Heeeey, guess who's not dead? Eheh, sorry about the lack of update in forever. I'm in school, and that means, in order for me to pass my classes, I have to actually do the work, which otherwise I would totally blow off, but no-can-do if I wanna get into college. T.T Eehhhn.

Also, I've become terribly addicted to Solitaire. It's bad for my health, but I can't help myself... ::cries::

Disclaimer: ...::snort::

Warnings: Language, mild violence, YAOI. Sasuke-torture. Kiba finally stands up for himself (a little)

Pairings: NaruSasu (working on it, 's getting there), OroSasu (minor)

Summary: Naruto has always had dreams of being invisible. After a falling out with his aunt and a run-in with the school bad ass, Sasuke, he finds he really is. Somehow he has to make Sasuke see him, or he'll never be seen again. Based on the movie The Invisible.

It was early in the morning, just barely past one a.m. Sasuke had crept back into his room via the fire escape, a shrieking, rusty piece of death-trap that was very likely to detach itself from the brickwork of the building at any minute. The window clunked dully against the sill, and Sasuke winced, glancing over his shoulder to the door of the room, listening for his foster parents.

Sakura was asleep in his bed, curled around a large stuffed slug.

Sasuke looked at her, face unreadable, and turned away abruptly, dumping out his school bag as quietly as possible. He opened drawers, pulling out clothes as fast as possible and shoving them into the beat up messenger bag, swearing silently as his hair fell in his face constantly. He whirled around, startled when he heard:

"Hey, Sasuke-kun…"

Sakura had woken up, blinking sleepily at him. Her red hair was pulled back into a messy braid, and for about two seconds she looked way older than she should.

"Hey yourself," Sasuke whispered back, setting the bag down gently. He crossed the room quickly and sat on the side of the bed. "You shouldn't be awake now."

"Are you going?"

The boy paused. His sister—not blood related, but she might as well be for how much he cared about her—was far too observant for someone so young.

He sighed. "Yeah." One pale hand reached out to brush hair away from Sakura's round face. "Only for a little while."

Sakura glanced down, and her thin arms clutched the purple slug closer to her body. "Are you gonna go away and not come back?" She lifted her eyes again and caught Sasuke's eyes in a piercing stare.

"No. I'll come back." Sakura dropped her gaze, and Sasuke reached forward, grabbing her chin firmly, but not roughly, and lifted her face to his. "I'll come back," he insisted.

Sakura nodded.

She didn't believe him, but she would humour him for as long as he looked so haunted. She yawned again, raising her hand to cover her mouth.


Sasuke ducked his head and reached up to his neck. He fiddled with the back of his shirt for a second, 'til he withdrew the chain of a necklace.

It was choker sized, though one made for someone of a larger stature than Sasuke, and the red and black beads stood out against his pale skin. The tiny red and white fan fell to the hollow of Sasuke's neck, between his collarbones. His fingers moved over the clasp, and unhooked it. He coiled it in his hand and held it out to Sakura.

"I don't want it."

Sakura was adamant.

Sasuke was stunned.

"It—" he hesitated, thrown by Sakura's refusal, "It belonged to my brother. I've kept it with me since—I want you to have it."

"But I don't want it. You need it more than I do."

Sasuke looked at his sister, and silently refastened the choker around his neck, tucking it back under his shirt.

The door slammed open, and Naruto jumped so much that he fell off the chair. He winced, rubbing his backside and looked up into the purpling face of Haruno Yashin.

"How the hell did you get in? Get out."

Naruto almost shit himself at the tone in Yashin's voice, before turning to look where the blonde man's glare was directed.

Sasuke had stood as soon as Yashin had entered the room, and glared back defiantly at the older man. He moved stiffly, but silently, and grabbed his bag from the floor. The teen gave one last look to Sakura, and a small, sad smile, before he shoved roughly past his foster father.

The man followed him down the dark hallway.

"You know everyone looking for you? It was on the news, you killed some sad fuck, and now you're a fucking felon. Get out of my house, and stay the fuck away."

Sasuke rummaged through the kitchen, giving no indication that the other man even existed. Yashin snarled, but stayed by the kitchen door.

"Your court date is in two weeks. We're not responsible if you don't fucking show up. You get out, and whatever this is with that kid, I want no part in it, you hear me?"

The raven-hared teen finished stuffing food into the bag, and turned on the ball of his foot, stalking towards Yashin like a panther. He came up close, so close that he could feel Yashin's sour breath on his face, and stared up into dark green eyes.

He smiled.

Naruto shivered from where he stood by the front door; it wasn't a pretty smile.

"I find out you did anything—anything—to Sakura…and I won't hesitate to kill you too."

With that he reached up, grabbed his foster father by the ears, and wrenched him down into a mocking, bruising kiss, before shoving the man away.

"Thanks for a good time," Sasuke sneered, and left the apartment.
Outside, Sasuke sank down to the ground, back against the door. He pushed his fists against his clenched eyes, pressing until colourful shapes and patterns flashed before his vision. He gave it a second more—until the pressure was too much—and let his head fall back to stare at the watermarked ceiling.

"It's all your fault, Sasuke. You know that, don't you? It's all your fault," Naruto said, crouching next to his tormentor. No matter what he saw, he couldn't help but resent the other boy for existing. For taking away his own existence so fast, so easily.

The blond gave a bitter chuckle, blue eyes closing, scarred cheeks scrunching up. "It's funny, y'know? The first time in my life that everyone's paying attention to me…and none of them can see me. 'Cause the one pers—no. Fuck you."

Thinking led to too much more thinking. Naruto preferred to not think, not speculate. Most of the time, anyway.

"Fuck you, you're a fuckin' bastard, bastard," he growled, puffing his cheeks out like s disgruntled chipmunk.

Sasuke sighed, almost in response, and squeezed his eyes shut again before pushing himself up and away from the door. He grabbed his bag, and walked away from his home, hands deep in his pockets, and shoulders rounded in defeat.
"I'm going to the police."

Sasuke snorted, and wrapped his arms closer around him, feeling the temperature drop even more. "Like hell you are."

It was a half-past three in the same morning, and the four of them had met by the train station when Kiba had called Sasuke.

"I'm serious, I'm going to call the police," Kiba insisted, his dark eyes narrowed at the other. Sakon and Tayuya stood behind Sasuke, looking vaguely intimidating (Sakon would have been more so if he stopped yawning and didn't have make-up on only one eye; Tayuya looked just as terrifying as she always did, but the effect was ruined by the fact that she was half-asleep and was wearing a fuzzy purple sweater underneath her grungy jacket). "I was there with the search party, they were almost on top of the body. I swear, I—I'm not going to jail. I won't. They were this—" he emphasized by holding his fingers up in a pinching motion, "—close to finding him. A few more feet and they would have—"

Sasuke cut him off. "Well, if they were that close, and didn't find him, than they're not coming back. Search parties can only go on so long, and if they didn't find him when they were this—" he held his fingers up, intimidating Kiba, "—close, they're not going to."

"I'm going anyway. This is your fault, all of this is your fault, and you should be punished," Kiba said, his voice quaking slightly, but his face resolved. "You're going to go to jail, and get the punishment you deserve, bastard."

Sasuke stepped closer, and his two lackeys woke up a bit more.

"Oh yeah? Well, lemme tell you something. You're just as much at fault as we are. You'd go to jail too."

Kiba shook his head.

"No? You were there. You saw it. You sat, and you watched, and you didn't do a thing to stop it. It's your fault too," Sasuke said, his voice getting softer with each statement until he was almost whispering. "So shut the fuck up, and don't think about going to the police again, dog-breath."

He turned away, and poked Sakon and Tayuya awake again, leading them away from Kiba.

The dog-lover sighed, and scratched one tattooed cheek, before rubbing his tired eyes.

"Godfuckingdamnit, Naruto." He signed, and looked up at the cloudy sky, pink with reflected light from the city. "You were supposed to be in fucking England."


To all my wonderful readers who have kept with me 'til now, I'm so sorry for taking so long, but I do hope you will continue to read, and I will also (hopefully) continue to update in a timely manner. Sort of. Maybe.

Probably. I swear.

Much LOVE!!!