A/N: I have stories I'm probably not going to finish. I just thought it fair to warn you I'm a procrastinator, but I do have the first couple of chapters of this already written.

Summary: The Hogwarts Founders have been reincarnated and now must work together to help the school along with the entire wizarding world.

Notes: There are 2 prologues. The founders were reincarnated, not brought to the future. They just all happen to be eleven. Slytherin is not evil!!!! Godric does not hate him!!! And Harry & Co. will play major roles but they are not the main characters.

Disclaimer: I in no way, shape, or form own any rights to Harry Potter or any of J.K.R.'s characters. This is for entertainment purposes only & I am making no money off of it.

Prologue 1

997 A.D.

"If your not going to separate them from their families then we cannot allow them to attend Hogwarts altogether." A tall dark haired man raged at an even angrier blonde one. "Their presence threatens all of the other students."

"Even if they come from a muggle family, ALL wizards and wizard should be allowed to attend!" The blonde raged right back, his chocolate eyes burning with a fire only Godric Gryffindor could possibly manage.

"I have nothing against the muggle-borns here, but their parents and relatives…." The man hissed in the way he became famous for. "The world they come from is the same one we are trying to escape! The very world they'll be leading here!"

"We do checks on their parents, Salazar! Most do not pose any threats, and for those that do, we can teach to embrace their child's natural abilities!" Godric practically glowed in his armor and red robe; he had the air and poise of a leader plus the fury of a lion, which made him the fiercest warrior in all the land.

"I do checks on their parents and I've seen enough abuse on our students from their parents and neighbors to know not to trust them to understand!" Salazar Slytherin also had the air of a leader; he wore silver armor with slithering serpents engraved into it under a deep green cloak. "As for the children, if we don't tell them they will go about their lives as muggles. They are not unhappy, and it may save their lives. You've seen the muggles, what they think of us! Our worlds cannot join! They are trying to eliminate us, let us allow them to believe they have."

Salazar was known for remaining collected in any situation, and his cool use of tactics made him the best strategist in England. He and Godric made the most remarkable team, but also the most terrible enemies when pitted against one another.

"And what of when the start to show their magic? Without training, the bursts of accidental magic will get worse and more frequent!" Godric snapped at his best friend.

Salazar scowled at Godric; there was no one who felt as strongly about this as the Slytherin founder, "All I know is that I walk through that graveyard every day to see the names of ancient and noble families, of parents who left my students orphaned, of first born sons, of heirs! If keeping muggle-borns out of Hogwarts can help stop this, why don't we do it?!"

Godric's chocolate eyes met Salazar's pure black ones, neither looking away. "Sal, we can't just leave them…" a feminine voice said from one corner of the room.

"Helga? You agree with Gryffindor?" Salazar looked over at the black haired woman in surprise.

"There are a lot of muggle-borns in my House, they're good kids, and they work so hard to keep up with the others."

Helga Hufflepuff looked over to the last founder for support. She had he head bent over a scroll, brown hair falling onto the face. Rowena sighed, "This is a school, we're here to teach, and we can't dictate who should be allowed to learn here. If the have magic and are willing to learn what we teach them, we should let them come." She said this quickly and sternly, before going back to interpreting the text on the scroll.

Salazar stared around at his friends before turning and heading for the Entrance Hall.

"Sal?" Helga called out to him, quickly starting to go after him; she never liked her friends to be angry with her.

"No." He said stopping, his voice became quiet, "No, I can't do this anymore." Salazar looked around at the three people who he had come to think of as his family. "I can't be a part of this, I can't stay here anymore. I'm leaving."

"L-leaving?" Godric, who had followed Salazar and Helga, choked out, completely caught of guard.

"Sal don't!" Helga said trying to think of something to say to him.

"You're leaving?" Rowena Ravenclaw walked in, scroll forgotten, "You can't be serious."

"Yes, I am," Salazar's eyes were cold as ice, before he turned and walked out the door. Outside he could see many students had come out to see what the commotion was about. " I have a chamber hidden deep in the castle, when my heir comes only he will be able to unlock it, perhaps the world will be different then…"

All the way to the edge of Hogwarts wards Salazar could hear Godric yelling and cursing him. "Then never come back you dirty snake!" was the last thing Salazar Slytherin heard before disapparating away forever.

A/N: Next chapter is Prologue 2 and I am working on it. Reviews make me happy. Flames make me laugh.