Battle for a riceball

Chapter 1: The Truth

She's in love with that stupid rat and I know it! Why is she staring at him like that?
Kyo gazed over at Tohru Honda that was staring straight at Yuki with a tender smile on her face.

But why do I even care if she likes that rat?

Kyo made a disgusted face as he turned away and continued working on his assignment. They were at school at the moment, and it was an ordinary day as usual, but something seemed different. It seemed like Tohru was daydreaming twice as much as she usually did during school.

"Miss Honda? Is something wrong?" Yuki questioned uncomfortably when he realized she was staring at him.

"Oh no! Not at all! I guess I was just daydreaming! Silly me!" Tohru laughed nervously. She quickly looked back at her assignment and continued working.

Yuki sat right in front of her and Kyo sat across from her. They could always tell when she was daydreaming.


"Ohhhh" sighed Shigure as he tossed his spoon into his empty bowl, while rubbing his cheeks in the process. "That was delicious, Tohru. That must have been the best leek soup I have ever had."
"Thank you," Tohru replied gratefully then looked at Kyo on her right. He seemed extremely disgusted while he looked as his bowl. It was still full, he hadn't even had a bite yet. Kyo's bewildered look did little to bring down Tohru's cheerfulness.

"It was really delicious Miss Honda," Yuki smiled politely as he dropped the spoon into his empty bowl.

"Thank you so much! Really, it means a lot to me," Tohru gleamed.

"Why do you make this disgusting crap," Kyo muttered.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kyo. I thought you'd like it," Tohru said sadly.

"Like it? I hate leeks and you know that," Kyo hissed.

"Stop blaming Tohru for it you stupid cat," Yuki snapped.

"I wasn't talking to you, you damn rat."

"So you don't like it Kyo?" Tohru asked again.

"Just forget it!" Kyo hissed as got up from the table and slammed the door shut.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a little upset because Yuki fought him again today and Kyo lost," Shigure replied.

"Oh. I see." Tohru sighed. But is that really a good reason to be mad the whole day?

All of a sudden, there was a thunderous knock on the door. Tohru jumped in surprise.

"I'll get it," she beamed as she headed towards the door.

"Tohru! Tohru!" Momiji jumped up and down happily.

"Oh hello Momiji, hello Hatori," Tohru giggled.

"I came for you check up Yuki," Hatori said flatly.

Yuki sighed in frustration as Hatori examined him.

"Hey Tohru, where is Kyo?" Momiji asked suddenly. Tohru sighed sadly.

"He's outside. He left because Yuki and him got in a fight again." Tohru explained.


Kyo walked hurriedly as far away from the house as he could. He absent mindedly kicked a rock in front of him thinking back at Tohru. Problems and memories came swarming back in his mind.

Tohru she's always so cheerful. How does she do that? And why is she always smiling with that damn rat? What does he have that I don't? She can talk to me about anything, but instead she listens and talks to that stupid Yuki.

Kyo sighed in frustration.

Why do I feel like this every time I think about her?


"Oh don't worry about it Tohru, it wasn't your fault!" Momiji replied happily.

"I guess it wasn't, but it seems like Yuki and Kyo are fighting more often than they used too," Tohru admitted.

"Yuki and Kyo have always been like that." Momiji replied.

"Well, right now they can't even be in the same room together anymore without fighting," Tohru mumbled softly.

"Tohru, Yuki, Shigure. I have a favor to ask you," Hatori asked in his usual serious tone.

"Yeah?" all of them asked in unison.

"Could you take care of Momiji for tomorrow, I have a business trip I have to go to with Akito." Hatori explained.

"Sure! I'll be glad to keep Momiji for a day!" Tohru smiled excitedly. Yuki slapped his hand to his forehead and sighed.

"I guess its okay," he shrugged.

Shigure nodded as well. "Okay," he nodded his head.

"Well, then I best be leaving now, I'll check on Yuki again some other day," Hatori muttered.

"Bye Hatori! I'll see you tomorrow!" Momiji replied in a kiddish tone.

It was late at night, and Kyo still hadn't showed up.

"I'm starting to get worried about Kyo, didn't the weather say something about rain?" Tohru asked nervously, looking out the window.

"Hold on Tohru, I think you're getting too worried. I'm sure he's probably on the roof," Shigure comforted her.

"I'll go check!" Momiji volunteered.

"No, don't worry about it, look there is already a drizzle. I can't let you go outside now, I'll go," Tohru smiled. She kindly opened the door and headed outside. The slight rain poured on her face as she looked outside.

She hurried to the ladder and made her way up the roof.

"Kyo? Kyo!" Tohru quickly got up the roof, seeing a figure laying down.


The figure moved slightly and got in a sit up position.

"Tohru? What are you doing here?" said an annoyed voice.

"Oh! I knew you would be here, but you better get inside quickly before the rain gets worse," Tohru replied hurriedly. She took off her jacket and placed it around Kyo's wet shoulders.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Kyo roared.

"Oh..I'm sorry..I thought- well, you know it's cold outside so I thought you might be cold. You should come inside, its freezing and there is already some light rain," Tohru whispered.

"I guess you're right, but I don't want to go in there and see that damn rat right now." Kyo muttered.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Momiji is staying with us tonight, don't you want to say hi to him?" Tohru asked happily.

"WHAT? That stupid annoying rabbit is in there!? Ugh, this must be the worst day ever." Kyo muttered.

"Sorry, I thought you would be happy that Momiji is here,"

"Since when have I been happy about that damn rabbit coming over?" Kyo hissed.

"Come on, let's go inside please. It's starting to rain harder." Tohru said worriedly. She pulled her hand out and gently grasped Kyo's hand.

"Let's go inside," she smiled. Kyo stared at her, his eyes widen as she kneeled closer to him. Kyo's eyes soften as he looked at her. Her face was so angelic and sweet, all the time. Tohru always had a smile on her face.

"F-Fine all go inside," Kyo pulled away from her grasp and jumped down the roof.

Tohru just smiled as she made her way down the ladder.

"Tohru what took so long? Did Kyo hurt you Tohru? Are you okay?" Momiji asked suddenly.

"Shut up you stupid rabbit! Every time you open your damn mouth I get a headache! And why are you staring at me like that you damn rat!?" Kyo snapped, looking at Kyo.

"I wasn't staring at you, I was looking at Tohru. Look at her, because of you she got all wet," Yuki muttered.

"It wasn't like she had to go outside for me! It was her choice!" Kyo reminded him as he threw Tohru's jacket back to her.

Tohru nervously looked back and forth at the two.

"Can I sleep with you tonight Tohru, please!?" Momiji asked happily tugging on Tohru's arm.

"Umm..okay," Tohru nodded with a smile on her face.

Both Kyo and Yuki stopped fighting and shouted at Momiji at the same time.

"No way!" they yelled in unison.

"You sick pervert!" Kyo hit Momiji in the head and glared at him.

"Wah! Tohru! Kyo's hitting me!" Momiji wailed, flailing his arms around.

After a few minutes of Momiji wailing, Tohru finally broke the silence.

"Well, it's getting really late, I think I should go to bed now," Tohru smiled nervously.

"That might be the best thing to do right now. Sleep well Ms. Honda," Yuki smiled.

"Goodnight Tohru! Wait for me!" Momiji was heading towards Tohru's bedroom.

"No way you damn rabbit, you're sleeping over there," Kyo pointed to an extra bed in the guest room.

Momiji pouted as he headed towards the bed.

"goodnight," Yuki whispered as he turned off the last light switch in the house.


Tohru woke up peacefully, eyes shining bright as she heard some footsteps passing her bedroom door. She swiftly sat up and brushed her hair away, yawning. In a matter of seconds her hair was already combed straight and perfect. She was wearing her usual pink gown. She hummed a peaceful tone as she put her slippers on and headed out of her room.

"Tohru! You're awake! Here it's a present from me! I had to wake up extra early just to give these to you! Happy Birthday Tohru!" Momiji smiled happily. Tohru's eyes widen.

Wow..I wouldn't think anyone would remember today was my birthday.

"Thank you sooo much Momiji! This means a lot to me! Really!" Tohru smiled.

Without thinking, Tohru kneeled down next to Momiji and hugged him.

poof He transformed in a matter of seconds and Tohru nervously apologized.

"I'm so sorry! I just you know, it was an instinct! I just wanted to give you a hug!" Tohru sighed.

"It's okay Tohru! I like hugs!" Momiji hopped around her.

Kyo and Yuki where behind Momiji the whole time.

"What the hell are those flowers for?" Kyo asked.

"It's Tohru's birthday today silly!" Momiji said happily.

"Today's- WHAT!?" Kyo and Yuki both shouted at the same time.

The truth is..that Kyo has finally realized that he loves Tohru! gasp What will

Yuki think? Find out in the next chapter, I hope you like the begining! I know, it's not

that great ;;