There was a slight breeze that passed through the open window and filled the room. The light from the sun was granted entrance and spilled into the room. A pair of eyes twitched at the unwelcome light as it fell to the young beauty's face. The girl turned in her sleep and pulled a pillow over her head, blocking the light. There was a throbbing pain in her head and she groaned.

Clearly it was a hangover that greeted her this morning.

Starfire opened her eyes and rested her hand on her forehead. She blinked her eyes to clear her vision. For a moment she looked around the room, wondering why she was in one of the spare rooms in Titans Tower. It was then that she recalled her memories of last night; she had made a huge hole in her wall, hence the reason why she was in this room. Then she recalled some of her other memories, some which were not good.

A kiss...

A bar...

And a pair of handcuffs.

All of these tied into one big picture show of last night. Defiantly not one of her favorite days. The pain inside her head continued to pulsate and she rested her head on the pillow, her eyes closing once more as she drifted off to sleep. Her last thoughts focused on Nightwing.


Cyborg stretched out his arms and a yawn escaped his lips as he traveled down the hallway of Titans Tower. He looked up at the ceiling, his mind on a train of thought. Last night had been really ugly from what he was told. Cyborg was so lost in thought he wasn't looking where he was going and tripped on the floor.

"What the--"

His sentence was cut short as his eyes focused on what exactly he tripped over.

"What the hell, man," muttered Nightwing, as he sat up on the floor. "Why don't you watch where your going."

"Dick," Cyborg said, helping Nightwing up. "What the heck are you doing on the floor?"

Nightwing stared at the door to the left side of them. "Starfire."

"Starfire? What does she have to do with you sleeping on the floor?"

"I came home last night and she locked the door so I couldn't get in."

"So you slept on the floor?"

Nightwing nodded, his eyes to the floor.

Cyborg sighed and shook his head. "You really messed up this time."

Nightwing grumbled. "I haven't noticed."

"You could use a good cup of coffee." Cyborg said as he lead Nightwing down the hall.

"What about Starfire?"

"I doubt she wants to see you right now."

Nightwing grimaced, a frown on his face. Cyborg was right; Starfire was really upset with him last night and refused to let him in the room, which is why he slept outside her door. He had hoped to convince her that he was sorry and tell her what really happened but it just ended with the door in his face. Nightwing had sat outside her door, hoping that she would open it but she never did. He must have drifted off to sleep while he was waiting.

The door to the common room opened and Cyborg walked over to the kitchen to join Raven and Changeling who were already there. Nightwing sucked in a breath and walked over to the kitchen, taking a seat by Changeling.

" did things go with Starfire?" Changeling asked quietly.

Nightwing glared at him.

"That bad, huh?" Changeling asked, scooting away from Nightwing just in case he felt the need to hit something.

"You don't know the half of it," Nightwing mumbled, taking the cup of coffee Cyborg offered him. "She's still mad at me."

"What did you expect," Raven asked dryly. "For her to throw herself into your arms and forgive you so fast."


"Starfire is a Tamaranian. She's ruled by her emotions," Raven explained. "You can't expect her to just forgive you, not after what she saw."

"But it wasn't even my fault."

"But Starfire doesn't know that."

"How can she when she won't even listen to me," Nightwing said. He looked to his friends. "Can't one of you go talk to her for me."

There was a silence as Raven, Changeling and Cyborg looked at one another.

"Oh would you look at the time," Cyborg said, looking down at the watch on his arm. "I gotta go call Bee."

With that said Cyborg ran out of the room.

Nightwing looked at the last remaining Titans in the room. "What about you guys, one of you could go talk to her."

"I would love to but..." Changeling trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. "But I think I would only make things worse."

Nightwing nodded at Changeling; he had a point, he might only make the hole deeper for Nightwing to fall in. Changeling sighed in relief as he saw Nightwing nod his head, he didn't want to be the one to talk to Starfire.

Nightwing turned to Raven. "Raven?"

Raven groaned. "Fine, but Garfield has to come to."

"Why me?"

"You won't have to say anything," Raven said as she took out some medicine from the cabinet. She found out all about Starfire's little drinking adventure when Nightwing called from the police station last night. She figured Starfire may need these. "Just turn into something cute and fluffy."

Changeling nodded at his girlfriend before turning into a small green kitten. Starfire could never resist the kitten, it was the perfect choice of animal to become. Raven grabbed a bottle of water and walked to the door, the little green kitten following behind her. She sighed as she would have to, once again, play the voice of reason. She glared at Nightwing for making her do this and he merely waved his hand, a gesture for her to go on.

"You owe me one, Dick."


A small breath tickled her face. The small breath was followed up by something wet on her nose. There was something fluffy that nudged her in the face, trying to get her attention. Whatever it was it was making the little sounds that sounded like...purring. Starfire smiled and turned so she was resting on her back. Her green eyes opened and looked up at the green kitten that meowed at her.

"Good morning, friend Garfield." Starfire said sweetly as she scratched Changeling behind the ears. He responded by purring wildly and wagging his tail.

"Alright, that's enough you two."

Starfire turned her head and spotted Raven. "Hello, friend Raven."

"Hey, Kory." Raven glanced at the green kitten. "Garfield, you can stop now."

The kitten looked up at the dark beauty and jumped off the bed, taking it's human form. Changeling smiled sheepishly at Raven. "He he, sorry."

Raven shrugged it off and looked back to Starfire. "How you feeling?"

"Like I got hit on the head by a bus."

Changeling stiffed a laugh.

"I figured as much," Raven said dryly, handing Starfire the pills and bottle of water. "Here, take this. It'll make you feel better."

"I thank you, Raven." Starfire said as she gulped down the water.

" did things with Dick go?" Raven asked solemnly.

"I yelled at him." Starfire said, sitting up and leaning against the head board of the bed.

"Okay, now that you've done that are you ready to forgive him?"


Raven sighed. "Com'on, Kory. We all know you still care about him."

"What makes you think that?"

"Because it's true," Raven said. "If it wasn't then why did you punch out that guy?"

"I... I... I only did it because that guy was a clorbag."

Raven frowned. There was no way she believed Starfire. Starfire and Nightwing belonged together, Starfire loved him even though she was mad at him. Raven doubted that Starfire was ready to throw away her relationship over one kiss that didn't mean anything.

"Listen, Kory. Dick still loves you and you love him. So just stop being so damn stubborn and talk to him!"

Starfire and Changeling cringed in fear at the sound of Raven's voice. Starfire nervously agreed to Raven's demand. Raven seemed content with her response and walked to the door, calling Changeling so he could come with her. Changeling gave Starfire a small smile as he left the room.

Nightwing had been pacing back and forth in the common room, a frown on his face. He was worried about the conversation Raven had with Starfire. What if Raven wasn't able to convince Starfire to listen to him, or what if Raven sided with Starfire. He was asking a lot of ' what if ' questions to himself. The door opened and Nightwing looked up, in walked Changeling and Raven.

"Did you talk to her? What did she say? Does she forgive me?" Nightwing asked at once.

Raven took a step back. She had never seen their leader so...desperate.

"She's still mad at you but she's agreed to listen--"

Before Raven could utter another word Nightwing was out the door.

Raven shook her head. "Idiot."

Changeling nodded in agreement.


She heard the door open and close, foot steps walked inside. Starfire knew it was Nightwing, there was always a certain feeling she got when he was around. She crawled more into the purple blanket that covered her body, she didn't bother to turn around. Starfire didn't feel like looking at him, more specifically his blue eyes that made her melt with one look, she instead looked outside the window.

" are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

"I'm fine."

"Raven said you're ready to talk to me," he looked at her expectantly. "It would be easier if I could look at your face."

"I agreed to listen to you, not look at you."

Nightwing sighed, clearly this was the best he was going to get out of her. He sat down besides her, his back to her and he stared at the wall. Now was as good a time as any to tell her what really happened, he just hoped that she would believe him.

"Star, I know what you think you saw, but what I'm about to tell you will prove that I love you."

Starfire made no movement or any sound though she listened intently. Nightwing sighed as he began.

"It all started after Babs asked to talk to me privately..."


The sky had turned of a dark blue and black. The stars twinkled in the sky like diamonds and the moon shined brighter then ever before. A pair of old friends stood a top of Titans Tower, glazing at the scene before them. A breeze rushed past them.

"It's beautiful out here." Babs said quietly, her gaze still fixed on the sky.

Nightwing turned his attention to her. Babs had wanted to talk to him about something but yet there was silence between them. He figured something was different about her, but what? He agreed with her and looked back at the sky. They seemed content in the silence.

"Babs, is something wrong?" he finally asked.

Babs sighed and looked at him. Slowly she nodded.

"Whatever it is you know you can tell me."

"I lied."


"I lied. I said I came here to see you and Starfire, to see how you were doing. I lied. I only came here for you."


"Please, Dick, just listen," she pleaded with him and he looked down. "I think I finally understand why you left Gotham. Back then I didn't understand and I was the one who broke things between us. I believe now that was a mistake."

Nightwing snapped his head back up and looked at her. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying...," she moved closer to him and placed a hand on his cheek. "I still love you."

"Babs... I'm sorry but I can't," Nightwing said as he moved away, trying to end this nicely. "I'm with Starfire now. I'm engaged to her."


"What do you mean so? I'm with someone who can accept me for who I am and who I want to be, something you never did!"

"I know! I know and I'm sorry," Babs said, looking down. "But I'm asking you to look past that and give us another chance."

"I'm sorry but I just can't do that."

Nightwing gave her one last look and made his way to the door. Babs had tears in her eyes as she watched him walk away. She had to get him back, she had to make him see the connection they shared. She couldn't lose him.


Nightwing turned around and a pair of lips latched on to his. He pulled away but Babs wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a hand behind his head so he couldn't break away. Babs finally pulled away and had hoped to see love in Nightwing's eyes but instead she was met with an angry glare.

"Babs, what the hell?!"

"Didn't you feel the spark, Dick? There's something special between us." Babs said, hoping to convince him what she felt for them was real.

Nightwing looked away from her. What he really wanted to do right now was yell at her, but he didn't. She was still his friend. He just had to convince her that was all that was left of them; friendship.

"Babs, I'm only going to say this once; there is nothing left for us but to be friends. I'm with starfire now and if you don't accept that then we can't be friends any more."

Babs nodded her head and looked away. There really was no chance for them to be more then friends. Nightwing moved to the door and opened it.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Babs asked as she glanced up at him.

Nightwing looked at her and smiled. "More then life itself."


Nightwing looked over his shoulder at Starfire, hoping for a response. Instead she just laid there, extremely silent. He wondered what was going on in her head right now. He stared back at the wall and continued to speak.

"After that you took off and I had to tell the others..."


Nightwing clutched the ring in his hand and looked off into the distance. He couldn't believe...Starfire left. He couldn't let her go, not without a fight. nightwing ran out of the room and into the common room. He ran up to the computer and hit the emergency button. The tower was filled with a red glow and loud beeping sound. Cyborg and Babs ran into the room first and the form of a raven appeared in the room, emitting Raven and Changeling from it's dark glow.

"Dick, what's wrong?" Cyborg asked.

"Where's Star?" Changeling asked, noticing she was the only one not there.

"That's what's wrong," Nightwing said. "Starfire's gone."

"What? Why?" Cyborg asked in concern.

Nightwing looked to Babs and she looked down. He sighed. "She saw me and Babs together...kissing..."

"What!" Raven yelled.

"You better have a good explanation for this." Cyborg growled.

"Kill me later," Nightwing said. "Right now our concern is Starfire."

"Maybe you should have thought of her before you kissed Babs." said Changeling darkly.

"It wasn't Dick's fault," said Babs. "It was mines. I kissed him."

"You what," Raven yelled, stepping forward to Babs, fury in her eyes. "You knew he was engaged and you kissed him anyways!"

"Try and calm down, Raven." Changeling said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Raven glared at Babs but did as she was told.

"Alright. Changeling, I want you to work the computer and see if you can track Star. Raven, see if you can contact her through your mind," Nightwing said. " me a favor and fix the hole she made in the bed room. I'm going out to the city to look for her."

The team nodded and left each other to do their own task. Nightwing made a run for the door but someone grabbed his arm. He looked over his shoulder to Babs. She let go of his arm and he turned around to face her.

"Dick, I feel awful. Is there anything I can do?"

"There is something you could do."

"Of course. Anything."

"When I get back with Starfire I don't want you here. I think it's best you go."


Nightwing looked apologetic at her and retreated to the door, his one focus on finding Starfire.


Nightwing finished his story and turned to look at Starfire. She had been quiet though out the whole thing. this was unexpected. He didn't know whether to take this as a good sign or as a bad one.

"Com'on, Star, say something. Anything."

He was desperate. He wanted to know what she was feeling. Heck, he'd be happy to hear her yell at him if it got her to respond. She made no sound and Nightwing sighed. He stood up from the bed and made his way to the door.

"You really did not mean to kiss Babs?"

He turned around. "Everything I said was the truth."

" really don't love Babs?" Starfire asked as she stood up, looking straight into his eyes.

Nightwing moved closer to the bed and sat down, taking her hands in his. "I would never lie to you about something like that."

"I am sorry I yelled at you." Starfire said quietly, her forehead resting against his.

"S'ok, you don't have to apologize."



Slowly their lips met in a passionate kiss. It was amazing, all thoughts were forgotten, all was forgiven. Nightwing cupped her face and licked her lips. She granted him entrance, falling back on the bed as they did so. Nightwing pulled away and smiled at her. She returned his smile with one of her own.

"Only one thing could make this even more perfect," Nightwing said as he pulled out the ring from his pocket. "I would be honored if you was to wear this again and reaccepted my proposal."

"I would be a fool if I said no."

Nightwing kissed her again, slipping the ring on her finger.

"I love you so much." he said as he kissed down her neck.

Starfire combed her fingers through his hair. "I love you to."

His hand inched up her shirt when there was a knock at the door.

"Did you guys make up yet?" called Changeling.

Nightwing buried his head in Starfire's neck. "Yes!"

"Does this mean I don't get to kick your ass?" Cyborg asked.

Starfire giggled. "I am sorry, Victor. But no, you do not."

"So do we celebrate now or what?" asked Changeling.

Nightwing looked down at starfire and smirked. He picked himself off of the bed and walked over to the door. The door opened to reveal three titans. Nightwing dug in his pocket and handed them his wallet.

"You guys go celebrate, we're gonna stay in."

Without waiting for a response he closed the door. The three titans got the message loud and clear and they walked down the hall, almost running. Once their foot steps were no longer heard, Nightwing turned to Starfire and smirked.

"Now, where were we?"


SPECIAL THANKS TO BerryDrops, golfprincess, Harry Potter Fan 1994, Kryalla Orchid, raeXXstarry, puppyeyes135, Ace.04, cookiesruletheworld, -DreamingxWithxAxBrokenxHeart- AND rockingirlofbloodred019 FOR THE WONDERFUL REVIEWS. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT, I COULD HAVE NEVER DONE IT WITH OUT ALL OF YOU.