Author Note's: HI! This is the first fan fic I've had the nerve to post on-line, so go easy on me, but please let me know if you think it can be improved. I'll try to update at least twice a week. After this update it will probably be one chapter every Tuesday and Thursday, that is if I get good reviews, if I don't get many reviews, I'll just take that as a hint my story sucks lol. Enjoy!

Chapter One

It was dark, maybe she hadn't seen what she thought she did, maybe it was her mind playing a trick on her. Snap out of it Kagome, she thought to herself. "It was real, it really happened and now it's too late to go back. She wiped the tears away as she ran through the dense forest, she knew where she was headed, she knew where she had to go.

"You'll be safe here Kikyo, I promise, just please let me take care of a few things and we will leave by first morning light" Inu-Yasha whispered as Kikyo settled into the hole at the base of the tree.

"You don't have to do this Inu-Yasha, you're happy with that girl are you not?" Kikyo asked looking into his eyes. She knew he could tell her something she didn't want to hear, she knew he could be happier with Kagome, but she had to hear it for herself, she had to know where his loyalty lay.

"I could never be happy with her... We come from different worlds, but you and I... Just please get some rest, I'll be back in the morning to get you and we will leave together then."

What was she thinking, did she really think that she and Inu-Yasha could be happy together? It was apparent now that he never thought so... Why would he lead her on like he did? Why did he try to make her think it was all ok? If only he'd been honest with me, I would have let him go to her, I would have left them alone to be together, why did he have to make me believe that things were going to be ok between us? Thoughts raced through her mind as she slowed down and started looking for the hidden path. I know it's here somewhere, this is where he disappeared... She pushed bushes and peeked around trees and finally found the old path. It was barely there, brush and weeds grew over it, but it was visible, and although rarely, it was used. This must be where he is, after I followed him and saw him disappear here I started hearing rumors of a fierce demon and a child living in the woods. I hope he doesn't get too awfully upset with me... As she carefully walked down the path she heard voices up ahead.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, when I grow up, will I be strong like you?" Rin asked with the innocence only a child can possess.

Sesshoumaru let a small grin escape then quickly hid it. "Rin, go to sleep. You will need to go to town tomorrow and get food and water. It is a long walk and you will need your rest."

"Yes Lord Sesshoumaru," and without another word she drifted off to sleep.

"You can stop hiding, I know you're there," Sesshoumaru said standing. "Show yourself or I will force you out."

Kagome stepped out of the shadows and faced Sesshoumaru. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "but I have no place else to go..."

"Why don't you just go to that filthy half-breed Inu-Yasha? He's compassionate toward you humans. I'm sure he could console you."

"Please," she said with tears building in her eyes. "I just... I can't think of him right now."

"Then why not go back to your time, return to that wretched place you come from. What makes you think I'll help you? What makes you think I won't just kill you? You did help my brother take my arm, and you've shot me with your arrows. Why should I show an ounce of mercy toward you?"

She dropped to her knees. "I'm begging you! I know I do not deserve your kindness, but I'm trapped here for the time being, Inu-Yasha has taken my shards of that Shikon Jewel and fled with Kikyo. The well will not let me return to my time. I can't survive here alone. I need someone to protect me."

Sesshoumaru walked toward her and grabbed her arm. "Stand up. You can stay here as long as you care for Rin, but don't overstay your welcome. When you get a shard you will return to your time and never come back, is that understood?"

"Yes," she answered looking into his eyes. She'd never been this close to him before, but she saw something in his eyes. She couldn't help but stare in wonder until he broke the glace and returned to his seat by the fire.

She lay on the ground next to the fire and he handed her a blanket. "The nights get cold here, and I'd rather not have to deal with your dead body." She nodded and soon fell asleep.

"My Lord, is this really a good idea?" Jakken asked quietly. "What if Inu-Yasha comes looking for her? What if this is a trap?"

"No, I can see it in her eyes. She was hurt by that worthless brother of mine. I'll allow her to stay for now, but Jakken I want you to keep a close eye on her."

"Yes my Lord."