My Glass Slippers

A/N: Before I start my hiatus, I shall present you with one last two-shot. I hope you enjoy. I bet you won't like the cast of this story.

Disclaimer: SDK is not mine nor is the Cinderella plot I'm basing this on. I do not own Shrek too and BMX bicycles…


Once upon a time in the land of Never Never Again, there lived a king and a queen, King Muramasa and Queen Mayumi. They were only blessed with a prince, Prince Kyo Charming. The prince will reach the age where he is supposed to be wedded soon, it was just around the corner and both the king and queen were excited to choose a presentable wife for him. The prince however, was known for his one-night stands and he of course refused the engagement with a big 'NO'.

"Oh, for the love of god, blessed parents, I do not need a wife. I do not need to settle down. I do not need to be in line to rule the country. I could care less about your stupid, impossible wishes!" the prince bellowed as he was strapped onto the throne by the servants, his father walking to and fro in front of him, his fingers curled up at his chin, a frown on his radiant face.

"Are you even listening?!!"

King Muramasa turned around to his son, a fake smile on his face. "My dear son, my only son, I cannot allow you to go with your promiscuous ways anymore. You need to settle down, have a wife, have children and let me take a rest. I'm getting older."

Prince Kyo frowned, his mouth upturned, his brows tying into a very disturbing knot. His red eyes flared with a deep loathing towards the control his parents were having on him. He struggled to break free from the straps but to his disadvantage, they were made out of very, very hard leather. He bit his lips as he turned to the servant on his left.

"If you don't release me, I'll have your head."

The servant shuddered but still stood still, his face straight, feigning any emotions as he held his hand tight. His face paled visibly, but other than that, he stood as straight as a pole.

"Y-you…I'll remember your face and kill you…with my own hands…" Kyo threatened as he turned to the other servant that was to his right.

"Release me."

This servant had a calm look on him, his eyes closed tight as he smiled at the prince. He gave him a polite nod and reached out a hand. King Muramasa raised his brows at the gestures and rose up his right hand and waved.

"Akira, I'd stop that if I were you…" he told him slowly as two guards came in, holding a spear.

Akira halted his actions and frowned as he tried to sense where the guards were. He sighed, shrugged and turned to Kyo. "I'm sorry but I can't help you."

Kyo gave him a curt nod as he turned his attention to his father once again. "Now I get why we don't even look a lil' bit alike, father…it's because we have the same temperament, do we not?"

King Muramasa gave a light chuckle, the chuckle slowly developing into a full blown out laughter. He fell onto his knees and continued to laugh.

"Yes, my son, we do."

"So…let me go, I seriously don't want a wife. I'd rather have whores…different every night…I bet that's the reason why I'm the only child you have…" Kyo stopped just in time to hold back what he was bout to say. It was something quite insulting to his parents.

"…good for you to have stopped there. Now, listen to me."

Kyo only stared at his father, his head held up high, a sign of superiority over his soft father. Akira listened quietly, his hands on both sides of his legs, waiting patiently as Muramasa studied the marble-covered floor of the throne room.

"Well…just so you know, we, your mother and I, are not going to just give you a girl to marry."

Kyo's head shot up, his eyes expectant.

"No, we're not giving you two or more either."

Kyo's expectant eyes faded. Sure, he may marry one day but come on, he needs someone different every night…it might get a bit boring, don't you agree?

"Kyo, we are going to throw a big ball in conjunction with your birthday celebration soon and through there, a wife shall be chosen as future queen. Your choice, of course," Muramasa explained and turned to see Queen Mayumi enter the throne room with a smile on her face. "Ah, my dear, what do we have here?"

Mayumi bowed slightly as she neared her husband, passing a rolled up parchment to him. "Here are the lists for all the unmarried girls in the land; we shall invite every one of them and then our son will dance with the one he likes and that, that gesture, that action will determine our future princess-in-law."

Kyo's jaw fell slightly open. "A dance, seriously? Me, dance? Dance with someone I barely know?"

"…does sleeping with someone you barely know ring a bell?" Muramasa interjected with a big upturned frown on his face. Akira chuckled lightly as a very noticeable patch of red painted Kyo's face.

Kyo growled under his breath. "So…when is the ball…?"

"When is your birthday?"

"…next…Friday?" Kyo muttered, unsure.

Mayumi shook her head disappointed. "Dear, it's the day after tomorrow."

"Isn't that Friday?" Kyo said again, a bit pissed that his parents are treating him like a spoiled little boy…the spoiled part is kinda true though.

"…you're so cute, Kyo…" Muramasa teased as he waved for one of the guards to enter. Facing him, he passed the roll of parchment to him with a smile.

"Make sure, EVERYONE comes. Every unmarried young woman, alright?" he ordered.

The guard nodded and then turned to his heels and left, leaving the royal family behind. Mayumi approached Kyo and leaned into his ear and whispered, "My dear son, make sure you stay here until the ball, alright?"

She moved away and continued, "I don't want anything to happen to your little 'tool' before you get married…"

Kyo paled visibly.


Somewhere in a small house, a loud racket was heard. The small house located at the countryside of Never Never Again was filled with commotion as a small built girl came stomping to the kitchen, dragging her ever so gay brother down the stairs. Their father, one of the most renowned men once upon a time was now just a very, very motherly man who was busy fixing dinner with the second eldest. He was no longer the most respectable pirate, even if his eye-patch was still on his face, covering his blind eye. The second eldest, was his step-daughter, Yuya, the daughter of his late second wife. Yuya had her long blond hair flowing freely down her back as she untied the knot keeping her hair in place. Her sharp green eyes turned to her other step-siblings.

With a hand on one hip, she glared at them. "You both better start helping out someday! Tokito, I know you hate being a girl by doing these jobs, but you need to! And you, my dear brother Shinrei, as the gay one here, help out like you're a girl, please!"

"Well, Yuya honey, we've finished with preparing, let us just eat, hey?" their father, Bon decided as he took his seat. "Come now, sit."

Yuya took a seat next to Tokito as she sat down next to their father. Shinrei took a seat opposite both of them. His hand reached out to grab the mashed potato but was stopped by Yuya's.

"Ladies' first…"

"…Yuyarella…" Shinrei spat as he withdrew his hand.

"…Shinny…" Yuya countered. She took the mashed potato and then scooped some for herself and Tokito. "Eat, Tokito."

Tokito rolled her eyes as she grabbed a spoonful of it and stuffed it in her mouth. "Don't be a mother, Yuyarella, you won't get a husband like that…"

"Haha…as if someone would marry you…" Yuya passed the mashed potato to their father.

"Now, both of you, today is the remembrance of your mother's death, don't fight."

All three siblings quieted down.

After a moment's silence, Shinrei was the first one who broke the spell.

"You know? Today, I heard from the town square that the prince is gonna have a ball on his birthday! I heard it's to pick a wife!" he squealed delightfully, staring at his two sisters, "Who don't you both come? I'll come too though!"

Tokito raised her brows, "For what? You're a man."

"…chances are the prince is a bi."

Bon narrowed his eyes, "Don't be gay, and find yourself a nice wife to settle down with."

Shinrei lowered his head shamefully, "…can't I settle down with a man?"

"Absolutely no."

Tokito turned to her older sister with questioning eyes, "Hey, are ya gonna come?"

Yuya shrugged, "I don't think commoners are invited."


"So…chances are I'm gonna have to marry a commoner?" Kyo questioned as he tried on several new outfits.

Akira shook his head, "Nope, the chances ARE gonna be you marrying a commoner."

"How come?"

"Because everyone invited will be commoners."

Kyo ripped the coat he was trying on and left Akira as he left the dressing room with a slam on the door.



The next morning, a messenger from the royal palace came knocking on Bon's household, disrupting the peace of morning sooner than usual. Yuya dragged her feet as she answered the door with a yawn. Not bothering to fix herself, she nodded sleepily as the messenger gave her a parchment.

"Remember, everyone must come!" he emphasized as he took his leave with a bow.

Yuya nodded sleepily as she waved and stifled a yawn. She slammed the door close and placed the parchment on the dining table and crawled back into bed.


At the palace, Kyo was strapped to the throne yet again as Muramasa and Mayumi was busy ordering the servants to fix the castle up for the ball. Kyo was also gagged as he's been shouting curses at his parents since he was informed about the marrying a commoner. He thrashed and turned about in his throne, trying to get anyone to release him

"Now, now Kyo…your birthday celebration is tonight. We can't take the chance that you're gonna trash the palace like you did last night…" Muramasa gave him a pleading look.

"I'm sure even a commoner would be beautiful, son."

Kyo rolled his eyes, "…mmhh, mphh, peeeh!!!"





Tokito woke up to the sound of Shinrei's shrieking. Rubbing her eyes and stopping a yawn, she scratched her flat tummy and proceeded to the kitchen. With a beautiful frown only she can muster, she glared at her brother.

"What the hell is up with you, idiot?" she muttered.

Shinrei turned to the youngest and threw the roll of parchment at her face. With ease, she caught it and brought it close to her face. Squinting her eyes, she read it.

Her eyes widened.

"We're invited?! Tonight?!"

"Does Yuyarella know?!"

"I doubt she wants to come."

"Yup, I doubt she would even like to marry with the well-known flighty and obnoxious prince!"

"…hm, but her weird beauty might get us money, we should force her to come to increase our chances of getting some treasure or something!"

"…she won't come, I'm sure."


Forced to wear a neon pink gown, Yuya tried to escape the grasps of her siblings. Tokito pulled her long hair back, fixing it into an untidy bun and fastened it with a clip. Shinrei pulled hard to fasten the ribbon on her gown. Yuya narrowed her eyes evilly at Shinrei as he applied lipstick on her.

"Let me go!!! I don't even wanna come! I heard the prince loves blond haired girls!!! No!!!" she shouted at them, protesting as Shinrei shut her mouth with a cloth.

"Now, now, Yuya! See what you've made me do! Ruining your lipstick!" Shinrei turned to Tokito, "Call out for Akari-sama, he'll help us with the carriage."

Tokito sucked in breath and let it go with a loud scream, " AKARI-SAMA!!!!!!!"

A moon fell on Tokito's head.


"I've told you millions and millions of times, do not scream!!" sparkly, sparkly dust fell from the ceiling of the house and something fell from the roof with a lout 'thud!'.

"…shit…that hurt…"

"Akari-sama, give Yuyarella a carriage and some slippers!" Shinrei told the fairy godfather as he fixed his own hair into a neat knot.

Tokito smirked and crossed her arms, "Glass slippers, preferably. It is so that her big feet will look dainty."

Veins popped out from Yuya's head, "Well, if my feet are so big, wouldn't it be impossible for me to actually wear glass slippers?!!"

Akari-sama gave a playful laugh as she took out a wand. "That wouldn't be so hard, eh?"

With a wave of her wand, two bicycles materialized and something loud came from the lawn of the house. Tokito gave Shinrei a worried glance.

"What was that…noise, Akari-sama?" Shinrei inquired.

"Oh, that's just a very big pumpkin carriage borrowed from Shrek's garden. I can't use his donkey so he lent me two BMX bicycles instead…" Akari-sama told them with a laugh.

"So…who's gonna ride the bicycle?"

Akari-sama raised her brows. "Why! You two of course! Who else? Moi? Didn't think so!" he finished again with a womanly chuckle.

Shinrei and Tokito exchanged glances.

Akari-sama gave another wave from his wand and glass slippers emerged at the palm of his hand. He presented it to Yuya with a smile. "Wear them, my dear."

Yuya shook her head.


"Look, they're made from glass, I hope you noticed!"

Akari-sama rolled his eyes. "Look closely dear."

Yuya leaned in and saw that the slippers were plated with metal at the base. "Do you really think I'd let you walk, let alone dance with your penguin feet?! I think not! Just be careful with them! I borrowed them from Fiona…since she has big ogre feet too…"

"Are you saying I have big ogre feet?!"

"Oh, no! Well, do you really?!"

"Shut up!"

"Well, come now, the ball's starting!" turning to Shinrei and Tokito, Akari-sama continued, "You two bring those bikes outside and fasted them to the pumpkin and Yuyarella, good luck with the marriage I see ahead of you!"

Yuya just stared at Akari-sama took out a broomstick.

"And oh! Be back after twelve, magic will be gone if you went home before twelve and well, Shrek made me promise to send it back by tomorrow so no later than six in the morning!"

With a kick on the ground, he went flying through the roof, with pink dust left trailing behind him…covering Yuya in pink.



A/N: This might be one of my random ones yet! Great way to go on hiatus! Well, not the best I've written and I rushed to actually finish it with an injured hand so yeah! Sorry Tokito and Shinrei fans! R&R&R, read, review and run!