Disclaimer: I don't own both Evangelion and Shaman King.


A new life and a new home

In a large, dark and spooky office

Gendo Ikari was a man who couldn't be taken lightly. He has become the head of GEHIRN, after being just a troublemaker college student. Some of the rumors said that it was mostly because of his relationship with Yui Ikari, SEELE's protégée. SEELE was a secretive organization, composed by some of the most powerful business men and politicians. They controlled several countries under table and the UN was their pet. GEHIRN was their pet too and was created to carry on ir dream: the human instrumentality project and they put Gendo in charge of that.

However after his wife's death Gendo became ever colder than before and started his own version of the HIP. The first step has been made a couple of days ago and if his old sensei, Fuyutsuki, has been reluctant; that didn't matter as long his plan ended as he has planned. So he stayed sitting in chair, with his elbows supporting his arms and with his hands interlinked in front of his mouth giving him an intimidating appearance. If you sum his glasses he started to use after his wife's death and the way they glowed even if there was no source of light, even they most tougher soldier would crap on his pants after five minutes in front of Gendo.

A ringing sound, snapped out his musings. Gendo pressed the intercommunicator bottom to speak with the source of his annoyance.

"Ikari here." A booming and commanding voice sounded.

"yelp Excuse me sir, but I got a call form Mr. Miyamoto (I don't know Shinji's sensei's name so I made one)." A very scary secretary replied.

"Miyamoto? Patch me the call." Gendo demanded.

"Ye..Yes sir." The unfortunate secretary shuttered.

"Mr. Miyamoto, Ikari Here. How is he?" Ikari said with his usual superiority.

"Mr. Ikari, well you see, there has been an inconvenient."

"What do you men an inconvenient?" Gendo didn't seem pleased.

"Well, I was looking for the boy at the time and place provided. But when I got there, I couldn't find the boy."

"He is a freaking four years old boy, it's not like he was going to wander. Not after all of the things I said him"

"I know sir." The poor old man was at the verge of a heart attack. "I asked some of the employees and they told me, they have seen the boy, but some strange people took him"

Gendo thought about it. Some people took the boy, but he has left some agent with him to prevent that for happening. 'Damn it'

"I see, Ikari out"

"Sir, it was not my fault, I did every..." Gendo shut his phone.

Gendo pressed the intercommunicator. "Communicate me with Section-2's head"

"Yes sir." The secretary was evaluating her choice of career. 'I better return to be a waitress, even if I earn a lot more here, I don't think it's worth of it'

After waiting some moments a voice called for Gendo.

"Captain, Mitsubishi here, What am I needed?, Commander" A new voice came from the communicator.

"Captain, tell me who did you send for yesterday assignment?"

"Sir, you told me it was a critical operation, so I sent the best men I have."

"Well let me tell you that they failed. If you think they are the best, I guess I have to revaluate all of Section-2 agents." A cold sweat bread came from Mitsubishi at Gendo's words.

"Sir, when they reported in the base they told me that they had no problem with their mission. But I also notice something"

"What did you notice?"

"Well they seemed a bit drowsy. I thought it was because they were on duty almost twelve hours so I passed it."

"You passed it! Did you know how important that mission was? Damn it bring them here immediately"

"Right away sir"

Gendo was not pleased. He has lost his cool and stoic pose. How do they dare to interfere in his scenario? They are going to pay. He has planned everything without leaving anything out. He was not going to lose because a snotty little brat. Yes nobody messed with Gendo Ikari. He smirked evilly.


On a rural path across the country a special group of people walked. It was formed by a good looking girl; about 20 years old who led the group. Behind her two young men about the same age that her, were carrying an impossibly large amount of boxes and bags, almost all of them were from the girl. The others were a men and one little boy. The little boy was about four years old, he has brown hair and if looked closely his eyes were deep blue. The last one was a men who was hovering, that was impossible for any person, sure he could do it because he was dead.

"Anna-san, are we close now?" The little boy whined. Stopping to take a breath.

"Hmph, no we're not. Besides are you tired yet, I thought you wanted to become a shaman" Anna teased.

The boy huffed and resumed his pace. This time he walked by Anna's side. The three men behind them grinned to themselves. Anna smirked a bit, amused by this boy's energy. After some more walking they finally arrive to a big old house. However because of the long walk and the endless summer after SI (not self insert. Second Impact), Shinji's face was flushed and was sweating abundantly. Yoh took him under a tree and gave him a bottle of water to prevent Shinji to get insolated.

When they entered the house, they were met by an old and short woman wearing sunglasses.

"Kino-sama, we have arrived." Anna bowed politely. Yoh, Manta and Amidamaru bowed as well.

"I'm glad you are all home." Kino turned to the boy who also has bowed. "Anna Yoh, I didn't know you already had a kid. Why didn't you bring him before?" Four THUDS were heard. "What did I say?" Asked Kino confused.

After recovering, Yoh said. "Grandmother he isn't our son." Yoh was blushing. Anna was blushing too, not as much as Yoh but still.

"Well, then who is this lovely boy?" Kino kneed and pinched Shinji's cheeks softly.

"His name is Shinji Ikari, but this is a long and complicated story. Why don't we discuss it at the living room?" The young shaman said.

"Alright make yourselves at home. I'm going to call the others." With that the woman left, the gang went to the living room. Shinji was worried about being a burden but Yoh, Manta and Amidamaru told him it was no problem. After resting in the living room, they heard some rushing coming to them, before they could react the door snapped open.

"No, it's not possible. You couldn't have a kid." A pink haired woman shrieked.

"It's that true Yoh, can I see your son?" A masked man said.

"Yes, yes, I want to see my grand grandson." A short, bald, old man said.

Somebody didn't say the whole story.

Four face faults and three sighs (one in relief and two in disappointment) later; everybody knew Shinji was not Anna and Yoh son.

"Well then, what's the history behind him?" Yohmei Asakura, Yoh's grandfather asked.

"It's a really complicated and long history." Yoh scratched the back of his head.

"I see." Yohmei said. "Tamao, could you please bring us some tea"

"Hai." The pink haired woman left the room. Some minutes later, she brought tea for everyone. After drinking some tea Yoh started.

"Well everything was at the train station. Suddenly Amidamaru left us. After sometime, I went to look for Amidamaru, and then I found him talking lively with Shinji. Because there were several bags there I made a false guess." Yoh looked down ashamed. Shinji knew that and also looked down sadly. The rest of the Asakura clan sensed the sad atmosphere, but still pressed Yoh to continue the story.

"Well, Shinji's mother died shortly." That was a bomb; however they were no prepared for the rest. "But that's nothing." Yoh close his hand into a fist in rage. "His father left there at the station, he abandoned him." Everyone was commotional, even Mikihisa who like Yoh, keep his cool no matter the situation was boiling mad.

"Oh poor boy." Tamao stood up and walked where Shinji was, giving him a loose hug and a sunny smile trying to comfort the boy.

"I felt bad for him too; I guess that's why I took him with me." Everyone nodded.

"However." In a cherrier voice. "That's not everything. He like the rest of us can see spirits too." Everyone ohhed. "That's why grandfather." Yoh bowed to Yohmei. "Please let him train to become a shaman." There was a long silence.

"Yoh are you sure about that. What if he has any relatives?" The Asakura clan head asked.

"He told me, he didn't know about any relative. But there is something else." The rest of the group closed to Yoh in anticipation. "When we found him, he was not alone." Shinji jerked his head, he remembered, there was nobody with him until Amidamaru talked to him.

"Yes, there were three men. They seemed to be bodyguards or something."

"Well, maybe Shinji had someone who was going to pick him up." Kino reasoned.

"NO." That startled everyone. "I mean, even if he had someone, why didn't he pick him up? Why did he leave him for hours? Whoever or not Shinji couldn't stayed there."

Yohmei sighed. Sometimes his grandson's goodwill makes him to take rushed decisions. But Yoh was right, poor Shinji was alone and he didn't want to image what kind of person his father is and even worse the person who was going to take care of him. It's not like he didn't want to train him, it's good to know about people who is willing to become a shaman in this modern world. But, when Yoh told him about the three men, well that chages the situation. Maybe Shinji is more that he pretends, not that it was his fault. Maybe his father knew.

"I'll think about it." Yoh wanted to reply but Yohmei stopped. "Don't worry, I mean we are going to have a special event and we have to prepare for it. Meanwhile the Shinji can stay with us." For now it was enough for Yoh and Shinji.


The event that Yohmei said was an annual party. It started for the first time in 2001. During that party people remembered old times, they also remembered a lot of people they knew during their adventure at a foreigner land. Also the people who died during that time. And the great tragedy, promising to themselves to tell this to future generations to prevent that tragedy event.

Shinji has only been surrounded by that many people when he was where his parents worked. However unlike there, he could feel the warmth of those people, they even have stopped to give him a hello, to talk with him and give him strength to keep with his life.

One of the people who visited Yoh was a blue haired man that was an odd sight and even more the way how his hair form spikes. He didn't came alone, with him came a girl younger than him. She also has blue hair. They were kind and friendly. Theirs names were: HoroHoro and Pirika. He also learnt form them that spirits not came from dead humans but from nature as well after he met HoroHoro's spirit: Kororo.

Another one was an eccentric man who called himself: bokutou Ryu. He had an weird hairdo, also a scruffy bread and for what it seems a 70's white disco suit. Besides his appearance, he was kind enough to talk to him about something he called 'Best Place' and how fortunate Shinji was for finding master Yoh. His spirit was Tokagero someone who knew Amidamaru when he was alive, however they didn't give Shinji any more details.

After been scared for some time after meeting Faust, Shinji got used to him. The aspect which caught Shinji's attention was than Faust's spirit was his dead wife Eliza. That made Shinji thought if his father was going to become a mad man.

In a large, dark and spooky office

"Achoo." Gendo sniffed. "Indeed."

Back at Asakura's

"Oh well." Said Shinji.

Finally there was a trio a people he needed to meet. One was a young man with purple spiky hair, yellow eyes and about Yoh's age, maybe a bit younger. The other one was an older woman wearing a chinesse black dress, with green hair and a sunny smile. With them there was a tall man, the oddity in him was his skin which was purple. Their names were Ren Tao and his spirit was a Chinese warrior named Bason. The woman's name was Jun Tao and later Shinji discovered her spirit was Li Pailong a Kyonshi, the man with purple skin.


When the party was over and everyone left. Yohmei called Shinji to follow him. Yoh and Manta smiled knowing. After they had walked a good time, they reached a clear in the forest, Yohmei jumped on a rock and look down to Shinji.

"Shinji, do you know what a shaman is?" Yohmei voice was serious.

"A shaman...I don't really sure, but a shaman is someone who can use spirits power to do things." Shinji responded.

Yohmei nodded. "That's right Shinji; we shamans can control the spirits and bend them to our will." He made his point clear by summoning a Shikigami on a leaf. "However they aren't our slaves, we have to treat them with respect and they will follow us." Yohmei made the spirit to dash to Shinji. Shinji cringe waiting for a punch, but it didn't come. The spirit moved around Shinji like studying him. Hesitating the boy extended his arm to touch the creature who didn't refuse the touch.

When both of them got use to each, they started to play like normal kids as Yohmei watched them. He was please at the easiness of the boy with the spirits and decided to train him. The boy has a pure heart and it would be a shame to waste it. About the goons Yoh mentioned, well they'll deal with them when the time comes, meanwhile the night was filled with the giggles of a boy and a Shikigami playing with each other.

End of A new life and a new home

AN: there goes another chapter. Sorry if Shinji interaction with the rest of SK cast was short, I'll make up for that later. As always R&R. By the way I need a proofreader if someone want to take the job, please make me know it.