Karen fell asleep with her head on Mewtwo's shoulder. The pokemon tried not to move much so not to awaken her. It felt nice having her head resting there. It reminded him of something...

Suddenly he thought he saw movement far out on the horizon. Something small and light colored flying over the waves. His curiousity was aroused and he very gently used his powers to lift Karen's head off his shoulder and set it carefully on the ground. She didn't notice or waken up and he was relieved. He got up and, still keeping the object in sight, lifted off the ground and flew toward it. As he got closer he realized what it was. Mew. The same Mew that he'd had a few runins with before. When Mew spotted him she stopped playing with the wind and giggled, waving her paw playfully at him.

"Hello, Mewtwo," she said, giggling even more.

That giggle always irritated him but he wasn't about to let it get to him, not tonight. (What do you want, Mew?) he asked, stopping and hovering in front of her. (What are you doing here?)

"Nothing," she replied, playfully flitting before him. "Just looking for someone to play with." she cocked her head at him. "Do you want to play tag again?"

(No I don,t) he replied, instantly. He hated these games. (And we didn't play tag before either.)

"Oh yeah," she said remembering. "I wanted you to play with me and all you wanted to do was prove who was better. Sheesh. You need to get over that. We're equal."

He knew that already. (Did you come here to rub it in?) he demanded.

"No," she replied. "I didn't even know you were here. And you brought it up." she looked him over. "How have you been doing?"

(Why do you want to know?) he asked suspiciously.

"Oh I don't know," she replied. "I'm just worried about Karen."

(Karen is fine.)

"Really?" she said. "You mean you haven't done anything to her? Like try to get rid of her."

(I'm not like that anymore.)

Mew smiled. Mewtwo realized then how much he hated that smile. It always told him she knew more than she let on. (What?) he asked.

"Nothing," she replied, giggling. "Nothing at all." then she flew off. "See ya later!"

(Hey!) he exclaimed. (You can't just fly off like that!)

"See ya!" she called back, totally ignoring his comment. "I love you too!"

(I never said I loved you!) he yelled but she was too far off to hear.

When he could no longer see her pink form he sighed and shook his head. Mew was always like that, never still for very long. He chose to not let her words bother him and flew back to the beach where he had left Karen.

Jessie tried to get ahold of Giovannie to tell him she'd been wrong about killing Karen but discovered that, while she was in the hole in the ground, she had no cell phone service.

"Rats!" she exclaimed, hitting the phone with her hand. "No service!"

"What did you expect?" James asked from his spot on the ground. "We're way below the signal airwaves. There's no way you can call him from down here."

"I know that," she said, annoyed. She shoved her phone back into her skirt pocket. "But how are we going to tell him that the brat is still alive now?"

"We can try to get out again," he suggested.

"How do propose we do that?" she wanted to know, putting her hands on her hips.

"I thought you'd never asked." he puled out a pokeball and threw it. "Go Victorybell!"

The pokemon popped out of the ball and immediately tried to eat James' head. "AHHHH!" he exclaimed. "No stop it! You can hug me later!"

The Victorybell liked that idea and let go of James. He sat there gasping for a moment then commanded. "Vine wip!"
The plant pokemon obeyed and used the attack. "We can climb up these vines," he told Jessie.

"What a great idea," she agreed then punched him to the ground. "Why didn't you think of that before?" she demanded.

"I don't know," he said, cowering under her fist. "I forgot!"

The Rockets climbed out of the hole and James called back his pokemon. "Now," Jessie said, pulling out her phone. "Let's see if I can reach him now..." she got service no so she dailed his number. "Hello, boss? Remember when I said I accidently killed that girl who caught Mewtwo...?

Karen was still sleeping peacefully when Mewtwo returned to the beach. She lay curled up on the sand, her breathing even and her face illiuminated by the moonlight. He stared at her face a moment, realizing she looked a bit like Ai. He sat down beside her and watched her sleep. He didn't know why he was suddenly fascinated by her. He'd known her for awhile now and had never felt this way before when he saw her face. Probably because most of the time when he'd look at her she was angry at him. He sighed. This was illogical.

She's a human, he reminded himself. A human who blames me for the death of her mother. You can't be having feelings for her after she hurt you so badly...

That might be true but she had a reason. She'd explained it to him many times. Her mother had been there when he'd been created. She'd been there when he'd destroyed the lab and killed Mr. Fuji.

"She wanted me to tell you that she was sorry," Karen's words came to him. "Sorry about the whole thing. It hadn't been her choice. Giovanni had funded the project. She'd only been listening to Fuji, her bosses, orders. She never ment for any of this and for the death of your friend Ai."

I don't blame her, he thought. I never will. His looked back at Karen. There is no need to apologize now... It's over...

He lay down beside her. Yes, it was over but he still had some problems to take care of. Things he couldn't explain to Karen.

"Yes, sir, right away, sir," Jessie said into the phone. "We'll see you then. Sayonara." she hung up the phone.

"Well what did he say?" James asked.

Jessi looked over at him and smiled. "He's on his way," she replied. "He should be here by tomarrow morning."

"What should we do in the mean time?" James wanted to know.

Jessie put her phone away, leaned again a tree, and folded her arms. 'Wait," she replied.

Mewtwo was just dozing off when suddenly a vision flashed through his mind. He sat up as serrated images flashed before his eyes. a helocoptor, a man jumping out of it, men in black clothing, Karen's frightened face, a gun shot.

What? he thought staring over the ocean. What is this?

The images stopped but he felt no better. He stared at the peaceful night and ocean waves but his heart still pounded. Something was coming. Something... someone he'd dealt with before...


I think this chapter is longer than the previous one was. It seems Mewtwo still has to deal with Giovanni. Oh boy, more problems for everyone. I wonder how Ash and the others are going to react when they find out who's coming?