A/N: Okay, so after I read some of the reviews I decided to add one more chapter to this story. An Epilogue of sorts. This is really the end here and the sequel will be joining my profile this weekend for sure. The first chapter is ALMOST done. Please leave me some reviews, I love getting them. Tell me what you liked, what you didn't like. What you want to see in the future. All of it. Thanks so much for everyone who has read this story. You readers have been amazing and I'm so thankful for all of you. Well, here you go, enjoy!

Disclaimer: See previous chapters…it's still the same.


The sunshine that floated through the bedroom woke him up with a smile on his face. He knew that nothing would keep him from being completely happy on this particular day and stretching his arm out to the other side of the bed he frowned slightly when he found it deserted. Yawning, he sat up and looked around the empty bedroom in search of his love.

"Sorry," came a quiet voice, "I didn't mean to wake you."

Smiling he turned his face towards the door, "you didn't, don't worry."

"Good," she answered, "did you sleep well?"

"I had very sweet dreams of what today holds for us," he answered with a smile on his face. "Why don't you and our daughter get over here?"

Logan motioned for Rory to join him on the bed and he gently took Lorie from her arms and placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead. Rory rested her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"I can't believe we're getting married today," she breathed. "I'm so happy."

"Me too," Logan agreed placing a kiss on his fiancé's lips. "When do we have to be at the church?"

"I have to be there at eleven for hair and make-up," Rory told him lying back on the bed. "I'll be taking Lorie with me and you have to be there to get dressed no later than one."

"Got it," Logan assured her. "Are you ready to become Mrs. Logan Huntzberger?"

"More than ready," Rory told him. "These last few months have been hectic but amazing. I can't believe Lorie is already three months old."

"She's growing up so fast," Logan agreed, "she's going to be heading off to school before we know it."

"Let's stop there hon," Rory interrupted quickly. "I don't want to think of her getting older too fast. We've still got lots of time with her as a baby."

"We could always start working on a sibling or two for her," Logan suggested with a glimmer in his eye.

"We can practice," Rory told him, "but I don't want to get pregnant right away. I want Lorie to be a little older before we start thinking about siblings."

"As long as we get to practice for it," Logan relented with a slap on the head from Rory. "Okay, okay, no more hitting the fiancé-almost-husband."

"Well when he's acting like an immature boy…"


"Then a girl has to do what a girl has to do," Rory finished, unfazed by Logan's outburst, "you're just lucky I'm marrying you."

"You're right," Logan said quietly, "I am."

With tears in her eyes Rory leaned over and kissed him soundly on the mouth, careful not to disturb the sleeping baby in his arms.

"Okay," she said reluctantly after a minute, "I have to get ready to go."

"You're meeting your bridesmaids at the church?"

"Yup," Rory confirmed, "there is a lot of work that needs to be done so that we can be our most beautiful selves."

"Don't let Paris get too crazy to early."

"I won't," Rory assured him. "Besides, it's not like I have to deal with Colin and Finn."

"They are my best friends," Logan argued.

"I know," Rory said, "please just keep them away from the liquor until later. I don't want either of them fainting up at the altar."

"I promise," Logan agreed, "besides, I'll have Luke in there to help me. I'm glad he agreed to be apart of the wedding party."

"It made sense," Rory said, tying her hair back in a ponytail, "you guys really have become close. Which mom and I couldn't be more thankful for."

"He's a good guy," Logan agreed, "I'm glad I got the chance to know him. Okay, enough emotional stuff for now. We've got to go get hitched."

Rory laughed and took Lorie from her father's arms.

"Please don't be late to the church," Rory pleaded, "if you love me at all…"

"I'll be on time," Logan interrupted, "I swear."

"You better be," Rory warned. "Okay, Lorie and I are off. I'll see you at the altar later Huntzberger."

"Sounds perfect Gilmore."

Walking out of the door of their condo and to her car Rory couldn't help but smile at the way her life was turning out. Buckling Lorie into her car seat, she kissed her daughter's head and then loaded her stuff into the seat beside her. She was getting married today, to the love of her life and the father of her daughter and Rory knew the smile that had graced her face for the last week wasn't going to be leaving any time soon.

Their wedding party was fairly small considering that Shira Huntzberger and Emily Gilmore had insisted on helping with the plans and preparation. Rory and Logan each had four attendants, Lorelai, Lane, Paris and Honor were standing up with Rory and Logan had Luke, Colin, Finn, and Josh standing with him. April was going to be there too and was dubbed the junior bridesmaid, walking down the aisle with Gigi who would serve as her flower girl. Luke was going to have Will with him as their unofficial ring bearer and Lorie would be in the arms of Lane while Emma was in Lorelai's arms.

It was going to be quite an event.

When Rory was trying to decide who she wanted to walk down the aisle with it hadn't been an easy decision. She remembered the conversation she had with Logan about it vividly.

"I can't make this decision Logan," Rory cried, tears spilling down her cheeks. "Why is this so hard? Pretty much everything else has been decided, colors picked, flower arrangements, I even have my dress, but no, what should be the easiest factor is turning into the hardest."

"Rory you have to calm down," Logan soothed, his arm wrapped around her shoulders protectively. "Who was your first thought?"

"Well obviously Chris," Rory answered honestly, "I mean, he's my father. But then at the same time, Luke, he's my dad. He's the one that was there for almost ever milestone in my life. Every birthday, my high school graduation, moving me into Yale, all of it. I can't imagine not having him apart of the wedding."

"He's going to be apart of the wedding," Logan reminded her. "Remember, I've already asked him to stand up with me as one of my groomsmen."

"I know," Rory answered, "But still…"

"It's your decision Ace," Logan told her as her voice faded off again, "I'll support you whichever way you go."

"Thanks Logan," Rory thanked him leaning her head against his shoulder. "I'm going to have to think about it some more."

It had taken a week and three pro/con lists before Rory finally came to her decision. Tearfully explaining herself to Luke she wasn't surprised when he supported her and told her he didn't care.

"It's your wedding Rory," he had told her, "you deserve to have it just the way you want it."

"I'm not sure of what I want though Luke," she answered, nursing the cup of coffee she was drinking at the counter of the diner. "You are just as much as my dad as he is."

"Rory," Luke interrupted, "I love you like a daughter. You, April, and Emma are all of my daughters and I'm honored you consider me a father figure in your life. But, I also think that you should have Chris walk you down the aisle. I'll be there; I'll be standing next to your fiancé supporting you there. But I think Chris also deserves to be apart of this day."

"Thank you Luke," Rory answered, jumping up and walking around the counter to give him a hug, "you're the best."

"Love you Rory."

"Love you too Luke."

She had called Chris in Paris later that same day to ask him to walk her down the aisle and also for Gigi to be the flower girl. He quickly agreed and had Gigi measured for her dress and sent the measurements over. Chris and Gigi had stayed with his mom in Hartford since arriving in town two days before. The rehearsal dinner had gone smoothly and the tension Rory had expected between her parents had ended up not being quite as great and conversation seemed to flow with ease.

They had relived the story of Lorie, Will, and Emma's birth, skipping over all the overly emotional memories of Lorelai's health scare. The humor that all three children would share the same birthday was joked about for hours; January 23rd would be a very busy day from now on.

Rory couldn't wait to get the church and don her wedding gown and walk down the aisle. This was a moment she had been waiting for since Logan had slipped back into her life and Lorie's existence was first known and it was finally here.

Pulling into the church parking lot she was greeted by Lane who was waiting for her best friend and they promptly unloaded themselves and went in to prepare for Rory's big day.


The ceremony had gone perfectly, just like out of a movie, and now they were enjoying themselves at the reception held in one of Hartford's snazziest halls. It was an odd bunch, the Hartford socialites mixed with the antics of Stars Hollow's citizens that filled the hall, but the laughter and dancing couldn't be told apart. Lorelai sat at her table, a fussy Emma in her arms, glancing around the room at her friends and family. Logan and Rory were on the dance floor while Emily held Lorie at her table. Luke was holding Will, talking to Richard about insurance and bonds or something like that. April was on the dance floor with one of Logan's younger cousins, under the watchful eye of her father. Miss Patty and Babette were talking in one corner of the room, while Kirk and Lulu were also on the dance floor. Mitchum and Shira Huntzberger were socializing with a group of people Lorelai vaguely recognized and Chris was dancing with Gigi on his feet.

"She's really grown up, hasn't she?" Emily asked sitting down next to her daughter with Lorie. "I can't believe she's married with a baby. I have a great-granddaughter."

"I know," Lorelai agreed her eyes focused on her daughter and son-in-law. "I always knew this day would come, but I can't believe it's here. She's no longer a Gilmore."

"She'll always be a Gilmore," Emily assured her, "it's in her blood."

"I guess. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it all though. I have been for months."

"It's hard when you realize that your child isn't a child anymore," Emily said quietly and Lorelai turned to her with curious eyes. "When you realize that they don't need you anymore."

"Oh mom," Lorelai sighed, "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn't need you. It wasn't that…I just…I couldn't…we were so different. I mean…"

"I understand Lorelai," Emily interrupted her daughter's rambling. "There are several things in my life I would do differently if I could. My relationship with you would top the list. We lost a lot of years in yours and Rory's life because of my stubbornness and I'm sorry."

"Thanks mom," Lorelai told Emily with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry too, for leaving like I did."

"You did well for yourself and Rory, I'm proud of you."

Lorelai smiled and before she could answer Luke and Richard joined them.

"Lorelai," Luke asked, "may I have this dance?"

"Of course," Lorelai said with a smile as Richard took Will from Luke's arms and Lorelai placed a now sleeping Emma in her bouncer at her feet. Luke pulled Lorelai out onto the dance floor and wrapped his arms around her as she buried her face into his shoulder.

"You okay?" he asked, "you were crying when your dad and I walked up."

"I'm great," Lorelai whispered, "I think my mom and I finally came to a real understanding. We both apologized and talked. It was great."

"I'm glad," Luke answered gladly. "Can you believe that Rory is married?"

"She's grown up," Lorelai answered simply. "She's a mother now herself and a wife. I'm proud of her."

"Me too," Luke agreed. "We are very lucky Lorelai."

"We are, aren't we?"

"We have four beautiful children," Luke answered with a grin, "two of which are growing up far too quickly. April is going to be a freshman next year and then off to college before I know it. That I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around."

"Do you know where she wants to go to college yet?"

"No and neither does April. She wants to go Ivy League and I know that Yale has captured her attention after Rory's constant raving about it, but I don't know."

"She'll do great wherever she goes," Lorelai assured him. "You want her close don't you?"

"I'd love to have her close by," Luke answered honestly. "I hate that she is so far away."

"I know hon," Lorelai agreed. "Maybe she'll pick something over here for college and we'll be able to see her more."

"Maybe," Luke said. "At least we know she'll be spending this summer with us."

"We'll have fun," Lorelai said, "that's for sure."

"Hey mom, Luke," Rory interrupted, "we wanted to say goodbye before we take off."

"You guys are leaving already?" Lorelai asked with a pout. "Don't you want to stay longer?"

"It's getting late and we're both exhausted," Rory answered with a laugh. "Besides, Lorie is probably getting cranky and I can't ask grandma to watch her anymore."

"So," Luke offered, changing the subject, "no honeymoon?"

"Not right now," Logan answered. "Not with Lorie being so little. We don't want to leave her for any period of time and we really couldn't take her anywhere. We'll just spend the week in Hartford, maybe drive into New York for a day or two. Nothing major."

"We are both fine with that," Rory said. "We should meet up for dinner next week."

"Of course Ror," Lorelai immediately said. "Just call and we'll be there."

"Great," Rory said wrapping her arms around her mom. "Bye mom."

"Bye babe," Lorelai whispered, holding back tears. "I love you."

"Love you too," Rory answered and after several minutes finally pulled away. "See you both later."

After several more rounds of goodbyes for the newlyweds they were finally seen off as they headed back to their condo with Lorie. Shortly after the crowd had dispersed and Lorelai, Luke, Richard, Emily, Gigi, and Chris were left in the hall and they started their goodbyes.

"We really are lucky," Lorelai whispered as she squeezed Luke's hand on the way back to Stars Hollow that night. "I love you."

"Love you too Lorelai," he whispered bring her hand to his lips for a gentle kiss. "That horoscope you gave me really did bring me the best luck I could have ever wished for."

Lorelai smiled as she rested her head against her husband's shoulder and slipped into a dream world of luck and love, her fingers still entwined with Luke's.

The End.

A/N: I know, I know. I said the last chapter was the end but I needed to add this in there for my own benefit.

The sequel is something that has been playing around in my head since a chapter long ago here. The ideas are there and one little snidbit into my mind and the sequel. We'll see a jump in time from the end here and the first chapter of the new story. I'm playing around with exactly how big of a jump, so you'll have to read and find out where I took it!

Thanks again for reading!!