tea.

"Yeah Raven's tea."

X nodded and plopped himself doen on the couch taking up the remote and flipping through the channels.

"Nice place you got here."

Beast Boy made a small grunting noise as he still searched for the tea.


He held up the tea packtes up with a wide smile and put it in the pot to make. After about ten minutes he had a cup in his hand and he carefully walked back to the hospital wing, Red X right behind him.


Robin pushed opend the doors and looked around. He saw Raven sleeping on the other free bed and in the middle of the room he saw Cyborg watching the machines closely. Then his eyes landed on her. He quietly walked over to her and pulled up a chair. He took her hand in his and stroked it gently. Cyborg looked over at Robin and walked over to him.

"How is she doing?"

Cyborg shook his head.

"I don't know man, she could go at any minute or wake up."

Robin nodded, not saying anything.

"Come on Star you're strong you can make it."

"Cyborg laid a hand on Robin's shoulder."

"If we know our Star then she'll pull through."

Cyborg made a small smile and Robin return it.


He turned back and looked out the window watching the storm rage outside. The door swished open and he turned to see Beast Boy and X come in, BB caring Raven's tea. Beast Boy gently shook Raven, waking her.

"Here's your tea Raven I hope you like it."

Raven rubbed her eyes and took the tea greatfully. She sipped it and smiled.

"Thank you it's perfect."

Beast Boy smiled and blushed a light shade of pink. Suddenly lightening struck the tower knocking the power out.


Cyborg ran over to the computers trying to restart them.

"Well have to restart the tower manually."

"Um where do we do that?"

"Well it's down in the basement and trying to find anything down there….well good luck."

"What about star can she……" Robin's voice gad concerned written all over it.

"She can survive a few mintues, but we'll have to hurry and restart the tower."

"Maybe I should stay here."

"Robin we need you to come with us."

He gaze at Starfire and watched her chest rise and fall with each breath she took.

"Okay, but hurry."


The group stumbled through the tower in the dark. Red X not knowing where anything was stubbed his toe on the wall.


He held his foot and screamed with pain. The rest of the group tried hard not to laugh.

"Man shut up."

They ended up down by the basement staris at the bottom.

"Now we just need to find the generator and……."

But before Cyborg could finishes his sentence he crashed into a huge box and the teens behind him crashed into each other. Robin rubbed his head and looked up.

"Oww…..Cyborg what happ……"

"Here it is."

Cyborg quickly got to work and the power flickered on for a moment and finally remained on.

"Come on we have to check on Star."


Robin pushed open the doors and stopped mid-way in the room and the rest of the group crashed into him.

"Robin why did you……"

But BB was cut off when he saw that Star's bed was empty.

"Oh no….."

Before anyone could say anything more Robin dashed out of the room desperately looking for Starfire. Cyborg ran to the computer.

"She's here in the tower."

"Split up!"

Everyone ran in separate directions. Robin ran from room to room calling out her name.

Where is she?

They searched the tower up and down and down and up again and again. They all met back up in the living room.

"We've searched everywhere."

Robin thought hard then it hit him.

"Almost everywhere."

He the dashed up the staris to the roof and opened the door to the storm raging outside.


The rain pelted himand the thunder crashed, but he could make out a figure looming at the edge.


Robin ran as fast as he could and grabbed her hand before she plunged over the edge.


She beat him with her fist.


Robin's eyes widened. She was having a nightmare.

"Star wake up! It's me Robin!"

She paused and her green orbs opened and locked with his masked eyes. She collapes in his arms and sobbed in his chest.


He soothed her and ran his fingers through her wet hair.

"Star it's okay."

"You were gone and Slade……I didn't want him to come near me and……."

"It's okay."

He held her close.

"Don't worry he won't come near you when I'm around."

He then lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her softly on the lips.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.



Starfire had recovered and was getting better everyday, of course she still had to rest and was banned from crime fighting for a while, but it seemed like no villain dared to try a simple robbery.

"Well cutie I won't be seeing you for a while."

Star raised an eyebrow.

"Tired of playing hero?"

He chuckled and kissed her hand.

"You could say that."

He then ran to the window and jumped on the ledge.

"Now this doesn't change anything between us. I'm still the villain and you're still the heroes."

The Titan's all nodded and Red X disappeared.

"Should we start tracking him?"

Robin just shrugged and sat next to Star on the couch.

"No let's just enjoy what we have today."

Star smiled at him and the rest of the Titan's sat on the couch with them.

"Okay dudes! Movie time!"

The Titan's all nodded and waited for Beast Boy to pull out options.

"May I present scarier than Wicked Scary 4.….."

"Let me guess Wicked Scary 5." Raven said dryly.


The Titan's all groaned as he put the video in.


Yes this is the end. I hope you all liked the story! Thanks to all my reviewers and please review! My next story should be coming out soon and you can read the summary on my profile! Thanks again!

Peace Out!
