The sun was shining bright, the birds were singing, and the air smelled of fresh, fragrant flowers. To Gabriella, it was the perfect day to end their quest in Switzerland. They had started out early to find the cave, because they were all to anxious and excited to see if it really was there.

They neared the tunnel that they had come close to exploring the day before, and one by one entered into it. Troy squeezed Gabriella's hand as they walked through the cold, dark tunnel. Gabriella smiled, even though he couldn't see her.

At the end of the tunnel, they entered into a large empty room. There appeared to be no doorway, or any other type of continuing tunnel. Gabriella sighed. They had come to a dead end.

Tyler, Alex and Sam started looking around the room; just to be sure there wasn't any other doorway. Troy put his arm around Gabriella.

"We'll find it. Don't worry, I know we will. We can't be led this far for nothing." Troy said encouragingly. Gabriella looked up at him admiringly. He always seemed to look on the bright side of things.

"Hey, you guys come here. Check this out." Sam called. They all walked over to him.

"Look at these two holes. They shaped very oddly to have just been chipped off." Sam commented. And it was true. There were two holes right next to each other. One was a good size bigger then the other, with a strange outline of what appeared to be a ring. The other hole was rather small, and pointed at the end of it.

Troy studied it hard, and then a thought came to him. "I wonder if…." He pulled out a small baggy and then withdrew the single ruby they had found in Tom Landon's table drawer. He placed it carefully inside the smaller hole. It was a perfect fit! Everyone cheered his success.

"But I'm afraid it's not going to help us much if we can't figure out what goes in that one." Troy said pointing to the larger hole. Gabriella stepped forward. She withdrew her ruby ring on her finger.

"I think I have a suspicion." She said reaching forward. She placed her ring inside the hole. It too was a perfect fit! Once again everyone cheered her for her success. Suddenly and wall shifted behind them. Dust flew everywhere. Once it had settled, and everyone had stopped coughing, a large entrance had been revealed.

Everyone slowly walked through it. Gabriella gasped as what she saw next.

The cave was filled with rubies.


The airplane took off the ground of Boston with perfect gracefulness. Gabriella leaned her head back on the seat, sighing in her absolute bliss. They were finally going on their long awaited honeymoon.

Troy gazed at her affectionately. "You know, you are the most intelligent and beautiful woman in the world." He said softly. Gabriella smiled softly at the comment. She leaned sideways across her seat toward him.

"In what way?" she asked, playfully. "Well, for one, how you decided to keep the cave a secret, like your father had wanted, instead of making millions of dollars from it." Troy said proudly.

"Yeah, I just thought it was the best thing to do. I think my father is pleased by it, and that's what counts the most." Gabriella said, with finality in her voice. She felt good about her decision, and was glad the whole ordeal was over.

"I say let's forget the cave, and focus on this honeymoon of ours." Gabriella said, changing the subject. Troy smiled and placed a quick kiss on her lips. For the rest of the flight to California, they reminisced back to their high school years and the years they had been apart.

A day later they arrived at their destination. They checked into Sunset Towers, a 5 star hotel, and took their luggage up the elevator. When they reached their door, Troy opened is slowly and allowed Gabriella to walk in. When Gabriella walked through the door, it was as if she had entered her dream world. The room was absolutely exquisite. The walls were painted a glimmering white color. The furniture and curtains were soft peach and navy blue colors. The carpet was a perfect tan color to match with the rest. The Californian sun was shining through the glass etched doors that led to a personal balcony. Gabriella walked into the bedroom and gasped once more and the beautiful sight. The carpeting and furniture matched the ones in the other rooms. The bed looked as if it were fit for a queen (and king), with a beautiful silk bedspread and pillows upon pillows that matched. But none of this was what excited her the most. On the table that was in the middle of the room sat a beautiful bouquet of red roses. There was a card with them. Gabriella walked over to it and smelled the beautiful flowers. Then she took the card and opened it.

To my beautiful wife and friend,

You are the blossom that makes me live life for,

You are the rose that blooms for me.

You are the fragrant smell that I love.

I love you!


Tears of love started running down Gabriella's face. She turned around to see Troy leaning against the door frame, smiling. Gabriella ran into his arms. Troy chuckled in her hair.

"I think she likes them." He said as if someone was there. Gabriella pulled back and kissed him passionately. She pulled back and admired her handsome husband.

"Thank you. They're absolutely gorgeous." She said quietly. Troy stroked her cheek with his finger.

"Just like you." He said just as tenderly. Then he kissed her. And Gabriella was in heaven.

(a/n: I'm finished! YEAH! so how did you guys like this story? thanks for reading it. it's what made me keep writing. i appreciate all your comments and really helped. i'm working on another story. and it will just be a romance one. i'm really excited about it. so i hope you read it. please read and review this one. thanks again)