Love Potion #5 - A Konoha valentines day story

"This is it.." a voice echoes into a dimly lit passageway as the sound of liquid being squeezed from a dropper is heard faintly, splishing into another container of liquid, followed closely by a fizzing sound, and a roiling of pink-ish smoke.

"Perfect, now all we have to do is get her to drink it.." mischievious snickering by more than one person is heard in the darkness as the clear liquid is poured into a bottle marked "Sake". "That shouldn't be a problem.." the second voice replied, obviously female.

"Excellent." Another brief round of snickering is heard.. "This time we cannot fail, it is the most perfect plan yet..we shall triumph where our bretheren have failed! Kakashi shall not escape his fate this time around.." the third shady figure rambles on.."When his beloved Hokage drinks this concoction, she will instantly fall madly in love with him, and then love him to DEATH! " he cackles madly, until the female whaps him across the back of the head

"Stop celebrating so much, we have work to do! " she shouts.

"Ah, yes sister..we all know what to lets go! " the three salute one another, and then swiftly vanish.

The sun was rising ever so steadily into the sky this morning over the hidden leaf village, and things were already abustle with life inside it's walls, folks going about their daily tasks with little more than a care in the world, and the young ninja are no exception. This morning, the village had three new arrivals, somehow managing to penetrate the city disguised as travelling vendors, and coincidentally coming to set up in the path of two particular youngsters..Rock Lee, and Tsuku Angirineko, on their way from training.

"Hello there, boys!" the masked man shouts toward the two, who promptly halt thier steps, and conversation to look at the odd pair of men in their cart of wares. The sign on the cart reads "Shinobi brews", and looks more than suspicious, though our two ninja slowly approach. Tsuku takes a few sniffs of the area around the cart, but the scent of food, alcohol, and other things throw him off some..though he still holds his suspicions.

"It's valentines day! you should take something special to someone special, boys..I hear that your Hokage loves sake more than life, eh? " as he sets the finely crafted ceramic bottle on the shelf in front of them..

"And how about some pretty flowers for your girlfriends, huh? " His partner behind him, nodding vigorously, but staying silent otherwise.

"Ehh..this cart smells like rats.." Tsuku mutters, as Lee, starry-eyed, and oblivious as ever listens to very word the man has to preach. "and besides..Tsunade already has a lifetime supply of sake..what does she need another bottle for? " even as Tsuku speaks, Lee is purchasing the spectacular looking bottle of Sake from the man, who also hands him a few flowers as well. Sweatdrops appear across the back of Tsuku's head as he sighs.. "Lee, you're so hopeless.."

"Hopeless you say? " said the until now, silent vendor "He wont be for long, once his girlfriend, and the Hokage recieve their gifts of love!"

Tsuku rolls his eyes, ready to snap back with a witty retort, when he's grabbed by Lee, who promptly drags him off at high speed..

"C'mon Tsuku, you have to help me find Sakura so I can give her her gift!"

He sighs, resolving to just go along with rambunctious fellow, if anything else just to keep the peace while in the Hokage's office.