This Is How It's Gonna Be

Chapter 1: This Is Me

So, hello everyone! This is my first fan fic so bare with me here. In my verison Bella is the little shy girl we all now. She more confident and arrogant. Also, Twilight and New Moon never happen..ever. So anyway on with the story!

P.S. the disclaimer is and will always be at the bottom the story.

Bella's POV

"Hey, baby how are you doing today?" Drake said as he rapped his arms around me. I scowled and shoved his hands off of me.

"Umm... one number I am not your baby and number two don't touch me." I said as I crossed my arms across my chest. Men, I thought, when will they ever learn at a repeated no doesn't mean yes

Drake walked over to wear I was standing in the living room of our house in Pennsylvania and pried my arms from their crossed position and grabbing more than just my arms.

"What did I say about touching me?" I said angrily. He leaned closer to me. I back leaned causing my back to hit the wall. Crap. I was stuck.

"You honestly mean to say that you don't want me to do this." he said as he walked his fingers up my arm causing me to shiver involuntarily.

"No." I said weakly. He knew just wear to touch me.

"Oh, is that so?" Drake said as he moved his face mere centimeters from mine. Drake and I were kind of a thing but, I was never really a thing with any guy. Even in my human years. I decided to tease him since I could dazzle him easily. I knew what he like too. In one quick movement, I pushed Drake's onto the wall and was now standing mere centimeters away from his face.

"Did you really think you could get me to kiss you that easily?" I asked him as made patterns with my finger on his chest. His breath caught when my golden eyes started simmer at his. I saw his eyes cloud over and I knew then that my plan had worked.

I leaned in closer so that our lips were barely touching and whispered, "Too bad that that won't happen." I then pushed off his chest and walked away from Drake leaving him stunned.

I want upstairs to see what how long until schooled started when Jenna and her husband Dalton, and Kaylee and her husband Tony came running down the stairs. I guess it was time for school. I saw Ben, the leader of our coven, leave early for his job at law office. As the rest of us head to our cars I saw Amber, Ben's wife, waving at us. We waved back and drove to school.

As I stepped out of the car I saw a the male population's heads turn to me. Well, why wouldn't they? I was unbelievably beautiful, even for a vampire. I walked gracefully to my first classes wiggling my hips a little as the lustful stare increased. As if they would have a chance with me or even have enough courage to talk to me. The first classes were extremely boring. The teachers droned on and on about things I had been taught thousands of times before. If I we wanted to I could recite the whole lessen for her.

As lunch came around I finally got to see my family again. I carried my tray of food over to the only seat available, which was next to Drake. I grimaced on the inside. As I sat down he pulled my chair closer to him and tried to give me a kiss. Not a chance.

" I missed you," he said as I tried unsuccessfully to wiggle out of his grasp.

" I can't say the same for you." I said leaning away from him. Everyone giggled at our table but, Drake didn't seem offended. He just lean away little and started talking to Tony and Dalton.

Kaylee, Jenna, and I then talked about clothes and such. I felt Drake lean in a little farther but, I didn't turn to look at him. Knowing him he would have his lips right there ready to crash into mine. Then I felt him kiss my neck and my need to kiss him grew stronger.

"So, Bella," he purred, "how do you like being a freshman?" he purred in between kisses.

I leaned my head back unconsciously and replied in a quivering voice, "" I trailed off not remember what I wanted to say. Dammit why did he have to know where I liked to be kissed?I screamed in my head.

He slowly his way up my throat and right before he kissed me he asked, "How do I what?" I struggled to remember then it popped into my head.

"How do you like being a..ummm...sophomore?" I guessed at the end. His lips then flew to mine making me grow warmer. That was another one of my abilities. Whenever I felt intense feeling I warmer up. Drake seemed to like it because kissed me more passionately. I pulled away quickly and turned my head away from him so I could be more coherent. I usually had more control for his moves than this.

I looked around to see that the lunch room was almost empty. I was about the get up when Drake started kissing my neck again.

He came to my ear and whispered, "It's a lot better now." I shot up and started hurrying to my class when good old Drake grabbed me by the waist and murmured "We''ll finish this later." in my ear an then he was gone.

I figured since class had already started there was no point in going now. Besides it was history and hell I was historyཀ

So I sat on a bench outside and checked my phone messages. I had a new text message. After I read it a nearly screamed out loud. It was from someone I hadn't heard from in a long time.

Rosalie Cullen.