A/N: This is adapted from FMA Meets AOL. No, I did not write this, my cousin did, but she's too scared to post this up in her own account. Yerah.

xoxharuhixox says: Yes?

PrinceCharming says: Lol u buzy?

xoxharuhixox says: Well, not really, but I was about to go to bed.

PrinceCharming says: but its only 9;00!!! Well I have sumthign 2 discus wit the host club!!! We gotta go over next weeks theme!!

. I LOVE CAKE . has joined the conversation.

K-Ootori has joined the conversation.

/This Is Hikaru/ has joined the conversation.

\This Is Kaoru\ has joined the conversation.

xoxharuhixox says: ...

K-Ootori says: ...

PrinceCharming says: Lol

. I LOVE CAKE says: This Is mori, honey is busy eating right now.

. I LOVE CAKE . has left the conversation.

/This Is Hikaru/ says: ...you know what, lord?

PrinceCharming says: wat?

/This Is Hikaru/ says: Your spelling really sucks.

\This Is Kaoru\ says: So is your memory.


\This Is Kaoru\ says: We already went over next week's themes, remember?

PrinceCharming says: ...

/This Is Hikaru/ says: He obviously doesn't.

PrinceCharming says: OMG we did!!!!

K-Ootori says: Tamaki if there's nothing important, then don't waste my time.

/This Is Hikaru/ says: Me too.

\This Is Kaoru\ says: Same for me.

PrinceCharming says:sits in a corner to sulk:

xoxharuhixox says: -.-lll...

/This Is Hikaru/ says: ...Kaoru, why have you put your shirt back on? We've barely started..

\This Is Kaoru\ says: HIKARU!! You didn't have to type that out!! You're embarrassing me Hikaru!

xoxharuhixox says: -'.'-lll;; you guys...!!!!! Stop fooling!!!

\This Is Kaoru\ says: AAHH HANDS OFF HIKARU!!!

/This Is Hikaru/ says: That's not what you were just saying a few seconds ago Kaoru...

\This Is Kaoru\ says: Hik...!vol/ nh, ni8gu'oldz;hsdg lc vz n,vpwihg. M,ioyfviy;fuyjgwerdalsk;fn

PrinceCharming says: ...O.o

xoxharuhixox says: ...ditto.

K-Ootorisays: Is this the so-called cybersex?

Beelzenef has joined the conversation.

PrinceCharming says: OMGWTFBBQ!!!

Beelzenef says: Your names have been written down...ALL OF YOU WILL BE STRUCK DOWN BY MISFORTUNE. Starting from...the Hitachiin twins for their forbidden brotherly love!!! fufufufufufufufufu..

Beelzenef has left the conversation.

/This Is Hikaru/ says: ...You're so lame Nekozawa...

/This Is Hikaru/ says: ...but still...

/This Is Hikaru/ says: ...FIRST DIBS UNDER THE BED!!!

/This Is Hikaru/ has left the conversation.

\This Is Kaoru\ says: HEY, wait up Hikaru!

\This Is Kaoru\ has left the conversation.

PrinceCharming says: ZOMG!!!

PrinceCharming has left the conversation.

K-Ootori says: This has got to be the most meaningless conversation I have ever participated in.

K-Ootori has left the conversation.

xoxharuhixox says:sigh:

xoxharuhixox has left the conversation.

/This Is Hikaru/ has joined the conversation.

\This Is Kaoru\ has joined the conversation.

\This Is Kaoru\ says: pfft ahahahahahaha, nice Hikaru, I didn't think of that!

/This Is Hikaru/ says: Haha, yeah…

/This Is Hikaru/ says: ...wait, wasn't that you?

\This Is Kaoru\ says: nooo..I thought it was you?

/This Is Hikaru/ says:...!

\This Is Kaoru\ says: ...!

\This Is Kaoru\ says: no way

/This Is Hikaru/ says: yes way

/This Is Hikaru/ has left the conversation.

\This Is Kaoru\ has left the conversation.

Beelzenef has joined the conversation.

Beelzenef says: bwahahahahahahaha

Beelzenef has left the conversation.

...Flames are welcome. Constructive criticism even more so.