Welcome to the Future, Uchiha

Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto or its character

Chapter 1- Obito Dies?

Why did these Rock shinobi have to be so darn annoying? These were the thoughts of one Obito Uchiha as he dodged another attack from a Rock shin obi. He and his team's mission was to aid in the war effort against the Rock nation, in this area. The fighting had been though, and Kakashi had been as annoying and stuck up as normal. Obito turned over to look at Kakashi, who despite his genius of everything shinobi, was having his own problems with one of the other shinobi. Focusing himself again, he blocked a kunai strike just in time. In fact, it seemed that he saw the movement of the strike, before it ever happened. His eyes then followed the shinobi's movement. He seemed to see his moves a split second before they happened, almost like a second sense. It took Obito a second to figure out just what was going on. He went over all of the oddest possibilities that he could think of, even that the enemy shinobi was trying to trick him, or drive him crazy. Then he decided to use it and test out again to make sure the new ability was not some trick.

Obito saw the enemy move forwards towards him, and moved at where he was going to move. This put him in the perfect spot to attack. The enemy shinobi looked as confused and amazed as he could, somehow this kid shinobi in front of him. There was no way; he could have made such a move, it was impossible, to predict such a move would take either luck or genius. Looking at Obito's eyes, he knew the sad truth; he was an Uchiha, who had just used the Sharingan against him. He knew it was over, and a second later, he was lying dead on the ground.

Obito looked back to Kakashi who was blocking attack after attack near the edge of the side of the cliff. He then noticed something that a black bolder was falling towards him Obito body moved on autopilot, yelling at Kakashi who looked shocked when he turned to look at him coming at him. Obito always saw Kakashi as a rival, and an annoying one at that, but he also was his friend, actually his best friend. He had to help him, it was the right thing, and he could not live with himself if he did not and it seemed that his body had already chosen to help him as well. Obito knocked Kakashi out of the way of the bolder but as he knocked Kakashi out of the way. He hit a soft spot of dirt, which caused him to slip and fall down over the side of the cliff with the black bolder following after him. Kakashi looked surprised and angry with himself as he watched Obito fall over the steep cliff with the black bolder falling after him. He quickly turned to the two enemy shinobi, and made quick work of them.

Later, Kakashi and his team looked around for Obito, but his body would never be found, something odd had happened, but they had no clue just what had taken place. Feeling as they could do nothing, and knowing that Obito's body was just more then like lost to history, the sad group left to go back to Konoha, one less shinobi in their group.

Obito felt like he was falling, he had always heard of people who dreamed of falling forever, and wondered what it was like. Now somehow he felt that feeling, he wondered why he had not hit the ground yet, because the fall while far was not this far, and he was sure that when he hit he would be dead. Also for some reason a second after he started falling, everything went black; all he could see was the color black. Nothing but that color too. Suddenly he felt himself hit the ground, but he did feel any pain, but he felt like closing his eyes, and taking a nap.

Obito slowly opened up his eyes to see where he was. As he looked around, he looked to see a large cliff in front of him, just where it should be. He also noticed trees, and rocks, but something seemed off about the location he was. He could not put a finger on it, but there was something different about where he was, then where he had fallen. In addition, looking at the distance of the fall, he wondered how he was still alive. When by all rights, he knew that anyone who feels as far as he did would without a doubt be long dead. Checking himself over to look for injuries that he did not know, he was perfectly fine. This had to be the strangest day, in Obito life. Obito quickly ran up the cliff to see if he could find his teammates up on the top of the cliff. Upon reaching the top, he really knew something was up. There was no sign that any fight what so ever had ever taken place on the ground. Which he knew was wrong, because there should at least be the body of the dead shin obi he killed, or a couple of kunai he throw and missed on. Looking around, if he knew better, the war between Iwa, and Konoha never took place. He had to find out what was going on. The easiest way to find out the answers, which he was looking for, was to head to Konoha and a place he knew better then any other. Well he hoped he knew better, and that that place was not as odd as this one. Getting to his feet, he took off in the direction of Konoha.
In Konoha, everything was more then a bit peaceful, the massive wars which were common a generation earlier were over, and peace had reigned for many a year, except for when the demon fox had come and been sealed into the body of baby. Who happened to only cause minor problems, like by doing things like painting the faces of the hokages, or doing some other annoying little thing. The two Chunin on duty at the gate, could almost fall asleep, things were so boring. They did not have to watch for much, except of returning shinobi and the dooms day massive attack, which all of them knew was, not coming .It was just a boring day, with really nothing to do. For Kotetsu, and Izumo, this was a rather normal day for them. A few months past, they were told the becoming guards for the town would be a good way to advance along the path to becoming Special Jounin. Though this seemed unlikely, both of the enjoyed the fact that they have to see the villagers a lot, and there was really no stress in this mission unlike either teaching, or going on B rank missions. Izumo noticed another one of the young shinobi coming towards the town.

Obito was glad to see the walls of Konoha, at least the town was still there, but the sense of peace that he noticed on cliff area where he fail, was everywhere. He really was worried that his home would be gone. Walking up the village gate, he noticed how lack the defense was, another sign of there being peace, which while still odd, was a good thing. Obito looked at the two guards at the checkpoint at the entrance of Konoha. He was surprised that he did not know either of them, since he knew pretty much everyone in the town.

Izumo, and Kotetsu, looked at the young shinobi, with his dark hair, and tinted goggles on his forehead. The two of the looked at him a second time, trying to come up with answers in their minds. In there months of work, they had never seen this kid before, which meant he had to leave at odd hours, or that he had been on mission for a long time. "Welcome back, can you show your identification."

Obito smiled at the guard, "Sure no problem at all," he said looking at the guards handing over his id card.

Kotetsu looked at the card and then hands it to Izumo. Izumo then looks at Kotetsu; with the same look at, he was receiving. That this was not possible, that a Uchiha, who was not named Sasuke or Itachi could not be alive, and not yet, how did this kid who have who had a 14 year id, be only 13, and yet fit the identification so perfectly.

"Obito," Kotetsu said quietly, "I think that we are going to have to take you to meet with the Hokage."

A/N- I hoped you liked the intro chapter, I don't plan on updating that fast, but who knows. Also thanks for reviewing and please review.