Summary: It's time Kagome finally gets back to school and catch up with life at home. What's this? The wells not working? What?! What will Kagome do with the greedy humunculus as he dropped into Kagome's world? Greed/Kagome Fullmetal Alchemist x-over

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing, so don't sue!

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Golden Days

Chapter VII:

Going on a Date

Part Two

It was a lovely day for the festival and the people there... Except for one couple. They just arrived and Greed's attention was already on the ladies, some that were even more beautiful than Kagome. But, instead of going after them, he stayed by Kagome's side. He smiled, sharp teeth and all and asked, "What would you like to do first?"

Kagome looked questioningly before she smiled, seeing a stand with bottles with teddy bears sitting on some selves. She dragged him over without a second thought and asked, "Could you get me a bear? They look so cute! Please?" She gave a cute pout that Greed couldn't resist.

"Of course." He said as he looked over to the man, grabbing a ball off the table and throwing it up and down in his hand. Seeing an elderly man sitting in the corner of the booth looking up at him, he asked, "Hey old man, how much to knock down those bottles?"

"A 1 sen please." (1) The old man replied as he came over to the couple to receive the money. Greed graciously gave him the one sen as he mysterious handled the ball with a talent Kagome never seen.

Flashes of memories came to Greed's minds-eye but dismissed them as he threw the ball in a professional baseball players stance Kagome seen on TV before. The memories disturbed him slightly as a flash of a woman came to his mind that looked like Kagome in every way.

The ball hit directly in the middle of the three bottles and he won. A stream of sweat came to his brow as he breathed heavily, wondering why the hell this was happening to him. Memories weren't his favorite thing in the world if they weren't his own. They were memories of when he was human.

I gotta find a way to block these memories of what was left of me. I hate this...

Kagome received a small brown bear with a white ribbon about it's neck in a small bow. She giggled in happiness, not knowing Greed was having some difficulties with himself. She did notice he was sweating a lot but not knowing the reason why, she asked. "Is something wrong Greed?"

Maybe I can help whatever is bothering him. She thought as she looked worried up at him. She stopped infront of him and placed both her hands on his head temples and a slight glow of pink engulfed him. Nobody noticed of course because noone was in sight. The glowing stopped and Greed sighed in relief, the pain was gone.

"What the hell did you just do?"

"I purified what was bothering you, it seemed like bad memories was the case."

"Yeah, it was, how did you know?"

"A lucky guess."

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After awhile of looking around and winning more prizes (Kagome had to ask for a bag) with Greed at her side. They decided to see the fortune teller, after that they went into a few tents that stood up with some acts. It was an amazing date for Greed. For Kagome, she's been to better festivals in her own time period but for Greed, she'll accept it.

Day soon turned into night as they both walked along the sidewalk, Greed had unfortunately been accepted in a drinking contest to win lots more money and he did win... At a price. He got drunk.

"Edward's my best friend." He said drunkenly with a hiccup as he walked as Kagome had an arm around her neck.

Oh, why did he have to get drunk on my first date with him? Kagome thought with dread as she climb the stairs to the base. Greed was in disguise as an officer of the state. At first he refused to wear it but nowadays, he had no choice but to wear it. Men usually looked handsome in uniforms and Greed sure did. His hair was gelled back because of Kagome hair spray and looked pretty good.

Unnoticed to them, a pair of golden eyes watched them in the shadows and they weren't Edward Elric's eyes.

They entered the building and see nobody in the hallways and walked with stumbling steps as they walked together. Only one stood in their way as they walked and he was smirking big time.

Kagome narrowed her eyes he stood there, wondering why she was about to ask when the man spoke.

"I found you Greed..."

Greed narrowed his eyes and growled out, "Kimblee..."

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A/N: And the plot thickens! I wonder what will happen now since they've been discovered? Tune in next time readers!

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