Hello! Here's a new FanFic, a story based on Meine Liebe! Just as U know, ''-blablablabla-'' means that they're talking in german. But the text in the story isn't blablabla between the lines... Heh...

Japaneese Matters - Chapter 1 - The Princess

''-A misson?-'' Orphe looked at the king of Kouhens.

''-Yes...-'' The king looked at the six people that kneed infront of the throne. ''-The japaneese princess have been here on a diplomatic mission.-''

''-The japaneese princess...?-'' Naoji really looked surprised.

''-Yes...-'' the king answered on the halffinished question.

''-And you want us to eskort her to her country...?-'' it was just as much a question as an astatement in Luis words.

''-That right.-'' was the answer.

''-Why am I going with them, your majesty?-'' Isaac, 'couse he was there to, asked.

''-I want that someone keep an eye on the young ones...-'' the king said ''-Not that I doubt your kompetense, but i'de bee good if Isaac was with you.-''

''-We understand...-'' said Camus quickly.

''-Soon you gonna meet the princess and her company. They are sopposed to arrive any minute.-'' said the king.

''Akira-sama, calm down...'' they could hear a voice say, it was a bit difficoult to hear if it was a mans or a womens voice.

''What? What do you mean, Fai-chan?'' anither voice was heard, and this voice was defenetly a womans.

''Please, don't fiery yourself...'' the first voice was heard when a long women with pale skin and long black hair in a high ponytail walked into the audienceroom.

''Yo!'' she gladly said when she came in.

''Akira-sama...'' another person hurried into the audienceroom. He, or she, bowed for the king, the Strahl-candidats and Isaac.

''-Miss Akira, this is your eskort back to Japan.-'' said the king of Kouhen.

''Oohh...'' Akira closely looked at Orphe and the others.

''-I'm Orpherus Fürst von Marmelade nahe Gorz. It's an honor to meet your highness.-'' Orphe bowed and was gonna kiss her on her hand.

''-Ah! Skipp the formalities! They're not even anything for me! Or...-'' she thinked ''-...I'm not that fanced with them.-''

''-Eh...?-'' Camus looked at Akira.

''-I'm Ludwig Herzog von Mohn nahe Liechtenstein, this is my cousin, Camus Pfalzgraf von Silvaner Lüneburg, and Ishizuki Naoji.-'' Lui bowed to the princess.

''-It's a honor to meet you-'' said Camus and Naoji in courus.

''-I'm Eduard Markgraf von Sekt nahe Braunschweig-'' Ed smiled to Akira.

''-And I'm Isaac Cavendish...-'' said Isaac and bowed.

''Yosh! -Your surname sounds kind of familliar some way...-'' said Akira to Naoji.

''-Eh?-'' Naoji looked at Akira.

''-This is-...-'' the king was interruppted by Akira.

''-I'm Tokugawa Akira! Doughter to the shogun of Japan! Nice to meet you!'' she gave them a big smile (and rather... ehm... unprincesslike...)

''A- Akira-sama...'' her company groaned, he/she, had middlelong light hair in two pigtales with two shoulderlogn hairtests on both sides of the fring. He/she also had a long sword on the back.

''-And this is Fai Li! He's my lifeguard, my lambers maid and my best friend in the whole wide world!-'' said the straightforward princess.

''Akira-sama...'' Fai mumbled.

''Tepp?'' Akira looked at her lifeguard/lambers maid/BestFriendInTheWholeWideWorld.

''Ehm...'' Akira painthally looked at Fai.

''What?'' she asked.

''Ehm... Nothing... I'll say it later...'' Fai looked down to the ground.

''Well, you're like you always are...'' smiled Akira. ''-But we can make it back to Japan by ourselfes.-'' she then told the king.

''-I got a request by your father to fix an eskort for you, your highness.-'' the king polite answered.

''-Well well...-'' Akira shighed ''-And I hoped that we could delay the trip back a little...-''


Well then... That whas a quite short first chapter... Actually had some truble with fineshing it, I guess that's why it's so short... Heheh...

Yeayea... I'll update next chapter as soon as it's finished with it... And how dod you like the princess? I like her attitude. I had fun with give words to her and Fais personalitys... Have you noticed what they are like? Please R&R!
