Disclaimer: yes this is a one-shot Yaoi about my favorite couple NarutoXGaara!!!!! These twio belong togeather reguardless of what anyone else says! I'm totally all for them! But anyways review!!!!!! and I could always use new ideas for future fanfics or any of my other ones! So email me at or Add me on myspace wells anyways enjoy!

P.S: I do not own any of the characters from Naruto. If i did then the whole thing would be turned upside down.; insert evil laugh here


Dont Leave Me

Naruto looked up at the glowing moon.'how could he do this to me? why did he do that? I thought he loved me!' Naruto took the razor blade from his pocket and brought it to his wrist.'Im sorry everyone just forget me i was never loved anyways he showed me that'.Tears poured down Narutos face and he stared at the glowing moon.


Naruto was waiting for Sasuke out in the park.Sasuke was half an hour late.'Where the fuck could he be?' Naruto was just about to get up and go look for him when,Tenten,Ino,and Hinata came running towards him.they skidded to a stop in front of him.Naruto looked at them cheerfully "hey you guys! have any of you seen Sasuke?".A dark look formed on all for their faces.Naruto's smile dropped."Whats the matter you guys?"Ino spoke up first"Naruto there's somthing that we need to tell you"She looked really scared.Naruto looked at her"Dont worry Ino you can tell me right after I find Sasuke!"and his smile returned.The three girls looked at eachother and silently agreed that Naruto wouldn't be smiling when he did find Sasuke."b..but Naruto-Kun It's About Sasuke-Kun!"Naruto looked at Hinata"Is he ok?" worry growing on his face."i dont know how to Naruto-kun I think it might just be easier to show you."Tenten lightly held his hand and lead him to Sasuke.Ino and Hinata followed right behind thinking the same thing'Naruto is never going to be the same'.After about 10 minutes of blindly following Tenten,Naruto started hearing moaning.He looked at the girls questionly.The three girls just pushed their fingers to their lips lightly and pulled him closer to the sound.They stopped at the very edge of a clearing near the woods surrounding Konoha.Naruto decided to find out the the hell was going on"What the hell are we doing here?"the girls just pointed to just byond the trees into the clearing.They all had sad looks on their faces.Naruto looked into the clearing and gasped as he felt tears fill his eyes.Now he knew where the source of the moaning was comming from.There right inthe middle of the clearing was Sasuke fucking none other than his old crush and teamate Sakura.Suddenly Narutos mind went numb,his whole body shook and tears were just flowing freely out of his eyes.'why sasuke?WHY!?!?! I thought you loved me!! Please tell me that this is all a dream.Please tell me that what I'm seeing is just a nightmare and that I'll wake up in my bed in Sasukes arms.'Then Naruto Turned around and ran.He didnt care where he was going just as long as he couldn't hear their moans Sakura's screaming and moaning Sasukes name.Ino,Hinata,and Tenten watched Naruto run.they tried to chase after him but he was too fast and they soon lost him.So they sat there and hoped to god that Naruto was ok.They turned their backs away from the two ninjas fucking eachother and went to go get everybody else to help find the poor kitsune.

End Of FlashBack

So now Naruto sat holding up the cold steel blade against his tan skin.'So this was the end?'No one could ever love him the way Sasuke did.But then again the "love" Sasuke had for him was fake.He was never truly loved by Sasuke,just his little fuck toy whenever Sakura wouldn't give it to him. None of it ment anything.Tears formed in Narutos now dull blue eyes.He dug the blade into his skin,watching the blood flow from his arm.I never thought it would end like this.He brought the blade up to dig it in deeper when a pale hand stopped him.Naruto looked up with dull blue eyes to see Bright jade green eyes staring at him.Those eyes were lined heavly with black from lack of sleep.He was none other than Sabaku No Gaara.Gaara looked into those lifless eyes.His expression saddend as rage also poured through him at the same time.He never watned to see Naruto look like that.He never wanted to see the one he loved look like that.And he was going to kill the person that did this to him.But that can wait...His Naruto needed him.Narutos eyes fell to the floor.Gaara could almost feel tears from in his eyes as he looked at the broken kitsune.He pulled Naruto into a hug.Seeing that Naruto just felt like a broken doll Gaara panicked and looked at Naruto eyes.His once bright blue eyes were now dull and dead looking.'No I never want to see my Naru-chan Like this ever again'.Gaara lifted his chin and kissed him.It was a light chatse kiss.How Gaara had dreamed of one day being able to kiss those lips and to touch his skin.For years he denied his own feelings for the boy.But now that was all going to change.he was going to love his little kitsune and protect him from ever being like this again.Gaara licked the blood off narutos wrist and used some of his chakra to seal it.Naruto looked at him suprised."why?"Gaara looked at him"Because I love you"Suddenly Naruto felt happy."How long have you liked me?"Gaara hugged him"Years but i've been denying it cuz I thought that you would never like me the same way."Gaaras eyes suddenly became dark.Naruto looked into his eyes and kissed him.Just a little more harder than Gaara first did.Gaaras eyes widend"i love you too Gaara"and he went back in for another kiss.Now Gaara wasnt going to let Naruto control him so he put a little more force into the kiss.Naruto let a moan escape his lips."Wait Gaara lets go back to my place first"Gaara nodded and picked up the blond kitsune bridal style and they dissappered into a whirlwind of sand.

The two demons kissed passionatly.Naruto pulled at Gaaras shirt and pulled it off of him.Gaara did the same.they went back in for another pissionate kiss.Gaara worked his way down leaving butterfly kisses along his neck and chest.He paused a bit and took one dusky nipple into his mouth.He sucked on it for awhile earning a few moans from Naruto.Naruto fell onto the bed moaning."Gaara...take me."Gaara smiled and took off Narutos pants with his teeth.Gaara licked his lips at the sight of Narutos hot long erected member.Just the sight of Naruto hot and panting like that would have made him cum right there on the spot.How Gaara had dreamed of this day The same dreams that he thought would be forever lost in the desert as only memories.But this time it was real not just a dream or a fantasy...but the real thing.Gaara kissed Naruto.He flipped Naruto onto his stomache and positioned himself at the kitsunes tight opening.Gaara pushe dhis length into Naruto.Naruto winced in pain making Gaara stop.naruto just geastured for him to keep going.Gaara pushed himself fully into the blond.Naruto let out a moan and bucked his hips telling Gaara to go faster.Gaara complied picking up the pace.Naruto moaned loudly along with Gaara.Their moans filled the quite room echoing off the white walls."G...Gaara!!" Naruto screamed and came so did Gaara screaming Narutos Name. Gaara collapsed next to his kitsune.Naruto looked at him"I love you"He smiled and then fell asleep.Gaara pulled his kitsune closer to him and kissed the top of his head."I love you too Naruto"and then he too fell asleep.

Disclaimer:Well?!?!?!?!?! How was it?ahahah the story just came to me one day lol. Well i based this story on the song 'Where is your boy tonight' By Fall Out Boy.well anyways thanks for reading and please R&R!