I hate it when authors put in an Author's Note up instead of a new chapter, and yet I'm doing it

I hate it when authors put in an Author's Note up instead of a new chapter, and yet I'm doing it. I'm so so so sorry, guys.

I am going to keep updating my fics, slowly but surely, until they are done, I promise. You all have my word on that.

However, up until this point, I had no clue where I wanted to take this story, and then yesterday, talking to my friend Johnny, I had sudden inspiration! (You may all thank Johnny ever so kindly for it)

I now know exactly where I plan to go with this and have researched and planned and all kinds of good stuff for it! But my new plan conflicts a bit with a couple of the previous chapters, so they will be taken down and revamped.

I'm so sorry to have to do this to you guys, but I promise that when I put the newer ones up, it will be worth it!

Thank you soooo much to my loyal reviewers, I haven't forgotten you! sends hugs and plates of warm cookies to everyone and gets a-writing

And, a shameless plug perhaps…If you are looking for something to read in the meantime, I'd like to recommend the author, Elizabeth von Schweitzer to you all. Her stories are anime genre. And, while I'm not an anime fan in the least, her stuff is incredibly well written, and I found that I didn't need any knowledge of, or love for, anime to like her stories. I'd recommend Belonging to Perfection and Everlasting, both by her. And I will do my best to get my newly revamped version of Rat Saw God up and posted. Thank you,

