Happily Ever After

No One's POV:

Derek Venturi was sitting outside of his house, on the back porch smiling. His eyes taking in what he though that he would never have. It had been a little over 3 years since the wedding. Casey ended up having a boy, Michael 'Mikey' Preston Venturi, and you could tell his middle name came from his mother. Derek watch as Mikey ran around his miniature playground being chased by their two dogs, Buttercup and Player. Buttercup was a teacup Yorkshire Terrier that Derek had gotten Casey last year and Player was a full grown Doberman Pincher. Derek felt the smile that had been on his face since Mikey was born grow a little bigger. Derek saw Buttercup stop for a second before running him at a 120 mile per hour which met only one thing, his lovely wife was behind him. Derek turned a little, still keeping an eye on their son, but seeing Casey too. Casey was standing there with their 12 month old daughter Anastasia 'Ana' McKenzie Venturi.

Casey sat on the porch with him, Ana in her lap. "What's our son doing?"

"Being a normal 2 year old. How's Ana doing?"

"Good…she just woke up from her nap and she's all changed."

Derek nodded before turning to the yard "Hey Mikey…Come to daddy."

"DADA!" Mikey said running as fast as his little legs will carry him.

Derek wrapped Mikey in his arms and said "How bout we go inside and get you a snack?" Mikey nods and Derek stands up. One hand secretly wrapped around his son, Derek helped his wife up.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome baby." Derek kissed her cheek before heading inside. Derek sat Mikey down in his booster seat.

"Derek can you take Ana and put her in her high chair."

"Gotcha…do you want me to give her some cereal to play with?"

"Sure babe just nothing to high in sugar."

Derek nodded and turned towards the cabinets. "Okay umm…what shall I give you…I got it…there is Fruit Loops in here." Derek put some of them on the tray in front of Ana. Derek sat next to his daughter, as she feed him so cereal.

"Okay Mikey, here's some apple sauce with cinnamon." Casey walked over to Derek and laid a plate in front of him "And here's your peanut butter and jelly sandwich I believe you were making goo-goo eyes at me for."

"Thank you." Derek said pulling her into his lap and kissing her lips. I mean they had kids; they didn't lose their sex drive and lust for each other. After Derek took a bite of the sandwich he kissed the side of Casey's neck


"What? Can't I kiss you?"

"Not with peanut butter and jelly all over your mouth you can't." He wiped his mouth and just as they were about to kiss a Fruit Loop was thrown at them. Casey smiled and said "It seems that your daughter doesn't want us to kiss."

"I think that your right. When Mikey's finished do you want me to put him down for his nap?"


"It's no problem. If it was I wouldn't have asked." Derek waited till Casey stood up and he went and got his son.

Casey turned to her daughter "You want to go watch TV till Daddy is done with your older brother?"

Casey walked into the living room with Ana. They just turned the TV on when Derek came back down stairs. "He was asleep before his head even hit the pillow."

"The games on."

"Women some times I think you know me to well…but that's why I love you."


They were living in a mansion that they called their home not far from where they were living and close to home. Derek owned his own business and finally making the millions that he wanted to make. Casey was a romance writer. His now 12 year old son, Mikey, was making a name for himself out on the ice where Ana, who was now 11, was doing that on the dance floor. Derek woke up to see Mikey and Ana on his bed. The now older Buttercup with in Ana's arms asleep. Player was on the floor awake, and looking around.

Derek sat up in bed and said "Where is your mother?"

"Cooking breakfast…she asked if we would come get you." The eldest child said

"Okay I'm up now go get Bree up too, and then head down stairs."

Derek watched as they scrambled off the bed and out the door. Bree or Brianna Marie Venturi, who was 10 years old, was the baby of the group and the spitting image of Casey. Derek climbed out of bed and took a quick shower before heading down stairs. He leaned against the door frame watching Casey move around the room. Casey glanced up and saw Derek standing there; she tossed him a smile that took him back in time.



We head to the diner. When we get there John, Andy, Kyle, Rick, and Dan were there. I took Casey over to the table

"Hey guys." She said to them

The said "Hey Casey…Derek."

I said "Hey." I sat down and put Casey in my lap. I said "You guys order yet?"

"Nope you came just in time." Andy said

The waiter came over and said "Hello. What can I get you?"

"You new?" John said leaning over Casey to get a look at the guys face. I pushed him back in his seat.

"Yeah." The waiter replied

Casey said "Tell the cook A, K, R, Double D, J, and Casey. He'll know what he's cooking." The waiter nodded and left. A half hour later we were all eating, Casey had her tuna salad and I had my two burgers.

I lifted the burger up to her mouth and said "Take a bite." She shook her head and I said "Take a bite. You need some meat on your body…not that it isn't already very beautiful."

"Okay." She said taking a bite out of it. I smiled and kissed her cheek. Then I noticed John nudge Andy and point at us.

I said "What?"

John said "Nothing. You two are just really cute together."

"You guys seriously need girlfriends." Derek said with a smile.

"Hey." Andy said. He looked at me and said "What about player's for life?"

I smirked and said "Hockey players for life. I got a woman now." Right after I said that the waiter came back over and said "Anything else."

Casey said "No we're fine. Thank you."

He was lucky Casey was sitting on me. I saw the guy look down my girl's shirt. I smiled before pulling Casey's face towards mine, pressing a passionate kiss on to her lips. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the waiter huff and walk away.



I leaned my forehead against hers and said "You know when we go in there were gonna get yelled at."

"I know but I don't care. We didn't do anything wrong, hell we are 18 years old, we are legal adults that can do anything we want." Casey said

"So does this mean that you'll be spending tonight in my bed?" I asked

Casey said "Where else would I be."

"Don't know." I answered as we got out and walked in the front door. I said "Just think…in 3 months we'll be going to college and have our own place."

Casey said "I know." and we went in.

Nora met us right in hallway. She said "Where have you two been?"

"We went the lake and then ate dinner at the diner." Casey said

"You couldn't be bothered called me? I've been worried sick about you two all night." Nora said

Casey said "Mom…I get it okay but I'm 18."

I pull Casey up stairs into my room. She won't stop yelling about her mom, so I pushed her against the wall. Shoving my tongue down her throat. I said "The only thing that I want to hear you screaming about is my name out in desire."

Casey said "Derek…put your mouth on me."

I said "My pleasure."



15 hours in the hospital and with all of their friend and family outside there was still no baby. Casey was only 7 cm dilated and not ready to push. Derek felt like his hand was going to fall off when she squeezed it in pain. Finally after another 4 hours Casey was 10 cm and ready to push at any moment.

The Dr said "Alright Mrs. Venturi when I say push…push okay?" She nodded. "PUSH!"
Casey screamed in agony, squeezing Derek tighter. She turned to him and said "You put me here you stupid son of a bitch. I hope you don't have plans on touching me every again. I swear to god I'll kill you before I let you get me pregnant again."

The nurse looked at the panic stricken Derek and said "Most women in labor usually don't mean what they say in the thrown of labor so I wouldn't take it to heart what she says."

"Okay Casey…one more push and you're done." The Dr said and Casey pushed with all of her might.

"I can't."

"Yeah you can." Derek gently kissed her forehead, whispering soothing words.

"That's it you're done…it's a boy…you're the proud parents of a boy." The Dr said cleaning the baby off before handing him to Casey "He's 8 pounds, 4 ounces

Casey looked down at her baby. "Oh my god…look at him Derek, he's so beautiful."

"Just like you. I'm gonna go tell everyone." Derek kissed her head and left the room. He headed out to the Maternity Waiting Room. Everyone was sitting them our there, but when they saw Derek they all jumped up. "Whoa…slow down."

Lizzie said "So…what did she have?"


Dan said "Come on D…stop playing with us."

"She had a boy. A healthy baby boy 8 pounds and 4 ounces. You can follow me."

They all headed into the room to see Casey holding the baby. All the girls went up to Casey and Lizzie said "What's his name?"

"Umm…right now his name is baby Venturi…what do you think Derek?"

"I like Michael."

"How about…Michael Preston Venturi."

"I like it." Derek said kissing her


Derek was standing over his son with a smile on his face. His 14 month old was saying Dada a couple of time then Mama. Derek lifted his son into his arms and headed into the house. Just as Derek was sitting Mikey in his swinger he heard the stairs creak. Derek turned to see Casey clutching the wall of the hallway. Casey was heavily 9 months pregnant and she was due any day, plus it didn't help that it was April and getting hotter everyday. Derek saw that she didn't look well and went to her instantly.

"Baby? Is something wrong?"

Casey shook her head and said "I don't think so…I'm just having this really bad pain. I think she's just kicking me a little hard."

"Okay. As long as nothing is seriously wrong. Here sit down on the couch and rest for a second."

Casey did as she was told and sat down. 2 hours later a sleeping Casey sprang up, a screaming coming from her throat. "Oh god…DEREK!"

Derek ran in from the kitchen. "What's wrong?"

"The baby…Derek something's wrong."

So three hours later Derek found himself waiting in the waiting room with Mikey in his lap. Again all of there friends and family was around them. Derek didn't let anyone hold Mikey, he just sat there with his arms tightly wrapped around his child. Kyle tapped Derek on the shoulder and when Derek looked up, Kyle pointed down the hall. Derek looked down there and saw the Dr walking towards them.

Derek stood up and said "Is my wife and baby okay?"

"Your wife and daughter are fine. Casey asked me to tell you that she named her Anastasia McKenzie Venturi. Anastasia is a healthy 6 pounds and 3 ounces."

"Thank god." Derek turned to everybody. "There are okay and she had a girl."


Derek was looking down at the papers that littered his desk. He was signing papers about different documents and all that boring stuff of his business. He looked up to see of picture taken about 3 months ago. His son Mikey, his daughter Ana, and his 6 month pregnant wife Casey were all smiling at the camera. The door to his office busted open and in walked Caitlyn, his assistant, with a worried look on her face.

"Caitlyn is something wrong?"

"Derek…its Casey…she was in a car accident a half hour ago. She and Lizzie were in the car with your 2 kids and a drunk driver smashed Casey's side of the car. All I know is that Lizzie, Mikey, and Ana are okay. Casey was admitted but I don't know much. They just ask that you get to the hospital as fast as you can."

"Oh god…umm…take care of everything here and I won't be back for a while. I'll call you later and get back to you." Derek said before he felt the room.


Derek walked right over to Casey and pulled her into a kiss. When they broke away Casey said "What was that for?"

"Just being you. Love you."

"Love you too."

Derek turned to his 3 children who were sitting at the table. "Love you guys too."

"We love you too Daddy." All three of them said back

"Derek…are you picking them up from school or am I?"

"Could you? I have a meeting at that time that I can't get out of."

"No problem are you gonna be home for dinner?"

"Yeah. I'll be home by then."

After everyone feed, Derek loaded them all into the car and drove them to school. Casey spent sometime cleaning the house before she headed to her and Derek's office. The office was filled with pictures of their family and everything that they held near and dear to them. Casey sat down at her desk and turned on her computer. She stared into the screensaver sending her into the past.


When they reached the clearing Casey stopped short at what she saw there. "This is why I've been so busy this week. This morning when I came in, I was going to bring you here but then…"

"I'm sorry I kicked you." Casey offered with a smile

Derek just shrugged his shoulders "I deserved it in a way. There was a reason why I brought you here."

"Yeah? Why?" Casey said looked at the clearing that had red, white, and pink rose petals spread everywhere and candles too.

"There has been something I wanted to do for three months now." Casey looked at Derek with confusion clear in her eyes. "You are the best part of me and the highlight of my life. When we first got together I couldn't believe my luck and this morning when you ran out of the house I realized that I could lose you and I didn't like that feeling. So I'm gonna just say this and hope for the best." Derek took both of Casey's hands in his. "Casey McDonald…will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"


Casey and Derek were sitting with Mikey and Ana. Ana was playing with her cereal that was on the tray of her high chair. Derek and Casey were eating breakfast. Derek was also reading over some papers for work. Casey was watching as a 3 year old Mikey was eating some cereal.


Derek's head shot up. Looking at Casey then to Ana. "Did she just…did she just say her first words?"

"Oh my god…Derek she just said Dada."


"She just said Mama…oh my god Derek she just called me Mama."


Derek walked down the stairs to see Casey with Ana sleeping in her swinger and Mikey, who was a little over a year old, sitting across from Casey. Derek sat next to Casey. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get Mikey to walk. All the books say by this age that kids should be able to walk."

"Why push it. He'll walk when he wants to walk."

They both stood up and Casey said "I know but he's one half my son and I was walking by this age."

"Mama…Dada." A little voice pulled their attention. They turned to see their son standing there heading over to them.

Casey squatted down and said "Come on Baby…you can do it. Walk to mommy." and he did all the way over to Derek and Casey


Derek headed up the steps with his sleeping 7 year old son in his arms. Casey was behind him with 5 year old Bree in her arms and was holding the hand of 6 year old Ana. The married couple split up, Derek going into Mikey's room while Casey put the girls in their room that they shared together. When they were done Derek fell onto his bed with a sigh as Casey came into the bedroom.

"I am so tired. Thank god tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have to go to work tomorrow."

"I don't know what you mean…I stay home everyday." The phone started to ring. "I got it." She picked it up and listens to the other end. "Yes this is her…that's my step-father and my mother…oh…Oh god…are they…umm…No…No you must have gotten the wrong name…oh my god…" Casey dropped the phone to the floor. She looked up at Derek with watery eyes.

"Case…honey what's wrong?" Derek went to her and sat on the floor with her.

Casey took a dead breath and said "That was the hospital…Nora and George were in a car accident. Derek…they didn't make it. They're both dead and I didn't get a chance to make up with her.


Casey smiled as the tears slipped down her face. She turned her head a little to see Dan holding a 9 year old Mikey, Amanda holding an 8 year old Ana, and Katy holding Antonio and a 7 year old Bree. Casey watched as Lizzie made her way down the aisle. Derek was standing across from her with a smile on his face as he looked at his brother who was watching Lizzie approach too.

An hour later Edwin said "I do."

Lizzie said "I do."

The minister said "I now pronounce you husband and wife."


Casey buckled Mickey into his seat as Lizzie buckled Ana into hers. Lizzie headed towards the drivers seat since Casey couldn't drive anymore with her tummy that way it was. Casey got into the passengers seat and turned on the radio. Lizzie started the car and drove them down the street.

"So you're gonna catch a ride with Derek home and then I'll keep the kids for the night?"

"Yeah. Thanks so much for taking the kids Lizzie. Me and Derek just really need a night to ourselves before we have a newborn and two other kids in the house. It's gonna be so hectic when this little girl comes. Mikey is already protective of Ana wait till he has another sister. Between Derek and Mikey…the two girls are never gonna be able to get a boyfriend."

"I know." Lizzie said.

As Casey turned to stare out her window she let a scream fill the air "LIZZIE!" The truck was moving faster now, hitting them right in Casey's side of the car. Casey screamed out in pain "My baby…oh my baby…Lizzie… The babies."

Lizzie had a small cut on her forehead. Both of the small children in the back were crying "It's okay Casey…we are gonna get help okay." Lizzie looked into the back of the car. "Hey…Mikey and Ana everything is gonna be okay. Please don't cry right."

Casey felt the water rush out of her. "Lizzie…my water just broke and there's blood down there too."

"Alright…do you hear that? The ambulance is heading this way right now."


So everything in Casey's life was okay. She and Derek made it though everything that life has ever thrown at them. They have 3 beautiful kids together and they were still madly in love. It was the fairytale life the both Casey and Derek both dreamed they would have one day. If you would have asked one of them if they would end up like this when they first met…they would have laughed. Casey looked up at their most recent family picture of the five of them. Casey looked at the top of the picture frame that the picture was in. In white glitter letters it read: Happily Ever After.


Thanks so much to all of the people who read and reviewed this story. I really had a fun writing this story. I hope that it was just as good for you as it was for me.
