A/N: (Hey everyone! HoshiAM here updating this crazy story. Thank you so much for the great reviews. It really makes me feel all giddy that you guys love this story. Hope y'all keep enjoying it! So here's the next chapter, enjoy, and don't forget to leave a review in the end!)

Summary: Helga leaves when she barely starts fifth grade, just to return four years later when sophomore year has started in High School. There she gets to live the drama a regular teenager goes through…couples, drugs, parties, homework, dances! Everyone is back but acts in a different way, will Helga be able to survive being back in Hillwood?

Chapter 29: The Blackmail Card

"There's going to be trouble," Helga remarked upset as she shook her head. "Lots of trouble."

The time had arrived when all cards were going to be set on the table. It was already past four o'clock and the meeting between two former childhood friends was going to commence. The library was quiet with not many people around to witness the showdown. The faint sounds of pages being turned, mouses being clicked, and fingertips being tapped against the table echoed throughout the library.

Rhonda Wellington Lloyd tapped her perfectly manicured fingernails on the wooden table way in the back. As soon as school had ended, she gave her farewells and refreshed her looks. There was definitely one thing Rhonda always did and it was to glow like a Princess. It didn't matter if it was just to go drop off some mail. Rhonda needed to look magnificent. Even if it involved playing dirty with her friends.

It was the power. The power that she needed to keep in control. Everyone always looked up to her when it came to fashion, parties, and luxury. She was an icon and nobody was going to stand in her way. Rhonda had always been at the top and she guaranteed to keep herself at that spot.

She had everything planned before the start of her freshman year. Rhonda worked hard on the details to achieve reigning queen bee by the end of senior year. All the connections had been made. She had the important friends, clubs, and social events wrapped around her finger. Nothing could go wrong with her brilliant ideas. There was no room for mistakes.

The competition around her was minimal since she took care of Lila Sawyer. She was starting to be a pesky rival who was starting to win the affection of everyone. Rhonda wasn't going to have that because she was the one who was supposed to be admired. Lila had everything from the good looks, charisma, and the perfect boyfriend. She needed to be stopped before the spotlight faded on Rhonda and dimmed brightly on Lila.

Fortunately, Rhonda's plan was back on track with Lila's slip-up of using drugs. Sure, it was a mistake Lila committed during one of her parties, but that's what gullible girls do.

They get pressured and have no backbone to back away from uncomfortable situations. There was no plan to get her addicted but it was supposed to be fun. Lila took it too far and Rhonda wasn't going to get involved. She only cared about herself and maybe about her friend Nadine.

Everything was going as planned except for a few little details that needed work. Lila's popularity was declining but there was still the issue of Arnold. They were seen as the golden couple and Rhonda wasn't going to have any of that. It totally wasn't fair that Lila had a perfect relationship, while she kept her secret shame hidden from Arnold. The reality was Rhonda wanted to have a perfect boyfriend too. She needed to climb the social ladder to become queen but she wanted a king by her side. Arnold was starting to become popular due to his great plays as quarterback. Rhonda wanted Arnold by her side, even if it was immoral to use a friend but she was ambitious for power.

It was the very reason why she needed to put Helga in her place. Arnold was constantly trying to get back in Helga's good graces after finding out the truth. They couldn't get together at least not yet. Rhonda was going to make sure that Helga stayed away from Arnold. She was the one next in line to be Arnold's golden girl. Everyone was going to admire, envy, and worship them. Besides, there was no one else who could take the role of perfect boyfriend.

"Rhonda," a voice chimed in besides her.

Rhonda looked up and rolled her eyes, "Curly."

He smiled weakly as he fiddled with his glasses. Curly had his black hair brushed to the side. He wore a white dress shirt with a green vest and khaki pants. On the other hand, Rhonda had her black hair in a messy bun and wore red cashmere sweater with dark blue skinny jeans.

"I'm so glad I found you," Curly said pulling the chair next to Rhonda to sit. "Don't think I was following you or anything."

"What do you want?" Rhonda demanded glaring at him. "I'm busy right now."

"Busy staring at the entrance?" Curly pointed out smiling. "Maybe you should be staring at me."

Rhonda groaned, "Now is not a good time Curly and let me assure you it will never be a good time."

"When are you going to admit that you like me?"

"Hmm," Rhonda pondered sarcastically. "Let me see…never!"

"Fine whatever," Curly said taking out a pile of black envelopes with gold lettering. "I was going to hand these out at school but they were not ready yet. I picked them off right now from the printer, so I have to hand these out immediately to know who -"

"Spit it out already!" Rhonda grumbled through gritted teeth.

Curly sighed, "Will you do me the honor of attending Wonders of Desire an art show this weekend? My artwork will be displayed and I want you to be there."

"Your stick figure drawings Curly?" Rhonda assumed laughing. "Is someone finally going to appreciate them?"

Curly pushed the envelope in front of Rhonda, "Please be there you'll be my guest of honor."

Rhonda sighed happily, "Everyone wants my presence at any special event."

Curly smirked, "You know I will always want your presence in my life."

"Please," she muttered shaking her head. "We're like water and oil Curly. We just don't mix."

He winked at her and stood up, "You know you love me."

"Goodbye Curly," Rhonda said sternly looking back at the entrance.

"Rhonda!" another voice shrieked then gasped to keep it down. "There you are! I was looking all over for you after school."

Rhonda gritted her teeth when she saw Nadine pulling a seat across from her to sit. She had her blond frizzy hair in a messy ponytail. She wore a gray hoodie with butterflies on the sleeve and a denim skirt. Rhonda's boiling point was about to burst. The only thing she needed was to meet with Helga alone. Now who else was going to show up at the library?

"Nadine what do you want?"

"You left so suddenly and didn't say goodbye," Nadine complained barely noticing that Curly was still standing there. "Hi Curly."

"Um…hey," Curly replied skimming through his envelopes and gave one to Nadine. "Here's an invitation to the art show this weekend. You got to show your invitation at the entrance."

"Oh this weekend?" Nadine said looking at the envelope. "Okay thanks."

Rhonda glanced at him and waved, "Goodbye Curly! We'll see if we show up to your event."

Curly stared at Rhonda sadly as he shuffled his envelopes then walked away. There was no time to feel guilty because time was running out. Helga was already running late or perhaps she wasn't going to show. Nadine snapped her fingers to get Rhonda's attention again.

"Rhonda what's going on?"

"Nothing," Rhonda answered scowling at her. "Now go away because I want to be alone."

"You were supposed to give me your last season dresses after school," Nadine whined pouting her lips. "You promised."

"The dresses are there but right now I need to be alone."


Rhonda was about to snap back but smiled slowly when she spotted Helga. Finally, the arranged meeting was going to take place. She needed to keep her composure and lay down the ground rules that she was going to be at the top. Rhonda's smile faded into a frown when she noticed Phoebe walking inside.

"Why is Phoebe here?" Rhonda mumbled making Nadine turn around to see Helga and Phoebe.

"Okay seriously Rhonda what is going on?" Nadine demanded glancing back from Rhonda to Helga.

Rhonda slammed her hand on the table to silence Nadine, "I don't want a peep out of you Nadine. Understand? Keep quiet and ask questions later."

"But Rhonda -"

"Nothing!" Rhonda muttered and pulled the chair next to her. "Come sit next to me."

Nadine obeyed and stayed silent as she sat on Rhonda's left side. At last, Helga had arrived even if she was being accompanied by Phoebe. Both girls approached Rhonda's table with stern faces and pulled the chairs across to sit down. Helga faced Rhonda while Phoebe was in front of Nadine. Four friends who grew up together and now each one had a purpose for this important meeting. Except for Nadine who only wanted Rhonda's clothes.

"I was already wondering if you were going to show up," Rhonda commented smiling smugly.

Helga smiled back, "Don't worry Princess, I'm honored you have chosen to speak with me. I feel so privileged."

Rhonda frowned, "Phoebe what brings you along?"

"I can ask the same thing with Nadine," Phoebe noted looking at her.

Nadine shook her head, "I have no idea what's going on. Why are we here?"

"You weren't supposed to be here!" Rhonda grumbled to her then smirked at Helga. "So you must be curious why I wanted to speak with you."

"Doi! I'm dying to know," Helga replied sarcastically. "Are you finally going to give me your secret fashion tips?"

Rhonda scoffed, "We are all aware of Lila's little problem but we're not here to discuss about it. Instead I want to know what gave you the right to break into my house."

"The right? You took my phone Rhonda!" Helga snapped. "For what? It wasn't to save Lila huh? You wanted the credit for exposing Lila's secret. I know because Arnold told me you showed him a video and you wanted my picture."

"What phone Helga?" Rhonda asked innocently. "Let me inform you that my house is full of security and both of you were caught on camera rummaging through my room. Oh and by the way Helga I did enjoy your redecoration of it."

"You're welcome," Helga replied frowning. "But it was my phone and I was only retrieving what was mine."

"Video footage doesn't lie Helga," Rhonda continued smiling. "You see, it looks like you and Phoebe sneaked inside my room to steal stuff."

"What?" Phoebe shrieked glancing at Helga surprised. "You know that's not true."

"And Phoebe messing with my computer," Rhonda said staring at Phoebe sadly. "I have no idea what vendetta you girls have against me. Helga messed up my room, stole one of my phones, and Phoebe ruined my computer."

Phoebe shook her head and covered her mouth in shock, "Rhonda you, you can't be serious."

"You two crossed the line," Rhonda stated furiously gripping the table. "Now I wanted to speak with Helga alone but since we both have an entourage then they're going to have to listen to my proposal."

"Not so fast Rhonda!" Helga interfered placing her hand in the center. "You may think you have the upper hand here but we have a trick of our own."

Rhonda leaned back in her chair and smiled, "Friends blackmailing each other, what has the world turned into?"

"Enough!" Phoebe blurted staring at the table still in shock. "You give us no choice but to lower ourselves to your demeanor."

Phoebe sighed looking at Helga and nodded to present their data to Rhonda Wellington Lloyd. Helga unzipped her backpack to take out a manila folder and placed it in the center.

"If you continue to persist with your outrageous idea of us breaking into your house," Phoebe paused biting her lip. "I'm afraid we're going to have to use this against you."

Immediately Rhonda seized the folder and opened it angrily then froze. She blinked rapidly, her hands shook, and started to chuckle in disbelief. Helga and Phoebe sat perfectly still as they watched Rhonda fall apart. Nadine watched all three with a confused gaze and wanted to sneak a peek at the content inside the folder.

Rhonda shook her head as she skimmed the whole page over and over again. Staring back at her was a clear picture of her kissing Mr. Harris, their math teacher. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. It was not possible that a picture like this existed. There was evidence out there that can be used against her. Against Rhonda Wellington Lloyd.

She grasped the picture letting the manila folder fall beneath the table. She crumpled up the picture against her hands wanting to make it disappear. It wasn't going to happen. The picture was real and Helga definitely got the upper hand. There was nothing that could be done because the damage was already there.

"Rhonda what is going on?" Nadine asked shaking Rhonda's arm. "What did they show you?"

"Looks like not only your cameras were rolling that day Rhonda," Helga pointed out. "But ours were too."

"How could you do this to me?" Rhonda asked slowly.

"Don't even," Helga paused trying to contain her anger. "You asked for it Princess. We don't want to mess with anyone."

"How dare you invade my privacy?"

"Okay I'm confused," Nadine remarked holding her hand up. "What the hell is going on?"

"None of your business," Rhonda replied still glaring at Helga.

"Rhonda I'm your best friend and I should know what is wrong with you," Nadine said snatching the crumbled picture from Rhonda's hand then gasped. "Rhonda! What the hell is this?"

"Shut up!" Rhonda grumbled still glaring at Helga. "Shut up! Shut up!"

"You and Mr. Harris?" Nadine asked stunned. "When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Shut up Nadine!" Rhonda shouted making people in the library stare at her.

"You ask us why we invaded your privacy." Helga stated sighing. "Well my question is who are you? Look at who you become. You're not the same Rhonda anymore."

"What does it matter?"

"You're making out with our math teacher Rhonda!" Helga pointed out disgusted. "Don't you find anything wrong with that?"

"I have my reasons which don't concern you."

"You've changed," Helga noted shaking her head. "Everyone's different either for better or for worse. Criminey! I had hoped coming back here I was going to reunite with my friends. My childhood friends but it's just not the same."

Rhonda rolled her eyes, "We're teenagers now with different mentalities. Grow up Helga."

"Don't you remember how fun it was back then?" Helga reminisced. "The fun parties, sleepovers, and your passion for fashion. Doi, you were a little mean but not like this. You didn't use blackmail to get your way."

"Oh boohoo," Rhonda groaned then clapped. "Congratulations! I'm surprised in you Phoebe, you were such a nice girl."

"Helga's right Rhonda," Phoebe said seriously. "What were you thinking?"

Rhonda ignored the question and cleared her throat, "I'm not going to explain my actions to anyone but assure me that nobody is going to find out about this."

Helga glanced at Phoebe and replied, "Don't give us a reason to."

"Fine!" Rhonda muttered standing up abruptly. "You may have won this round but I don't back down easily."

"Yes you will, with just a few copies of this posted all over the school walls, you won't be thinking of getting back at us anytime soon," Helga warned smirking.

"Ugh," Rhonda groaned gathering her things. "Let's go Nadine!"

"But Rhonda we can't -"

"I said let's go!"

There wasn't anything Rhonda could do. Helga and Phoebe had gotten some juicy evidence against her. She couldn't play her cards right and she needed another round. They may have won this time but Rhonda was going to make sure to get something better. Helga and Phoebe were going to regret for messing with her future plans.

Helga and Phoebe stayed still as they watched Rhonda leave with Nadine in tow. They both sighed relieved when Rhonda and Nadine were out the door. Phoebe shook her head reaching for the manila folder under the table. Helga placed her hand on her forehead, having a hard time to believe the last few minutes. It had been a difficult discussion but at least they were able to keep Rhonda off their backs.

"That went well," Helga joked making Phoebe look at her seriously. "What? I was kidding."

"There's nothing humorous in blackmailing friends," Phoebe noted shaking her head. "How did it get so out of control?"

Helga shrugged, "I don't know Phoebs but like I said everybody's changed."

"But I'm still the same."

"Sometimes I wish I'd never came back," Helga admitted sniffling. "I feel I made things worse and I hate that I missed the gap of being here to grow up together with you guys."

"Don't say that Helga," Phoebe pleaded grabbing Helga's hand. "It's wonderful to have you back."

She smiled weakly, "Thanks at least you think so."

"I don't think this is the end we'll see of Rhonda," Phoebe assumed resting her chin on her hand. "We should get to the bottom of all this mess."

"I'm not going to play detective Phoebe," Helga remarked. "Maybe she has the hots for Mr. Harris or she's failing math?"

Phoebe shook her head, "I know there's something going on because Rhonda has principles."

"Yeah right," Helga said rolling her eyes. "What principles? Blackmail and backstab your friends. Obviously, there's something going on between her and Lila."

"But what?"

"Listen I don't know but -"

"Hey you two," Curly greeted walking up to the table. "Rhonda left already?"

Phoebe nodded slowly, "Yes you just missed her."

"Oh," Curly responded disappointed. "It's okay I'm glad to run into you guys. I'm handing out invitations to the art show this weekend."

"Thank you Curly," Phoebe said accepting the envelope. "I'll let Gerald know so we'll go together."

"Yeah thanks," Helga added shoving the envelope inside the front pocket of her backpack.

"I still have more to hand out," Curly announced walking backward towards the exit. "Remember to show the invitation at the front door. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Curly," Phoebe called waving.

"I should get going," Helga stated tossing her backpack over her shoulder.

"Helga wait!" Phoebe uttered grabbing Helga's arm. "What message did you receive back in school that was so terrible?"

Helga looked away and hesitated, "Nothing important."

"Is it about Arnold?"

"Nope and I don't want to talk about football head right now."

"Do you want me to ask Gerald what's on Arnold's mind?"

"No because Gerald hates me and he's going to be happy that Arnold is mad at me."

"Gerald does not hate you," Phoebe corrected walking with Helga to the exit. "He's only…being himself?"

"Well he's the one who obviously could use some change," Helga noted holding the door open for Phoebe.

Phoebe shook her head and smiled, "We dodged a bullet today Helga but we have to be on our toes."

"Don't worry if Rhonda tries anything then she's going to have a date with the copy machine," Helga said upset.

"I don't like doing this."

"Let's hope things will go back to normal," Helga yearned holding Phoebe's hand. "I want things to go back like they were."

"I don't see anything going back to normal," Phoebe replied sighing. "We're stuck in all this drama."

"Yeah drama I started," Helga mumbled stomping her foot. "I'm sorry Phoebs to drag you into this."

"It's all right," Phoebe admitted placing her hand on Helga's shoulder. "They say it's good to have some thrill in your life."

Helga stared at Phoebe and laughed, "You're kidding right?"

Phoebe laughed too, "I'll see you tomorrow Helga."

"You got it," Helga called turning away to walk to her house.

They went their separate ways but each one carried the same thoughts. Helga and Phoebe were relived to get Rhonda off their backs. Sure, it wasn't nice to blackmail their friend but Rhonda asked for it. Besides, it was obvious that Rhonda was going to do it first. She certainly wanted to blackmail Helga into doing who knows what? Helga was never going to find out, but she wasn't curious to know what the horrible deed was going to be.

She walked down the streets passing the familiar shops. She walked past Mr. Green's Meats, Mrs. Vitello's flower shop, and Geraldfield which was empty. The next place on the tour was the place she often visited in her dreams. Helga stopped to gaze up at Sunset Arms where Arnold resided. It was still the same and nothing had changed since her last visit. That night she walked in the rain to apologize to Arnold for throwing the sports drink in his face.

Perhaps, her subconscious brought her on this path to his house. She knew her heart wanted to see him, but her brain was ordering her to turn away and leave. Arnold had apologized and wanted her forgiveness but Helga's pride always got in the way. He probably didn't want to see her anyway. Arnold clearly told her at school to forget everything he ever said, but what did he mean by that?

'Turn away and head home,' Helga ordered her feet. 'He's probably not home.'

Slowly Helga backed away and swiftly turned around to run all the way home. Whatever issues Arnold had, he was going to discuss them with her tomorrow at school. The correct answer was if he even wanted to talk with her. One thing was for sure, Helga never begged to receive his attention.

She came from the Pataki family and Big Bob never caved in for anything. She wasn't going to cave in if Arnold gave her the silent treatment. Helga could live without his divine attention. She turned the corner seeing her house up ahead. Helga shook her head knowing she couldn't live without Arnold's attention. It had been a rough couple of years without seeing or hearing her beloved football head.

It was time to face the music because she knew what that text message really meant. Something terrible was about to go down and she was going to dread each second of it. Helga trudged up her front steps, took out the keys, and unlocked the door.


She dropped the keys at the sound of his voice. It wasn't possible he followed her home or he was waiting for her to show up. Helga refused to turn around and face him. She wanted to bolt inside and lock herself in her room. No, she wasn't going to be a coward. He clearly had something to say and she should be polite and listen.

"Arnold what brings you to my doorstep?" Helga asked finally turning around.

He glanced at the ground then at her, "I…wanted…to…clear things between us."

Helga picked up her keys, "Clear what again? My memory's kind of fuzzy."

Arnold scoffed, "You're loving this right? You know how sorry I am for hurting you but you refuse to believe me."

"Hmm," Helga pondered tapping her chin. "Oh just like you didn't believe me."

"What did you expect?" Arnold asked putting his hands inside his pockets. "You barely came back into our lives and I'm supposed to -"

"Hold it right there Arnoldo!" Helga shouted holding her hand up. "You've known me since preschool. We have been through so much and you don't trust me because I was gone for four years. I'm still the same girl Arnold."

"I know, I know," Arnold stuttered running his hand through his hair. "This is why I'm so sorry for everything."

"Sure you are," Helga joked crossing her arms. "I hope the guilt gnaws away at you."

"I want us to go back to being friends," Arnold proposed walking up one step.

Helga looked away, "And I want tickets to Wrestlemania but you don't see me complaining."

"I want us to start over," Arnold continued taking another step towards Helga.

Helga gulped, "And I want you to -"

"Please," Arnold pleaded standing one step below Helga. "I'm very sorry for hurting you and can you please forgive me?"

This was it. The perfect moment to end the torment between the two. Only three words were needed to bring the friendship back that started since preschool. It was the chance Helga wanted, to be alone with Arnold and forgive him. She needed to set the pride aside and say the sweet words to bring him back to her side.

"Great story bucko," Helga remarked leaning against the door. "Let me know when you get it published."

Suddenly the door opened behind her causing her to stumble backward. There was a familiar voice she had heard for the past fifteen years. The voice belonging to the perfect, spectacular, beautiful…

"Baby sister!" Olga shrieked throwing her arms around Helga.

"Oh no," Helga muttered cringing before pulling Olga's arms off her.

"Helga did you get my text message?" Olga asked turning Helga to face her. "I wanted to surprise you but I couldn't hold it anymore."

"Olga what are you doing here?"

"I got some vacation time from work so I decided to see my family," Olga answered clapping. "Oh isn't this exciting?"

Helga shook her head, "I -"

"Hi," Olga greeted Arnold who took a few steps back. "I'm sorry are you here with Helga?"

"Uh…no," Arnold paused looking at Helga then looked away. "I mean yes um…"

"He's about to leave," Helga interrupted smiling at him. "Bye Arnold."

"Oh that's too bad," Olga commented placing her arm around Helga. "I made dinner and you can join us if you want?"

Helga gawked at her big sister trying to hold the urge to scream, "He's busy Olga aren't you?"

Arnold smirked, "Actually I'd love to join."

"No you don't," Helga muttered glaring at him.

"Great!" Olga squealed patting Helga's back. "I'll go set the table."

Helga stuttered watching Olga go back inside, "Wait Olga…"

"Oh boy dinner," Arnold said sarcastically. "Shall we?"

Looks like Helga is stuck with Arnold for awhile. Wonder what could happen in the next few hours? Wow, I'm so glad I was able to get back into writing. At least, to keep you guys entertained. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter and more drama is coming up. After all that's why it's called High School Drama! Don't forget to review! This is HoshiAM saying, thanks for reading :).

Stay tuned for Chapter 30: The Recollection!