Disclaimer: We own nothing!! Labyrinth and its associated characters are the property of the Jim Henson Company.

AN: Sorry for thr delay...we are naughty ladies...bwahahaha.

The situation was rapidly spinning out of control now. She'd allowed her fantasy to get the better of her. The only true way to have clean sex was not to have it all; live in her fantasy world with her fantasy men. It didn't help that one of them was standing behind her, with his arms around her, wearing practically nothing. But, he had pissed her off. If he thought she was childish enough to fall into the 'double dog dare you to' mentality, he had another thing coming.

She closed her eyes and thought about her favourite pair of pyjamas. They were about three sizes too big for her, covered with little, fluffy sheep and made of a very thick, Barbie pink flannel. She heard the pop and smiled with satisfaction when she opened her eyes to find Jareth currently gripping a handful of flannel instead of the belt of the robe. She gave her head a self-satisfied nod as Jareth exhaled in a hiss. He spun the chair suddenly and Sarah found herself face to face with his raging erection. She was shocked at first, obviously, but she still managed to drag her eyes slowly and coolly to his face.

"You are difficult, aren't you?" he hissed irritably.

"Likewise," she said icily. "Why don't you leave me alone?"

"I can't now," he muttered.

Sarah's eyes grew wide with indignation. "You can't blame me for that!" she hissed gesturing to his pants.

Jareth merely narrowed his eyes at her and shut off the shower with magic. He growled at her and Sarah found the guttural sound unexpectedly arousing.

"What does it matter to you anyway?" she said shrugging. "You can have anyone, so I think your time would be better employed figuring out how to get us out of here instead of needlessly trying to seduce me."

Jareth stared at her, blinking at her words. He was silent for a long while, lost in consideration. "It matters because it seems that I can't have you," he said quietly, for once stoic.

Sarah stared at him wordlessly. She couldn't understand why the words of the lecherous Goblin King had touched her so. She tried to shrug it off as old age. Yes, she must be getting old and soft. Jareth stared at her for a moment longer, contemplating her logic.

"Needlessly?" he questioned.

"Well, it's not like your wanting in the sex department, or so you say. And, it's not like I want anything to do with the sex department. So, yes, it's all quite needless."

"I have needs."

Sarah raised an eyebrow and allowed her eyes to skim down his torso to his bulging pants. "So it would seem," she said wryly before dragging her eyes back to his face. "But I do not."

"You're lying."

"I'm not!"

"Then explain that," he said pointing to the large shower. Sarah raised her chin in defiance.

"I happen to enjoy showers."

Jareth titled his head to regard her with amusement. "With me in the room?"

"Someti…," Sarah stopped herself mid-word. Oops. "I mean…some weather we're having, eh?"

With that she twisted her chair around and stared at the void again, hoping that Jareth couldn't see her blush. She had given herself the disadvantage of not being able to see his face anymore, and as such she was unable to see the pleased smile on it currently.

"All right Sarah, I give in." Jareth purred as he let his eyes wander over her seated figure. "I quit. You win. Obviously, you have no interest in sex, so we'll drop the subject."

She whipped around, almost snapping her neck. "Wha...?" she winced, then rubbed the sharp sprain at the nape of her neck.

He smiled and slowly glided towards her. "We're stuck here, and although I would love to make love to you for as long as we're here, but" he acknowledged the way her lip curled "you are obviously not interested. And unwilling sex is something I've never enjoyed. So, we'll do something that you might enjoy."

Sarah watched him suspiciously. "What would that be? Monopoly? A movie?"

"No," He rested his hands on the points of her shoulders. "A massage." He felt her stiffen immediately, but kept his hands just at her shoulders, rubbing gently. As she slowly started to relax, he moved his hands up to the nape of her neck, down to her shoulder blades, then up into her hair.

Twenty minutes into the massage, Sarah let her head drop forward under his hand and moaned in pleasure.

Jareth smirked viciously at the sound and began to work his way back down her back. As his hands delved lower and lower, creeping around the sides just enough to peak her interest but not enough to anger her, Jareth considered his options. It was a well-known fact in both his realm and Sarah's that seventy percent of massages ended in sex. Perhaps if he played this game a little longer, the prize would be his to claim.

He could feel her muscles melting against his palms and wondered just how far to take his little game. Deciding that there was more to gain than to lose, he moved in to kiss her neck. At first, Sarah didn't notice as the pressure on her lower back was just heavenly. There was only one way to improve it and that was by kissing her neck. KISSING HER NECK?

Jareth felt Sarah's muscles contract all at once and she jerked her head away from him, thus undoing all his hard work. He sighed miserably. She was rather difficult, but he was far from defeated.

"What are you doing?" she hissed.

"For someone who hates sex, you certainly make some…arousing…noises," Jareth said with a mischievous grin.

"For someone who gave up, you certainly," she paused, trying and failing to reach a witty retort, "kissed my neck!"

"Indeed," Jareth replied dryly, amused by her current lack of coherence.

Sarah whipped her head away from him in irritation thereby whipping Jareth with her long, dark locks. He caught a tendril within his fingers and brought it to his face, inhaling deeply.

"You smell delightful," he whispered into her ear blissfully aware of the blush that crept up along her neck.

Sarah screamed in frustration. "Fine! Let's do it. If having sex, and me hating every second of the slimy, sweaty, stinky experience will make you get the hell away from me, let's jut get it over with." She walked over the the bed, stripped herself bare, and flopped down. "Anytime you're ready. Just get it over with."

Jareth wrinkled his nose at Sarah's blunt description of sex. It was not enough to deter him, especially after he saw her full soft breasts emerge from her pyjamas - but it was enough to make him slow down and think. He smiled slowly as he strode to her.

"Well, I think we should try to make it a little less sweaty and stinky." With his will he ran the water in the shower. "but you'll still enjoy it." He took her hand and pulled her up from the bed and to the shower. Before she stepped in, however, he dipped his head to rub his lips over her nipple, bringing it to life.

Sarah twitched, and glared at him, but said nothing more and stepped into the shower, the hot water bouncing over her breasts and running down her softly rounded belly and between her legs. Jareth watched the droplets hungrily as he shucked his silk pants letting them pool on the floor.

Sarah attempted to look disinterested in Jareth's lack of pants, but found her eyes had minds of their own and often crept over to sneak a glance. In a vain effort to distract herself from the sight her wandering eyes viewed, she dragged them up to stare at the ceiling while clearing her throat loudly in the process. She could hear the smirk in Jareth's chuckle and it made her want to put her clothes back on and run away – but no, she had said she'd do it, and do it she would. She crossed her hands chastely on her chest and continued to stare at the ceiling.

Jareth was both equally amused and disturbed by the sight before him. In a way, Sarah resembled some sort of perverse version of a nun; her eyes pointed heavenward and her fingers intertwined over her chest. He wondered, briefly, if she had developed some sort of link between chosen celibacy and her own lack of pleasure. Jareth's mouth twitched slightly – he'd always felt that a woman entering the nunnery was a waste of a perfectly good potential partner for him. Well, he'd be damned if he was going to let Sarah Williams slip out of his grip.