Chapter 7: IOU

Goddammit! Not again! Cuddy had just woken up to find her limbs entwined with House's for the second morning in a row. It's too early for this shit. Let him be the awkward one today. I'm going back to sleep. Cuddy easily fell back to sleep using House's chest as a pillow. Deep in her subconscious she knew that she shouldn't be in any situation that involved both her and House occupying the same bed, but she was too tired and much too comfortable to care; it had been way too long since she had woken up next to a warm body.

When Cuddy had gone back to sleep she had done it thinking that when House finally woke up he would have done what she had done the previous morning—carefully and quietly get the hell out of dodge. Apparently she and House did not share the same thought process.

"Good morning," he said a little bit drowsily as Cuddy began to stir. She groaned.

"Good morning," she said, resigning to the inevitable. She was surprised, though, to realize that she didn't have the immediate reaction of jumping out of bed as soon as possible, but decided that it was because she was still half asleep and left it at that. Neither House nor Cuddy made a move to get out of bed. Cuddy thought House had fallen back asleep after nearly five minutes had passed and he had not said a word.

"Ever heard of 'coyote ugly'?" he asked suddenly.

"I don't think so," she responded, still with her eyes closed.

"Ever wake up sober after a one night stand, and the person you're next to is lying on your arm, and they're so ugly, you'd rather chew off your arm then risk waking 'em?"

"Shut up!" Cuddy exclaimed, kicking his leg with her own. She could feel his chest rise with silent laughter, and could almost hear a slight smile in his response.

"That's coyote ugly."

"Mhm, so you're saying you want me to get up?" she asked, throwing all her caution to the wind.

"Well I do like my arm. I've had it as long as I remember." If Cuddy's eyes were open she would have rolled them for yet another time.

"So take your damn arm back!" she said, rolling so that she was nearly on top of him. She felt him reaching around with his newly unpinned arm and a few seconds later sighed as she heard the distinctive sound of pills rattling in a bottle. Nothing like Vicodin to kill the moment. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked House in the eye, sadly wondering if he would ever change. He didn't back down, but instead intently held her gaze. As if accepting a challenge, House imperceptibly nodded and put the pill container back on the bedside table. Cuddy smiled widely and without even thinking about it leaned down to give him a kiss on the lips. It was short and more of a peck than anything else, but when she pulled back she was surprised to see that House was smiling.

"I am going to kick myself later," he stated with a regretful tone. Before Cuddy could ask him what he was talking about House's hand had found the back of her neck and he pulled her towards him for a much deeper kiss. Cuddy's eyes slipped closed and she reveled in the feeling of his mouth on hers. "Because I know that you are just soo into me right now," House said sarcastically in between kisses. Cuddy didn't even bother to respond, knowing full well that it had been a very long time. They continued to kiss, letting their hands roam where they may until House suddenly pulled away and said, "but… nature calls." He then got out of bed as quickly as it was possible for him with his leg. Cuddy was left to lay there in shock, her chest heaving slightly. Cuddy rolled onto her back and sighed loudly. She unconsciously touched her lips with the tips of her fingers as she thought of what had just happened and what it could mean. Goddamn you, House!

The next few days passed without incedent. House was his usual snarky self and Cuddy grudgingly put up with him. Neither House nor Cuddy mentioned what happened Sunday morning and Cuddy tried to give it as little thought as possible.

Sarah had decided to go join Cuddy for lunch on this particular day, but her sister didn't have time to spare, so was currently on her cell phone ordering food in Cuddy's office. Cuddy was sitting at her computer when House, as usual, burst into her office. Cuddy had been suspecting a visit from House at some point in the day; she had forbidden his team from performing expensive lab tests without her approval.

"I need those tests!" House shouted, earning a scathing look from Sarah who seemed to be having communication problems on the phone.

"If you need them done it shouldn't be a problem to explain to me why you need them. I don't need my lab techs being flooded with your every whim."

"My whims are what are keeping this patient from pushing up daisies!"

"No, House, your whims are what are causing this hospital thousands of dollars. Not knowing what is wrong with the patient does not mean order every test possible."

"Well, you'll be glad to know that when he dies we won't be able to do any tests!" House sneered. Cuddy rolled her eyes.

"Stop being overly dramatic. You'll figure something out, House, you always do. You wouldn't be here if your patient was in critical condition, so get out of my office and don't come back until you have a good reason to waste my time and the hospital's money!"

"Imminent death isn't good enough a reason?" he asked sarcastically. "Because that's what will happen if I don't get those damn tests!"

"No, House, he will die because you don't know what is wrong with him. Figure out a plausible explanation and you can have your tests." House glared at her and stormed out of the office. Cuddy sighed.

"Food's on the way," Sarah said with an annoyed tone. "Although, I am not sure if we will end up getting General Tsao's chicken or Mushu pork; he didn't speak the best English, turns out."

"It's all the same to me," Cuddy sighed. "I'm famished."

"What was that all about?"

"Oh, that? You know how house is… That's pretty much a regular day at the office for me. Better than usual, actually. House doesn't normally give in."

"Wow, and here I thought you were sleeping with him!" Sarah exclaimed. "Clearly nothing has changed between the two of you since the last time I was here." Cuddy blushed before she quickly turned back to her computer, but her sister didn't seem to notice.

Twenty-five minutes later there was a knock on the door followed by Wilson walking in.

"Are you aware that House is practically on a reign of terror out there?" he asked. "What did you do? You didn't cut him off his vicodin again, did you?"

"I told him he couldn't have any more tests until he gave me a legitimate reason for them. So far he has no idea what is going on with the patient, and that does not give him license to try everything in the book. We practice medicine here, not guess and check. House has got to learn how to stop wasting hospital resources," Cuddy stated defensively. She was not in the mood to explain herself to Wilson. "Is there any reason, other than House, that you needed to see me?" she asked.

"Umm… No, I think that was it. Unless you guys want to join me for lunch?" he asked cautiously.

"We've got some Chinese on the way," Sarah told him.

"Alright," Wilson said, turning to leave the office. "See you later."

"I always end up ordering way too much food," Sarah said. "You're welcome to join us if you want."

Wilson looked down at his watch and nodded. "Yeah sure, my next appointment is at 2:30, so I've got time. Is that alright?" he asked Cuddy.

"It's okay with me as long as you don't start talking about House." Wilson put his hands up in a mock-surrendering manner and walked to the couch to sit next to Sarah and wait for the food.

A half an hour later the three of them were eating their Chinese food and chatting amiably when House threw the door open and limped into the room. He looked that the group and gave Wilson a particularly nasty glare.

"He's got neurosyphilis," House stated. "Now can I pretty please do a blood test to confirm?" he asked in a falsely charming tone complete with his patented pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, but if I find out from any of your little 'ducklings' that you are lying to me just to get a test, your ass is mine."

"If you want my asss, Cuddy, all you have to do is ask," House said. "Just make sure you ckeck in with your pimp," he continued, nodding towards Wilson, making him turn a bit red, "before you come over. You know how I don't like getting on their bad sides…"

House took the egg roll that was sitting on Wilson's plate and took a large bite out of it as he left the room. Wilson gave him and angry look, Cuddy heaved a rather large sigh, and Sarah just shook her head in disbelief.

"You know," Cuddy began, "maybe I will fire him someday…"

"You won't fire him," Wilson said morosely. "No matter how much you want to."

"Why is that," Cuddy asked, honestly wondering what it was about House that made both her and Wilson forgive him for anything.

"I have no idea. Maybe it's—" He stopped speaking when Cuddy swiftly got up from the couch and ran to her bathroom. Wilson and Sarah looked concerned when they heard retching noises from behind the door. Sarah went into the bathroom to see if she could be of assistance. A few minutes the sisters reemerged, Cuddy looking a bit worse for the wear.

"What was that all about?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know. I've been feeling like crap all day," Cuddy said.

"You don't think you're…" Wilson said, trailing off.

"I'm what?"

"Pregnant?" he suggested warily.

"Pregnant!" Sarah exclaimed. "How could you be pregnant! You told me you weren't sleeping with him!"

"I am not sleeping with House," she said angrily to her sister, noticing Wilson's skeptical look. "And I am not pregnant." She knew this to be true, because no matter how tired she had been, there was no way that she would have had sex with House without knowing it. "It must have been the Chinese food," she said in explanation. "I feel much better now."

"Are you sure," Wilson asked. She nodded. He looked at his watch and realized with a shock that it was already ten after two. He said goodbye to Cuddy and Sarah and left the office.

"You sure you're alright, Lise?" Sarah asked.

"I'm fine, I don't know what came over me."

"Okay. I'm gonna head back to your house then," Sarah said, picking up her jacket. She noticed that Wilson had left a folder on the table and picked it up. "Should I take this to Wilson?" she asked her sister.

"He'll be back for it," Cuddy said, glancing at the file. She could see that it wasn't anything all that important.

"It's no trouble; I'm on my way out anyway," she shrugged. "He's in oncology, right?"

"Yep. Down the hall and to the right. There are signs you can follow."

"I think I can find my way around, big sister," Sarah said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not the one that got herself lost in a Kmart," Cuddy said suggestively.

"I was six. See you at home, loser." She took the file and left Cuddy's office, shutting the door behind her. Cuddy was left with a big smile on her face. She liked having her little sister around. She was starting to feel less lonely than she had been in along time. For a while it seemed like Cuddy didn't even remember how to laugh, or even smile. She only wondered how long she was to expect this visit from her sister to last; Sarah had the bad habit of being very bad at planning anything, from what she was having for lunch to any type of long term plans.

Sarah knocked on the door marked James Wilson, MD and waited for a response before entering.

"Come in," she heard through the door. She walked in and smiled when she saw that Wilson was intently studying a file with a pencil between his teeth. He glanced up at her and quickly removed the pencil from his mouth and flattened his ruffled hair.

"You left this in Lisa's office," Sarah offered, handing him the file.

"Oh, thank you," Wilson said. "You didn't have to. I could have easily gotten it tomorrow."

"It was no trouble, really. Although, they might want to think about giving visitors a map to this place. I took at least three wrong turns along the way," Sarah said.

"Really? I've never heard of it being a problem before. I think there are signs…"

"Lisa always did tell me that I was directionally challenged," Sarah said with a grin. Wilson laughed quietly as he searched for the proper place for the file in his cabinet. Sarah used the opportunity to look around his office. She noticed the posters on his wall.

"Vertigo? Are you a Hitchcock fan?" she asked amusedly.

"Of course! Who isn't?" Wilson asked.

"A lot of people actually," Sarah said. "I do not happen to be one of them, though. I love Hitchcock. I can barely watch thrillers these days," she sighed. "They just do not compare."

"You're kidding me! I know exactly what you are talking about. Give me Vertigo and Spellbound anytime over the crap they seem to be spewing out these days," Wilson said adamantly. "I can't believe you are a Hitchcock fan."

"Why not? I happen to be very versed in old films, if you were wondering."

"There's actually some Hitchcock marathon thing going on at the theater down the street from my place tonight. I think they are playing Notorious, Rear Window, and North by Northwest."

"All the best," she said seriously.

"I was planning on checking it out, maybe just staying for Notorious, if you wanted to join me," he suggested.

"I'd love to! I honestly don't think that you could persuade me not to go, actually. Hitchcock and Grant happen to be my two favorite men," she sighed heavily. "The downfall of old movies: falling helplessly in love with men who have been dead for twenty years," she said, legitimately upset. Wilson laughed.

"I agree with you about Hitchcock and Grant, but Notorious is all about Bergman. Now there is a knock-out!"

"I can't argue with that. I've got to get home, and you," she said, looking at her watch, "are late for your appointment." It was already 2:35.

"Shit," he said quickly gathering up his lab coat and file, practically running out the door.

"What time are you picking me up?" Sarah shouted after him.

"Seven thirty!"

"See you then," she said with a smile as she watched him run down the hall.

"Wilson?" Cuddy asked, slightly confused as to why James Wilson was ringing her doorbell. "What are you doing here?" He opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Sarah entering the room. She was wearing a very nice blouse that went perfectly with her hair that Cuddy recognized as her own and a pair of jeans that left practically nothing to the imagination. She grabbed her coat and practically ran out the door, pulling Wilson along in her wake.

"See you later, Lisa!"

Cuddy just stood in her doorway in disbelief. What was her chief of oncology doing taking her baby sister out on a date? Eventually she came to her senses and shut the front door, wondering to herself what she would do with her, now completely empty, evening.

Twenty minutes later Cuddy was decked out in pajamas with a large bowl of popcorn watching Gone with the Wind. From the second it started with its legendary sweeping title screen she was completely drawn in. It was not until her eyes were brimming with tears at the closing credits that she noticed anything besides the amazing Technicolor of the 1930's that was emitting from her television. It was past midnight and Sarah was still not home. As Cuddy was cleaning up the spilled popcorn and tidying her living room she started to feel a bit nauseous. Figuring it was just the popcorn, she decided that she should call it a night, Sarah or no Sarah; she wasn't her mother, after all. Cuddy walked to her bedroom and got under the covers. She made herself comfortable only to jump out of bed a few minutes later and dash to the bathroom.

Cuddy sat next to the toilet feeling utterly awful after she flushed away the remainder of the popcorn. She felt her forehead and noticed that it seemed quite hot. She pulled herself up to a standing position and rummaged around in her medicine cabinet until she found her digital thermometer. She stuck it in her mouth and sat on the edge of the tub. It beeped a second later and she groaned when she saw that it read 101 degrees. Her head was beginning to pound, and it was all she could do to carry the wastebasket into her bedroom and flop onto her bed. She picked up her phone and dialed a very familiar number.

"House," he grumbled angrily, "and this better be important, I was having a very naughty dream."

"You owe me," she said, taking for granted that he would know who it was. "And don't you dare try to get out of this, by saying it is the middle of the night. You owe me."

"I'll be right over."