Here's another one of my fanfiction! It's called The Change. Well…you guys already know don't you? Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed coming up with it. If nothing is wrong please comment me I will not be hurt by your comments. Okay on with the story! Also remember I own nothing!

Chapter 1

"Hey God!"

"Yes angel#17?"

"Can you please give me a name instead of a number?"

"No, if I do that then I would have to give all the billions of angels in here a name."

"Then do that."

"I'm to lazy to remember all their names. Plus, numbers are easier."


Silence…Nothing but silence in heaven right now. God and angel#17 just stared at each other. (Creepy?)

"Angel#17, think of something interesting to do."

"How can you be bored? Your god."

"Yea, so?"

"So? Use your powers or something."

"Just think of something."

"Sigh…Fine, give me a minute."

There was silence once again. God was starting to get impatient, so he started to open his mouth to say something but angel#17 just jumped up shouting.

"Oh! I got it! Huh? Hey God you okay?"

"You! Don't do that every again! Scared the shit out of me."

"Oh, heh sorry. You okay?"

"I'm fine, so tell me what do you have planned?"

"First, I need some of your powers."

"What for?"

Angel#17 flew up to God's ear and whispered his plan. God's eye went wide and a huge grin was starting to form on his face.

"That sounds interesting…"

"Doesn't it? So I need you to lend me some of your powers."

"Hold on, who are you planning to execute this plan on?"

"The Hime girls at Fuka High."

"Hahahaha…Fantastic Idea! Alright stand still I lend you some of my powers."

God put his huge index finger on angel#17's forehead and there was a bright light at the tip of his index finger.

"There, now go I want to see how it will turn out."

Angel#17 flew down from heaven heading towards Fuka High, while God just sat in his huge chair anticipating the events that was going to happen.

"Father? Why are you grinning like that?"

"Hahaha…You really want to know?"


"Okay come here."

God motion Jesus over to him and whispered in his ear about angel#17's plan.

"Dad, is that okay?"

"Of course! It will be interesting."


"Do you want to see what happens?"


"I promise you it will be interesting."

"Sure, I got nothing better to do anyways."

Jesus and God watched as angel#17 went down to Fuka High.

Well, that's the end of chapter 1! If you're a Christian and you don't like how I used god and Jesus like I'm sorry I mean no disrespect to your religion. If you want me to remove them from the story I will and replace them with something else. Anyways please comment on this and chapter 2 will be out soon!