Naruto is just on his way home from yet another horrid day of high school when he happens to come across a strange seen having to do with a man throwing out a garbage bag with a body in it. When Naruto investigates he ends up with the latest Personbot on the market! And oh boy, he's from the Perfect Lover series! What to do with the perfect Seme designed Personbot and the perfect Uke in denial?


Perfect lover Series 1000

Night had settled down upon the bustling city, shops lighting up lights and neon signs to attract attention for a chance of more profit. Naruto grumbled irritably as he slowly walked home, which would be downtown. Naruto swore every word he knew until event hat didn't subside his anger.

"Damn Hyuuga Neji." Naruto ground out. He could still remember it so clearly; what had him so obviously pissed off right now. Neji was from a rich, prestigious family and so when he found Naruto lived alone in the dumpy side of town he made a point to sneer and announce to the group he'd been trying to becomes friends with how low he was, and the fact that he himself was probably a criminal. Naruto scoffed at the idea. The worst he had ever done when he was five was steal a candy bar and has not done a thing since! But sadly-Naruto obviously had no proof of his innocence. Sakura-the girl of his dreams made a face when Neji described the sad state his home was probably in and Naruto felt crushed. It sucked to be a poor kid in a middle-class, rich school. Yup, he was dirt poor, worked about three jobs and juggled school too.

'Bet they never had to work as hard as I have! I would LOVE to see him spend one day in my shoes!' Naruto grumbled. He was so mad, and to add to the insult was the fact that Kiba joined in and boy was he way worse than Neji. Neji was just cruel and cold; wile Kiba was just plain nasty! He brought over his Personbot and flaunted it! He pointed out how useful it was and that Naruto would never have the joy of using once since he was going to stay a poor crook all his life! After that Naruto had actually ditched school the rest of the day-which was wasn't such a good idea Naruto realized. 'Kuso! They'll really have something to nail me with now! Why the hell did I dot that?!' Naruto grabbed his hair and pulled before just slumping forward and groaning. AT least he was gonna get extra pay for filling in for a sick person and working early.

'Sakura…' He could just imagine how nasty Sakura thought Naruto was now. 'And right when she was beginning to like me a little too. Well… Tolerate me at least.' Naruto stopped walking and looked up toward the clear night sky, staring at the glowing full moon. 'Now that I think about… Sakura liking me even may have been delusions on my part.' Yeah, how she focused all her attention elsewhere all the time. Whenever he tried to talk to her she said the bare minimum and the atmosphere was tense. Then she would say she had work to do or that she promised to meet someone and ditch him! How she always looked toward the football guy with longing eyes… 'Gah! I'm so stupid! She was totally repulsed by me!' His shoulders slumped again and he heaved another sigh. 'How come girls never like me anyway? They always think I'm annoying or disgusting or something… High school sucks! LIFE SUCKS!'

"Piece of shit! The thing's fucking broken!" Naruto nearly screamed at the loud booming voice that tore through the air and the loud crash of a door being swung open-hard. Naruto quickly hid behind a counter and peered around the corner to see what the guy was so pissed about. If it was something broken Naruto was willing to bet he could fix it and use it himself. What? It's not stealing! Naruto wasn't necessarily brainy when it came to computers or electric appliances. He was just good with tinkering until things worked. Only a few things he had ever found not worked for him. Naruto watched the greasy, heavy-set man throw something on the trash bags by the dumpster and slam the door shut he stared a moment. Letting his eyes adjust to the dark-and waiting to see if the guy would come back to scream at whatever it was again. Naruto had actually seen more than one person do that; it was weird. After a few more moments Naruto decided it safe and slowly approached the garbage bags and fished around for his keys that had a small flashlight hooked to them. Finding them in his pocket he pushed the button on the small yellow flashlight that produced a red light that illuminated the way for him. Naruto made it to the trash bags and noticed a large back garbage bag that had a strange shape to it… Before Naruto realized it his heart was racing and a cold sweat broke out over his body. Naruto had seen enough of life on the streets to know some pretty gruesome things… And if he wasn't mistaken… It looked like there was a body in it!

Naruto's first instinct was to go run to the cops and he started to when the thought of Kiba and his Personbot entered his mind.

'Wait a minute! Personbot's are pretty much machines right?' Naruto felt butterflies of excitement in his stomach as he turned to face the bag again… But then… Also fear… what if it WAS a dead body! The guy could be whacko or something! Take a deep breath Naruto approached the bag again and pulled out his pocketknife, and very carefully decided to cut the bag open. 'If I see a dead body I'll go to the cops! So calm down Naruto! Chances are it's just a broken Personbot! They are generally shaped like humans so it's not like it WILL be a dead body. Though, I don't know if I can fix one-they are the highest-level technology.' Naruto gulped out of nervousness as he carefully pulled the bag from what he now realized was the head. Naruto shined his red light on the persons face and realized it was a boy! 'Oh shit! It's a human! H-He's gotta be dead!' Naruto started trembling uncontrollably. There was no way this was Personbot! Personbot's didn't look like this! They still looked like Old science fiction robots, with crappy robotic voices and stiff movements! Coppery or Silver iron making up their bodies! 'Wait a minute! I should check for a pulse!' Naruto pressed his to middle fingers against the boys neck and gasped hen he realized he was warm! He was soft, the skin felt real! Naruto fell back and nearly let out a cry of sheer terror when the closed eyes slowly slid open, revealing eyes as dark as the alley around them. The boy looked down at the bag he was still for the most part in and started to tear it from himself.

'Wh-what?! You mean he wasn't dead! But! There's no way he's a Personbot! He's real!' Suddenly Naruto was thrown into a wave of Confusion. The man said he was broken. But he's not a Personbot! He's real! The boy Naruto realized was more a man than a boy stood and looked around himself-then up at the buildings surrounding them. He looked to be older than Naruto, eighteen or maybe even nineteen! The other males dark eyes then looked down to Naruto who still sat on his rump on the ground-stunned with shock and confusion. He stepped out of the bag and onto the ground, Naruto thought himself lucky briefly for the darkness.

'H-he's naked! Ahh! Why am I blushing!' Naruto anted to cover his face and turn away or run as the male approached him and kneeled down till his eyes were level with Naruto's. 'Whoa… His eyes are jet black.' The pale blue moon that barely created a dim glow showed enough for Naruto to pinpoint spiky-ish black hair, dark like his eyes, and very pale skin. 'Skin… Skin… Exposed!' Naruto turned an even deeper shade of red and he thought he could somehow see the outline of a smirk playing the other teens lips.

"You're much more like it."

'Huh?! Like it? Like what?'

"You were the one who activated me, aren't you?" Naruto's face suddenly filled up blood red and a snicker left the other teen. "My neck." He answered and gently placed his fingers gently over where Naruto had checked for his pulse and Naruto stared a moment.

"Y-Yeah… I w-was… Checking for a p-pulse." Naruto stuttered and somehow Naruto could see the mischievous glint in those Onyx eyes. Naruto gasped when fast strong hands suddenly grabbed his shoulders and pulled him forward-smashing his mouth right into the other mans! Naruto's eyes shot open wide and he tried to scream but stopped short with a gasp when the other teens tongue entered his mouth.

'Stupid! Why'd you leave your mouth open!' Naruto squeezed his eyes shut and tried to push the other teen away from him but the grip on his shoulders became bruising while the raven spent his time exploring Naruto's mouth boldly. The teen's oxygen gage went off in warning and he released Naruto-allowing the blonde to gasp and wheeze for breath.

"My gage is a little off. Probably from when that ass threw me out." The teen answered as he went back toward the garbage and started to dig around. "Where is my manual?" He asked himself as he looked around and Naruto stared-his breath coming back.

"Wh-what do you mean? Gage?" The teen stopped moving and turned to face Naruto.

"I am the latest class of Personbot. I was personally customized as a nineteen year-old boy in the Perfect Lover series 1000. But the orders of the one who bought me did not comply. I am NOT broken." He answered, sounding a little angry as he went back to digging in the trash.

"Whoa, whoa! You're not serious! A Personbot! Personbot's don't look like…" Naruto slowly stopped and the teen eyes him from the corner of his eyes.

"Humans. No, working Personbot's who are meant to help with homework or hard labor don't have to look HUMAN. The price for a human looking one is very high-so it is only used in classes such as the Perfect Lover series 1000." Naruto suddenly stopped short.

'W-wait a minute! Perfect LOVER series?! Y-you mean-he's like a sex doll or something!' Naruto stared with wide eyes and the teen stood erect again with a tick book in his hands. 'No wonder! A NORMAL Personbot wouldn't have… THAT!' Naruto turned red again and cursed himself for it and turned away. 'Shit! Why the hell do I keep blushing! He's a GUY!' Naruto gripped his head and berated himself until strong pale arms wound around him and pulled him flush against a hard chest. The teen's Bio-status comp was directly linked to Naruto since the kiss-which was his reason for doing it so suddenly-was going insane. Naruto's heart was racing and his body was growing very hot. A smirked played his lips when Naruto became even more nervous and let him go. Naruto spun around and was surprised to have a thick book dropped into his hands.


"You have to read that now that you're mine." He answered and Naruto's eyes bulged.

"Wh-what do you mean?!"

"Well, you did activate me, and I kissed you. It's a done deal. I no longer serve that guy who threw me out. Don't worry." He turned to face Naruto-his eyes mischievous. "You'll enjoy every moment of it." The book tumbled from Naruto's hands to the ground beneath them and Naruto gaped.

'W-wait a minute! Did I like just assume ownership?!'

Eh? So how was it? It's like Chobits meets Absolute Boyfriend! Though I don't know if any of them directly inspired it. Sweat Drops Yeah…. Anyways! Hope ya enjoyed! Please review and tell me whatcha think!