Three months later after the Whole event with team rocket Pikachu was feeling strange.

One morning Pikachu woke up and vomited all over the ground.

Are you feeling ok Pikachu? Ash asked as he woke up.

Pikachu looked at ash and smiled. Pika! Pikachu said in a happy voice. Ash and Pikachu had been in a very happy relationship ever since that day.

Ash has even learned to understand Pikachu's language to a point.

I still think it would be a good idea to get you a check up at the pokemon center.

Why? I'm feeling fine. Pikachu said still smiling.

No you're not fine. Something's wrong. You've been acting strange for the last month now and I want to find out why.

Fine. Pikachu said not really wanting to argue considering she felt like she wanted to throw up again.

Once at the pokemon center. Nurse joy greeted them. Oh your ash catchem right? Yes how did you know? Ask asked puzzled. Oh my cousin informed me of you and Pikachu's relationship.

At this Ash took a step back. Don't worry your secret's safe with me. Nurse joy said smiling. Ok…can you do some tests on Pikachu she been acting weird lately.

Pikachu then vomited all over the floor. Oh dear! Let's get you checked out right away! Nurse joy said and singled for some chancy to pull a cart around.

After some few hours nurse joy returned. I have some great news!

Pikachu's ok? Ash said happy.

More than ok she pregnant! Nurse joy said happily.

She's pregnant? Then that means I'm the…ash passed out on the ground out cold.