Disclaimer: Ishinomori's, not mine


Technically speaking, I'm the youngest in our group of lab escapees turned teammates turned family. That may be why I remember being human so vividly-- ignoring the raw pain of scrapped knees when I was little as I ran around in the Church's yard, being out of breath after going past my limit, the relief of a cool breeze against my overheated body as I collapsed next to a shady tree.

Now I can run as fast as I want. I can still overexert myself, but after a quick replacement of parts it's like it never happened. I don't even sweat anymore.

My memories are still clear, but that's all they are now. And with time, they can fade.

I don't want to forget what it was like to be human. But there are times when I wonder if I have much choice.

But then Francoise-- Francoise, who's had to deal with this much longer than I can even imagine-- will smile over me, the floral scent of her perfume overwhelming my senses, gold hair falling over her naked shoulders as she touches me with gentle hands.

As she does so, there's no doubt in my mind that she remembers... and as long as we're like this, I'll remember, too.

Then she kisses me in that familiar way of hers, and we begin to make some new memories.