
"Custody of my son, Casey Andrew Martin, is given to my youngest sister Haley James-Scott, I know that she's young, but I feel confident that she'll do what's best for him," the lawyer read the last will and testament of Vivian James Martin and her husband, Chase, with her family gathered 'round. Vivian and Chase had been killed two days prior in a horrible car accident. Their eight week old son had been left with a babysitter for their first evening out since he'd been born. "Haley, you'll be receiving monthly checks from both Vivian and Chase's life insurance policies that will allow you to build a college fund as well as support yourself and the baby," he continued, pulling out a large stack of papers, "and we need to meet with Child and Family Services soon."

Haley felt like she was in a dream, three days ago she was touring with Gavin DeGraw and the Wreckers, while trying to convince her husband to pick up the phone every night through the answering machine. Now she was trying to deal with the loss of her sister and brother-in-law, and taking custody of an eight week old baby. "That's all for now, the list of assets and checks will be divided up later this week."

"How you doing Haley-bop?" her father asked as the rest of her family and Chase's emptied out of the living room of the two bedroom apartment in Chicago.

"I don't know Dad," she sighed, "my sister's dead, my husband won't talk to me and now apparently I'm responsible for an infant."

"You don't have to be his guardian, Bub," he offered quietly, "your mother and I can raise him, but we both know there is a reason your sister wanted you to have him."

"Thanks Dad," she smiled a little at that, he was right there was a reason her sister chose her.

"You're welcome Bub," he hugged her tight; everyone seemed to be handling things okay so far. They both turned when they heard the baby crying, "Let's go meet your new son."

Haley took a deep breath before rising from the couch and going to find the baby. They found Lydia rocking the crying baby, crying herself, "he wants Viv," she whispered to the duo. Haley tried to smile for her mother's sake, as she reached for the baby. Casey seemed to respond to his Aunt's warm and welcoming arms, and settled easily.

'Looks like Vivian was right," Lydia gave a small smile smoothing her grandson's hair, "so what are you going to do now Bub?"

"I'm going back to Tree Hill," she replied quietly watching Casey as he seemed to get sleepier and sleepier, "I don't know what I'm going to do about Nathan or anyone really. I'll just find a place to live, re-enroll and talk to Karen about a job and possible babysitting solutions."

"You can do this Haley-bop," Jimmy and Lydia both wrapped their arms around their daughter and grandson, "and if you ever need us, you call okay?"

"I will," she sighed glancing around the nursery, "I've got to find a way to get all this stuff back to Tree Hill."

"Well Casey probably shouldn't be flying at this age, so you can take Vivian's van back with you with all the essentials." And two days later with a sleeping infant in the backseat and loaded to the brim with toys, clothes and any other thing deemed 'essential' she headed down the road.