Note: This story contains At World's End spoilers, and for that reason I suggest that you see it before reading this story. There are some aspects of this story which are different from the movie, and that is in order to further this story.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Temple of Kronos

Chapter 1: Elizabeth's Contemplations

After Will left to begin his duties aboard the Flying Dutchman, Elizabeth watched the sun set into the depths of the night. Then she realized what this would mean, that she wouldn't see him again for ten long years. Tears came quickly to her eyes, and she did nothing to stop them, she fell to her knees in the sand and cried until she had no strength left. This was the first time she had been able to think about everything that had happened over the past months, and the first time she had been able to mourn those who had died.

In the past months she had had her wedding cancelled, been arrested, escaped from Port Royal, managed to somehow find Jack and the Pearl in Tortuga, killed Jack, brought Jack back from the dead, been on and escaped from several ships, become the Pirate King, freed a Greek Goddess, and defeated Davy Jones. She had also seen her father, James Norrington, and Will all die or be dead. She and Jack had made the decision to have Will stab Jones's heart, after all, it was the only way for Will to live. However, the truth was that Will wasn't really alive, he was undead—neither fully dead nor fully alive—destined to forever sail the seas and only make port once in ten years. Moreover, Elizabeth was bound to him; as the keeper of his heart, she too would live forever, and if their love remained pure then Will would never become cursed as Davy Jones had been.

The following morning The Black Pearl was within sight again, and they sent a boat out to tell her that she was free to come aboard if she wished. She accepted their offer, and rowed her boat to the Pearl. They said that they'd take her wherever she wanted to go, after all, she was their King, and they felt that they owed something to the wife of the Captain of the Flying Dutchman, not to mention that they liked her on her own right. They took her to an island not far from Port Royal, and over the next few months, built a home for her to live in.

Whenever they were nearby, the Pearl would visit her to give her supplies and company. Many pirates who sailed the Caribbean waters settled families on the island with Elizabeth, because they knew she would protect them. She enjoyed the presence of the families, because they were company for her, especially since the Pearl's visits had become less frequent. The last she had heard from the Pearl was that Barbossa had left Jack in Tortuga, but that Jack had found his way back to the ship. In her official position as Pirate King, she told the two of them to share the captaincy or to find another ship for Barbossa to captain; they agreed to share the captaincy.

As the months turned into years, Elizabeth became depressed, because she had come to realize that she would never have a child. Every evening and morning Elizabeth would walk through the tall grass on the highest part of the island to the cliffs, where she would look for a streak of green light on the horizon. The streak of light would tell her that he had been near. Her heart was with him, sailing the sea, and his was with her, protecting the island. She didn't often see the green light, and either way she would cry, because they had no way of communicating or seeing one another, and he had no way of knowing that they couldn't have a child.

She had become a solitary person, often remaining in her cottage instead of spending time with the villagers. More and more she devoted her time to study. She would send her maid to the village to send for information on a certain subject. What information couldn't be found in the libraries in Port Royal was requested from the libraries in Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. It was a long process, but eventually Elizabeth learned the secret she had been searching for, a way to change time.


PS, Elizabeth's life over the intervening years will be expanded upon further in this story, but for now it is important that you see her motivations for her future actions. This is just the prologue, the story gets more interesting as it progresses, I promise.

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